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322 · Fonds · 1877-2023

The bulk of the textual records are made up of official records from the Legislative Assembly dated between 1951-2023 from the 1st through the 19th Legislative Assemblies/Councils of the Northwest Territories. Included in this material are Hansard (including indices and appendices), Tabled Documents, Motions, Written Questions, Return to Written Questions, Petitions, Committee Reports, Bills, Budget Addresses, Speeches, Debates (including some indices), Sessional Papers, Appropriations, Recommendations to Council, References for Advice, Information Items, Monthly Letters, Supplementary Notes, Legislation, a selection of Commissioner's Opening Addresses, and Votes and Proceedings summaries. There is also a copy of the Hay River-Enterprise Corridor Development Regulations from 1986.

The textual records are also comprised of signed minutes from the Northwest Territories Council (1921-1951), minutes from the Yellowknife Board of Trustees, bound minutes, ordinances and session papers from the Northwest Territories Council (1922-1950) and Orders in Council (1883-1932). Textual records also include correspondence, letters, biographical sketches of members of the Legislative Assembly, as well as promotional material collected by the Public Affairs Office concerning the 1979 election.

In addition, there are textual records related to the Advisory Committee on the Development of the GNWT, work of the Special Committee on Constitutional Development, the Special Committee on the Division of the NWT, Special Committee on the Northern Economy (SCONE), Standing Committee on Public Accounts, Special Committee on Housing and Standing Committee on Agencies, Boards and Commissions. There is also a small amount of textual records, including planning committee material, that deal with the opening of the Legislative Assembly building in 1993. Other records deal with special events and conferences hosted by the Legislative Assembly, including swearing-in ceremonies, the Circle of Northern Leaders, and 23rd Canadian Presiding Officers' Conference.

There are also pamphlets and brochures from the late 1970s and early 1980s on a variety of topics, including the Legislative Assembly's operations, symbology, projects, interest in the pipeline and talks of forming a new territory (Nunavut). There are published reports on priorities for the North, administrative structure for Nunavut, a spousal assault task force report, and a Denedeh government proposal for restructuring of the Government of the Northwest Territories. There are also rules of the preceding body, the Council of the Northwest Territories, as well as the rules of the Assembly from 1984 to 1991. Also included in this accession are ordinances dated 1888 and 1895 and bound ordinances dating 1950 through 1981. There is also a book of statutes from 1985.

The textual records from the Elections NWT office includes material concerning electoral boundaries, as well as guidelines, correspondence, poster and press releases related to the Nunavut Capital public vote and the public vote on the Guaranteed Equal Representation of Men and Women in the Nunavut Legislative Assembly. There are also Reports of the Chief Electoral Officer and the Official Voting Results reports for the 2003 and 2007 General Elections, Returns to the Writ from the 2003, 2007 and 2011 General Elections, Proclamations and Grants of Poll from the 2007 General Election, polling boundary descriptions from the 2003 and 2007 General Elections, and the original tallies of votes from the polling districts and boxes from the 2007 General Election.

The textual records from the office of the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly includes materials related to conflict of interest and the Conflict of Interest Commissioner, the Senior Management Team, the standing committee on legislation, task forces and working groups related to the Division of the Northwest Territories, a strategic planning workshop for MLAs regarding the government organization after division, a Circle of Northern Leaders meeting, communications protocol, and amendments to legislative Acts. Some meeting material for the GNWT Deputy Ministers' Senior Management Committee is also included.

The textual records from the NWT Human Rights Commission includes meeting agendas and minutes of the Commission Members, as well as notes from a strategic planning session, and an informational package given to stakeholders that outlines the mission, structure, processes and function of the Commission.

The bulk of the photographs and slides are dated between 1968-1993 and cover topics such as Legislative Assembly Opening Ceremonies, Sessions, Elections, Committees, Plebiscite on Division, Tours of Communities, Special Events, Conferences, Health Services and Scenery. The remaining photographs depict members of the Northwest Territories Council, the Legislative Assembly and Commissioners of the Northwest Territories from 1905-1975, as well as the activities of the Office of the Languages Commissioner, which date from 2002-2004.

