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N-2001-016: CN-115B · Item · 1972
Part of Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories fonds

This item consists of music and a tour of the Fort Good Hope church, likely recorded in 1972. Both sections are in English. The original source item is side B of a 60 minute audio cassette. There is about 2 minutes of music at the beginning of the recording and the music continues after the church tour for about another 14 minutes, seeming to indicate that the tour was recorded over the previous musical recording. The Fort Good Hope church tour is led by a female tour guide for two male visitors. The guide indicates that church construction started in 1865 with limited tools and the need to bring lumber from a distance. She points out numerous paintings inside the church and speaks about the various artists who created them. The guide also mentions the windows, floor, heating issues, organ, statuary, and vestments inside the church building. The tour continues outside of the building in the cemetery. The guide provides information about some of the people buried there, including Fathers, Brothers, and community members. The grave fencing, bells, and cross are also mentioned.

This recording includes sides A and B of the tape.

N-2001-016: CN-115A · Item · 1972
Part of Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories fonds

This item consists mainly of the recording of a Metis Association Board meeting, recorded in March 1972. The meeting is conducted in English. The original source item is side A of a 60 minute audio cassette. At the beginning of the recording there is about a minute of live music with people talking and laughing in the background that seems to have been recorded over. The meeting includes a reading of past meeting minutes, mainly from late March 1972, which included elections and work on the Constitution and budget. The meeting continues with a financial report going through amounts spent, a discussion of Fort Smith delegates/guests, a debate on when to hold an Assembly and elections, and a budget report.

This recording includes sides A and B of the tape.

N-2001-016: CN-228B · Item · [ca. 1973]
Part of Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories fonds

This item is the second part in what appears to be a two-part recording of a Metis Association Finance Committee meeting, likely held in mid-1973 in Yellowknife. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side B of a 90 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes item CN-228A. The Metis Association is in deep financial trouble and is blocked from receiving government funding until they reconstruct or get something done. The Board is seen as having failed, which is why the Finance Committee was set up. The meeting continues with discussions of the recommendations of the Finance Committee. Most of the discussions centre around the recommendation calling for the President’s resignation, including consulting the Constitution to determine whether he could be removed, defensive statements and explanations by President Dave McNabb, accounts of McNabb’s contributions to the Association, and readings from past minutes and reports. The group also discusses raises given to the President, difficulties caused by the office manager, the poor filing system, the poor bookkeeping system, lack of programs, and excessive travel.

[Board Meeting 1973]
N-2001-016: CN-227A · Item · [ca. 1973]
Part of Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories fonds

This item is the first part in what appears to be a two-part recording of a Metis Association Board of Directors meeting likely held in mid-1973, possibly in Inuvik. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side A of a 90 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes item CN-227B. The recording starts partway through the meeting. The group debates the merits of hiring central department heads or fieldworkers who are local and cover regional areas. They also discuss what has happened in the past, hiring and dismissal practices, and financial constraints. Specific programs mentioned are Winter Warmth, Drug and Alcohol, Housing, and Courtworkers. The last approximately 12 minutes are unintelligible and appear to be from a different meeting.

June 16/73
N-2001-016: CN-227B · Item · [ca. 1973]
Part of Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories fonds

This item is the second part in what appears to be a two-part recording of a Metis Association Board of Directors meeting likely held in mid-1973, possibly in Inuvik. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side B of a 90 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes item CN-227A. The majority of the discussion centres around financial matters. The President indicates that there has been spending that the Executive is not aware of and that guidelines are needed. The Board also sets a per diem for attendees. Finally, the Board discusses the division of a $100,000 grant from Territorial Government between various Locals, including Fort Smith for the Roaring Rapids Hall project.

N-2001-016: CN-228A · Item · [ca. 1973]
Part of Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories fonds

This item is the first part in what appears to be a two-part recording of a Metis Association Finance Committee meeting, likely held in mid-1973 in Yellowknife. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side A of a 90 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes item CN-228B. The meeting centres around the need of the Metis Association to restructure as it is in the midst of deep financial difficulties. The Association’s finances are being reviewed and their government funding is in danger. Recommendations of the finance committee are mentioned and amendments proposed. It is suggested that the President resign and a committee of area representatives be elected by the Locals to coordinate programs until a General Meeting is called in the new fiscal year and elections occur. Under this system, Locals will be allocated funds and Local board made responsible and accountable for their budgets. There is extensive discussion of the recommendations and amendments.