The VHS videocassette entitled "One Land, Many Voices" - making the new NWT Mace" was produced by Lone Woolf Productions in 2000.

The audio reels contain recordings of the 7th and 8th NWT Council and the 9th and 10th Legislative Assembly.

The microfiche consists of a complete record of Tabled Documents, Committee Reports and Petitions from the 10th Legislative Assembly which covered the years 1984-1987 and a Tabled Document from the 8th Council, 56th Session. The 7 microfilm reels contain copies of the Northwest Territories Council Minutes from 1921-1951 and an index to the Minutes.

The scroll was presented by David Welch, Ontario's Minister of Citizenship, on behalf of Premier John Robart to the Commissioner and Council of the Northwest Territories to commemorate the Northwest Territories Centennial in 1970.

Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly (1905-present)
418 · Fonds · 1975-2009

This fonds consists of 1.3 m of textual records from the Legal Services Board and its regional legal services committees and contractors.

Records from the Board of Directors include minutes, agendas and meeting materials from meetings of the Board.

Records from the NWT Native Courtworkers’ Association/Mackenzie Court Workers’ Services include minutes and other materials from annual general meetings, executive committee meetings, and board of directors meetings, as well as reports on reviews of the association. Also included are some statistics and reports on legal services applications received, and legal services provided.

Records from the Arctic Public Legal Education and Information Society include annual reports and financial statements.

Northwest Territories. Legal Services Board
336 · Fonds · 1965-2009

Records include files relating to the Inter-Governmental Committee on Federal/Territorial Financial Relations from 1981-1984. Records also include briefing notes, preparation material and reports from this committee. Also included are Chronos from the offices of the Minister (Chair) and Deputy Minister (Secretary) of the FMBS; and reports related to formula financing and the fiscal relationship between Government of Canada and the GNWT.

The files from the Budget and Evaluation Division consist of operational records related to FMBS strategic planning, FMBS review of GNWT initiatives and policies regarding devolution, division (creation of Nunavut), decentralization, community empowerment, privatization, informatics strategies and land use planning and resource development impacts. There are also copies of correspondence, decision papers, organizational and functional reviews, reports and submissions concerning FMBS review of departmental initiatives and policies for the following departments: Economic Development and Tourism, Education, Culture and Employment, Ministry of Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs, Health and Social Services, Transportation, Municipal and Community Affairs, NWT Housing Corporation, Justice, Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development, NWT Power Corporation and Public Works and Services. In addition, there are program review and evaluation files for reviews done by FMBS for the Community Futures Program, South Slave Divisional Board of Education, Social Assistance Program transfer, and the policy called Strength at Two Levels that includes discussion papers, reports and correspondence. The remaining files include operational plans, performance measurement files, Main Estimate Notes, Budget development files, Results Reports, Standing Committee on Finance (SCOF) records, and records from committees such as the Capital Planning Committee, Travel and Transportation Committee, Division Planning Committee, the Utilities Committee, User Pay Committee and P3 Management Committee.

The files from the Directorate division consist of 11.7 meters of administrative and operational records from the Directorate of the FMBS. The records include Ministerial (Chairman) and Deputy-Minister (Secretary of the FMB Comptroller General/Deputy Head) chronos, program reviews, internal conference materials, records related to government-wide planning, government reorganization and structuring, Senior Management Committee meetings, major government initiatives, such as decentralization and privatization, and devolution of responsibilities to the GNWT from the federal government such as health and social services. There are also files concerning projected funding growth requirements, human resource issues such as Performance Measurement and a review of Income support programs. In addition, there are working files from the FMBS led Affirmative Action Task Group that were responsible for reviewing the GNWT Affirmative Action policy and correspondence, reports, decision papers and draft policy documents from the Labour Relations and Compensation Division concerning the development and review of the GNWT equal employment policy, affirmative action policy and Native Employment Affirmative Action Plan. There are also records related to a FMBS review on the Business Incentive Policy (BIP), correspondence, legal opinions, Memorandum of Understanding between the GNWT and NWT Teachers Association (NWTTA) and court decisions related to the collective bargaining between GNWT and NWTTA. There are also records related to the division of the Northwest Territories and the creation of Nunavut in 1999.