Press Conference Sept 14/76
N-2001-016: CN-169B · Item · September 14, 1976
Part of Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories fonds

This item is the second part of a two-part recording of a press conference held at the Metis Association Boardroom on September 14, 1976 at 2pm. The conference in English. The original source item is side B of a 60 minute audio cassette. The conference also includes item CN-169A. The recording continues with the question period. The Metis Association outlines in greater detail what happened with the Camp Antler agreement. The agreement was handwritten and read in English and interpreted at the meeting on Thursday. After they returned to Yellowknife, the Metis Association typed it up and sent it to the Indian Brotherhood, who objected to a few things. After these things were changed, Georges Erasmus took it away for signature. When he brought it back, the agreement had been replaced with a new agreement, which was rejected by the Metis Association. The Metis Association also mentions that since some of the chiefs did not make it back to Yellowknife until Friday night not all of the Indian Brotherhood participated in the new version. The recording ends abruptly.

This recording includes Sides A and B of the tape.

Press Conference Sept 14/76
N-2001-016: CN-169A · Item · September 14, 1976
Part of Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories fonds

This item is the first part of a two-part recording of a press conference held at the Metis Association Boardroom on September 14, 1976 at 2pm. The conference in English. The original source item is side A of a 60 minute audio cassette. The conference also includes item CN-169B. The main speaker is Metis Association President, Rick Hardy. Other Metis Association officials present include Charles Overvold (Vice President), Larry Firth (Executive Director), Bill Lafferty (Fort Simpson), Roberta Boomstrand (?, staff), and Nick Sibbeston (Legal Advisor). The purpose of the press conference is to present the Metis Association position on the Camp Antler agreement. There was a joint Dene-Metis leadership meeting held at Camp Antler August 31 to September 2 to determine whether the Indian Brotherhood (later Dene Nation) and the Metis Association could work together to make a joint land claim proposal to the Federal Government. A verbal agreement was reached at the meeting, which was taken back to Yellowknife to be typed and signed; this caused division when the Indian Brotherhood and the Metis Association drafted two different versions of the agreement. Richard Hardy also discusses the dissatisfaction of the Metis Association with unilateral actions of the leadership of the Indian Brotherhood (particularly President Georges Erasmus) in attempts to displace the Metis Association as the organization representing Metis and non-Treaty Indigenous people. After a press release is read, members of the press ask numerous follow-up questions on the topics of participation in a joint land claim, deadlines for submission, relationship with Indian Brotherhood, the Dene Declaration, the Dene land claim proposal, and finances. The recording ends abruptly.

This recording includes Sides A and B of the tape.

Side 2
N-2001-016: CN-441B · Item · [ca. April 1973]
Part of Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories fonds

This item is the second part of a two-part interview with Lauret Morin and Don Carriere by a representative of the Metis Association, around April 1973, likely in Hay River. The recording is in English. The original source item is side B of a 30 minute audio cassette. The interview also includes item CN-441A. The interview focuses on their experiences with the welfare office, specifically a Mr. Zurth (spelling unknown). The interview continues with an account of Don approaching the Metis Association for assistance. The interviewer questions Don about his job and both Lorett and Don about their interactions with Mr. Zurth and personal comments he had made. Experiences of other people with Mr. Zurth, including Colin Mackie and Doris Caudron are also described.

This recording includes sides A and B of tape.

N-2001-016: CN-441A · Item · [ca. April 1973]
Part of Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories fonds

This item is the first part of a two-part interview with Lauret Morin and Don Carriere by a representative of the Metis Association, around April 1973, likely in Hay River. The recording is in English. The original source item is side A of a 30 minute audio cassette. The interview also includes item CN-441B. The family, including children Jacqueline, Jessie, Monique, Don, and Caroline, are introduced, then the interview focuses on their experiences with the welfare office, specifically a Mr. Zurth (spelling unknown). The interviewer has them go over the times they had to access welfare, who they had talked to, what they received, how they were treated, and what personal comments were made. The family's most recent interactions had occurred following a house fire on Easter Sunday. Don had recently approached the Metis Association to see if they could back the family up in their struggle with the welfare office.

This recording includes sides A and B of tape.

20. Mr. Talbot- recreation
N-2001-016: CN-23B · Item · [ca. September 1974]
Part of Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories fonds

This item is the eighth part of a twenty-nine-part recording of a portion of a Metis Association Board meeting, held ca. September 1974 in Fort Resolution. The original source item is side B of a 40 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items CN-475A, CN-475B, CN-476A, CN-476B, CN-248A, CN-248B, CN-23A, CN-249A, CN-249B, CN-250A, CN-250B, CN-251A, CN-251B, CN-252A, CN-252B, CN-477A, CN-477B, CN-253A, CN-253B, CN-478A, CN-478B, CN-343A, CN-343B, CN-254A, CN-254B, CN-255A, CN-255B, and CN-256A. The recording continues with a presentation by George Talbot on the territorial Department of Recreation (within the Department of Local Government) and its policies to provide supports and grants to communities. He mentions the capital funding that is available on application, but cautions communities not to build facilities that are beyond their ability to maintain. He also indicates that sometimes projects are proposed without majority community interest or support. The recording ends abruptly.

This recording includes sides A and B of the tape.

22. Mr Talbot
N-2001-016: CN-249B · Item · [ca. September 1974]
Part of Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories fonds

This item is the tenth part of a twenty-nine-part recording of a portion of a Metis Association Board meeting, held ca. September 1974 in Fort Resolution. The original source item is side B of a 40 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items CN-475A, CN-475B, CN-476A, CN-476B, CN-248A, CN-248B, CN-23A, CN-23B, CN-249A, CN-250A, CN-250B, CN-251A, CN-251B, CN-252A, CN-252B, CN-477A, CN-477B, CN-253A, CN-253B, CN-478A, CN-478B, CN-343A, CN-343B, CN-254A, CN-254B, CN-255A, CN-255B, and CN-256A. The recording continues with a presentation by George Talbot on the territorial Department of Recreation (within the Department of Local Government) and its policies to provide supports and grants to communities. Talbot describes a report commissioned by the Territorial Council from David Flynn about community recreation. "Recreation North" has been distributed to communities and interested organizations in the Northwest Territories with the aim of generating discussion and feedback that will show what the community people want so that appropriate policies can be formulated. Talbot indicates that prior policies and programs were imported from the south and not a good fit for the northern context. The recording concludes with Talbot reading out the principles and recommendations included in David Flynn's report. The recording ends abruptly.

This recording includes sides A and B of the tape.

23. Mr. Talbot
N-2001-016: CN-250A · Item · [ca. September 1974]
Part of Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories fonds

This item is the eleventh part of a twenty-nine-part recording of a portion of a Metis Association Board meeting, held ca. September 1974 in Fort Resolution. The original source item is side A of a 40 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items CN-475A, CN-475B, CN-476A, CN-476B, CN-248A, CN-248B, CN-23A, CN-23B, CN-249A, CN-249B, CN-250B, CN-251A, CN-251B, CN-252A, CN-252B, CN-477A, CN-477B, CN-253A, CN-253B, CN-478A, CN-478B, CN-343A, CN-343B, CN-254A, CN-254B, CN-255A, CN-255B, and CN-256A. The recording continues with a presentation by George Talbot on the territorial Department of Recreation (within the Department of Local Government) and its policies to provide supports and grants to communities. Talbot concludes reading the principles and recommendations included in the "Recreation North" report and indicates some of the items they have already taken action on. There appears to be confusion about the purpose of the report and its recommendations and Talbot reiterates the department's desire to get feedback from communities so that policy can be led by what the people want and need, rather than something imposed from outside without input. There is additional discussion on the per capita grant and funding allocation. The recording ends abruptly.

This recording includes sides A and B of the tape.

N-2001-016: CN-253B · Item · [ca. September 1974]
Part of Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories fonds

This item is the twentieth part of a twenty-nine-part recording of a portion of a Metis Association Board meeting, held ca. September 1974 in Fort Resolution. The original source item is side B of a 40 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items CN-475A, CN-475B, CN-476A, CN-476B, CN-248A, CN-248B, CN-23A, CN-23B, CN-249A, CN-249B, CN-250A, CN-250B, CN-251A, CN-251B, CN-252A, CN-252B, CN-477A, CN-477B, CN-253A, CN-478A, CN-478B, CN-343A, CN-343B, CN-254A, CN-254B, CN-255A, CN-255B, and CN-256A. The recording continues with further discussion of eligibility for the Winter Warmth program. The Board also revokes a borrowing resolution for an overdraft on the program which is no longer necessary since the CMHC covered the shortfall. The meeting is adjourned until the following day. When it resumes, the audio quality of the tape is poor and it is difficult to hear anyone besides the President, Richard Hardy. The Board discusses hiring an Executive Director and decide to readvertise for the position but keep previously received applications in the pool. The Board also discusses paying for courses for staff, including correspondence and night school. The recording ends abruptly.

This recording includes sides A and B of the tape.

N-2001-016: CN-255B · Item · [ca. September 1974]
Part of Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories fonds

This item is the twenty-eighth part of a twenty-nine-part recording of a portion of a Metis Association Board meeting, held ca. September 1974 in Fort Resolution. The original source item is side B of a 40 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items CN-475A, CN-475B, CN-476A, CN-476B, CN-248A, CN-248B, CN-23A, CN-23B, CN-249A, CN-249B, CN-250A, CN-250B, CN-251A, CN-251B, CN-252A, CN-252B, CN-477A, CN-477B, CN-253A, CN-253B, CN-478A, CN-478B, CN-343A, CN-343B, CN-254A, CN-254B, CN-255A, and CN-256A. The recording continues with discussion of the Commissioner's Grant. Board members are reminded that there is still funding available. The Board discusses the best way to decide which proposals to send to the Commissioner and moves that applications under $10,000 can be approved by the Executive, while those over $10,000 require Board approval. Examples of community betterment projects are given and specific projects discussed. Discussion moves on to the Outreach Project, which the Metis Association has made a proposal to run. Since some communities are not receiving material, a motion is made to send it to all Local Executive members and one board member. Then the Outreach Program is described as including job counselling, placement and follow-up. The recording ends abruptly.

This recording includes sides A and B of the tape.

N-2001-016: CN-407A · Item · November 27, 1974
Part of Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories fonds

This item is the first part of a five-part recording of a meeting with Metis Association and Indian Brotherhood fieldworkers held November 27-28, 1974 in Aklavik. This recording was made November 27, 1974. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side A of a 60 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes CN-407B, CN-408A, CN-408B, and CN-409A. There appears to be a tape missing from the morning session, as the recording begins in the afternoon with an outline of the agenda, which was to include updates on what has been happening in Yellowknife and in the communities, better defining the role of fieldworkers, a general discussion on development, and a discussion on the pipeline (Berger) inquiry and community hearings. One speaker mentions land use applications and it is clarified that they are sent to communities not for approval, but to provide feedback on how the community will be affected. Steve describes a workshop he held a couple of weeks ago in Fort Franklin (Deline) in which he and his region's fieldworkers discussed communication difficulties, using local radio stations, video programs, other programs, training field workers, funding flow, and a calendar of activities. The meeting also included Michael Jackson. Steve also mentions hiring a new field worker for Fort Good Hope. The group is given time to comment on Steve's presentation, and there are some discussions of setting up offices, maps, and a specific fieldworker's research activities and job description. COPE's method of sending a fieldworker and resource person to visit each family is mentioned, although it is acknowledged that such an approach could be difficult for the Indian Brotherhood and Metis Association because they have less resource people available. The recording appears to have been recorded in faster than real-time; listening to it at 0.8 speed makes it sound normal. Some parts of the tape are also difficult to hear and the recording ends abruptly.

This recording includes sides A and B of tape.

Side #3 Aklavik Workshop
N-2001-016: CN-408A · Item · November 27, 1974
Part of Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories fonds

This item is the third part of a five-part recording of a meeting with Metis Association and Indian Brotherhood fieldworkers held November 27-28, 1974 in Aklavik. This recording was made November 27, 1974. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side A of a 60 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes CN-407A, CN-407B, CN-408B, and CN-409A. The recording continues with a discussion of possible solutions to communication problems with fieldworkers. Some of the fieldworkers (Neil, James) then share their answers to the six questions posed on the previous tape. Additional topics include land claims, fieldworkers' salaries, land use applications, and monitoring work on the seismic line. The difficulties fieldworkers are experiencing include communication problems between themselves and headquarters and needing an office to work out of. Then the meeting turns to a discussion on development itself, at the community level. The recording appears to have been recorded in faster than real-time; listening to it at 0.8 speed makes it sound normal. Some parts of the tape are also difficult to hear and the recording ends abruptly.

This recording includes sides A and B of tape.

24 Mr. Talbot
N-2001-016: CN-250B · Item · [ca. September 1974]
Part of Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories fonds

This item is the twelfth part of a twenty-nine-part recording of a portion of a Metis Association Board meeting, held ca. September 1974 in Fort Resolution. The original source item is side B of a 40 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items CN-475A, CN-475B, CN-476A, CN-476B, CN-248A, CN-248B, CN-23A, CN-23B, CN-249A, CN-249B, CN-250A, CN-251A, CN-251B, CN-252A, CN-252B, CN-477A, CN-477B, CN-253A, CN-253B, CN-478A, CN-478B, CN-343A, CN-343B, CN-254A, CN-254B, CN-255A, CN-255B, and CN-256A. The recording continues with a presentation by George Talbot on the territorial Department of Recreation (within the Department of Local Government) and its policies to provide supports and grants to communities. The meeting participants express frustration that government officials do not spend sufficient time in small communities. Talbot acknowledges this failure and other barriers to small communities in the grant application process. There is additional discussion about the per capita recreation grant and the funding available for facilities. Talbot reiterates that the Recreation North report is not policy, but a discussion paper being used to generate recommendations from communities, which will be used to formulate a draft policy. His plan is to return this to the communities for further consultation before it is presented to the Territorial Council. Participants outline the difficulty of getting feedback from the communities which may have councils but not the time to devote to a review of the report. Talbot acknowledges these difficulties and suggests that assistance can be made available. The recording ends abruptly and some parts of the discussion are difficult to hear.

This recording includes sides A and B of the tape.

N-2001-016: CN-256A · Item · [ca. September 1974]
Part of Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories fonds

This item is the twenty-ninth part of a twenty-nine-part recording of a portion of a Metis Association Board meeting, held ca. September 1974 in Fort Resolution. The original source item is side A of a 40 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items CN-475A, CN-475B, CN-476A, CN-476B, CN-248A, CN-248B, CN-23A, CN-23B, CN-249A, CN-249B, CN-250A, CN-250B, CN-251A, CN-251B, CN-252A, CN-252B, CN-477A, CN-477B, CN-253A, CN-253B, CN-478A, CN-478B, CN-343A, CN-343B, CN-254A, CN-254B, CN-255A, and CN-255B. The recording continues with discussion of the Outreach Project proposal. The decision is made to have the Executive redraft it, send it to the Locals, who will sign and return it, and then resubmit it. The Board then considers a rough draft of a press release regarding game and wildlife licencing based on their discussion of the previous day and moves to send it out. Finally, the Board decides to hold their next meeting in Norman Wells in mid-January and the meeting is adjourned.

N-2001-016: CN-409A · Item · November 28, 1974
Part of Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories fonds

This item is the fifth part of a five-part recording of a meeting with Metis Association and Indian Brotherhood fieldworkers held November 27-28, 1974 in Aklavik. This recording was made November 28, 1974. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side A of a 60 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes CN-407A, CN-407B, CN-408A, and CN-408B. The recording continues with discussion of the upcoming Berger pipeline inquiry community hearings and a speaker describing a recent meeting with Michael Jackson, hearing coordinator, and the lawyers of various parties. The speaker mentions that a film about the pipeline construction, role of the Inquiry, and hearings could be created. He also indicates that they discussed having separate hearings in communities with mixed Indigenous and white populations. The idea of transients to communities and the weight of their testimony is discussed by the group. The speaker also asks the group to get community feedback on the schedule for hearings and length of time required. The Inquiry is presented as broader than just reacting to the pipeline; rather it is seen as an opportunity for the communities to tell Berger and Canada where they want their community to go and how they want it to develop. Another speaker makes as statement about the Inquiry setting a precedent for future developments and the possibility that the credibility of the Indigenous organizations could be undermined by contrary opinions from community people. Some community research questions are mentioned, with an offer of support. COPE fieldworkers are in attendance at the meeting and there is mention of trying to coordinate fieldworker activities and learn from some of the techniques being used by COPE. The importance of having a resource person along and/or easily to understand literature during home visits is emphasized. The recording ends abruptly.