The files from the Labour Relations and Compensation Services division were mostly created when it was part of the Department of Personnel. They comprise planning records and organizational charts as well as operational records relating to collective bargaining and employee benefits, changes to the Public Service Act, staffing appeal regulations, as well as records relating to the negotiations for the 1992 and 1994 Collective Bargaining Agreements between the GNWT and the Union of Northern Workers (UNW). There are also files related to Equal Pay litigation, including research and briefing materials.

Northwest Territories. Financial Management Board Secretariat (1980-2006)
390 · Fonds · 1987-2005

This fonds consists of 67 cm of textual records, including material documenting the establishment of the NWTDC and its Act and Regulations and the Nunavut transition, chronos from the Minister, Chairperson, and President, briefing notes, governance directives, annual reports, corporate plans, board and committee terms of reference, board meeting materials and Investment Committee meeting materials.

Northwest Territories Development Corporation (1990-2005)
350 · Fonds · 1967-2013

A portion of the material dating from 1992-1996 deals with the Northern Management Program (NMP) administered by the Department of Transportation in conjunction with Arctic College. The files consists of general correspondence and materials explaining the origin and purpose of the Northern Management Program.

Also included in this fonds are records from the Planning and Policy division, including Minister's Briefing Notes, Senior Management Committee meeting files, correspondence, decision and discussion papers and draft agreements concerning the negotiation between the Department of Transportation and Tulita District Land Corporation for the exchange of land at Canyon Creek.

As well, this fonds contains files from the Airports Division relating to the transfer of the Arctic Airports from the Federal Government to the GNWT. Included in these files are copies of agreements, decision papers, briefing notes and material from the Transfer Management Committee. There are also two items, a brochure celebrating the completion of highway 3 from Yellowknife to Frank's Channel, and a Department of Transportation strategy report, dated 2006 and 1990 respectively, files relating to airport safety, and electronic records regarding the management and operations of the CARS program.

Records from the Corporate Services division include files on departmental organization, personnel policy, staffing policy, an information technology strategy and a review of the department's finance and administration functions, internal publications and Senior Management Committee records. DOT submissions regarding the NWT Public Service Vehicles Act, the National Transportation Agency Review Commission and the Royal Commission on National Passenger Transportation are also included. Also, Briefing Books for the Deputy Minister for Main Estimates and the Standing Committee on Finance, as well as Briefing Notes and Options Papers are included. Departmental publications are also present in these accessions.

Records from the Directorate consist mainly of Minister and Deputy Minister chronos, as well as files relating to Senior Management Committee minutes, Transfer Management Committee minutes, the transfer of GNWT airports to communities under the Community Transfer Initiative, policies, Briefing Notes, Northern Roads Policy, Negotiated Transportation Contracts Policy, transfer of responsibilities from the federal government to the GNWT, transfer of responsibilities from the GNWT to Nunavut for division, and department strategies.

Records from the Environmental Affairs section include environmental projects and studies and reports for airports, roads, industrial projects, and contaminated sites.

Northwest Territories. Department of Transportation (1989-2017)
330 · Fonds · 1963-1971

This fonds consists of 1.5 meters of textual material. The records include 1.3 meters of text from the Central Registry system (80 Block, 81 Block, 82 Block and 85 Block), dating from 1963 to 1971. These records cover a variety of topics including: directives and policies; arrangements for Council sessions; travel for Council members; Territorial Legislation Policy; elections, monthly reports from the regions; staff meeting; and ordinances. This fonds also contains reports from the 1970 and 1971 surveys conducted by the Labour Division and a booklet produced by the Department of the Territorial Secretary explaining Project Surname. The booklet was authored by Abe Okpik, the Project Director, with an introduction by Commissioner Hodgson. Three copies of the booklet are available, one in English, one in syllabics and one in Roman orthography Inuktitut.

Northwest Territories. Department of the Territorial Secretary (1967-1971)
331 · Fonds · 1899-2014, predominant 1955-2014

This fonds consists of records documenting the activities of the Department of the Executive in the functional areas of leadership of the GNWT and support to Cabinet, oversight of the GNWT’s regional operations, indigenous and intergovernmental relations, human resource planning, and gender equity. There are also records from the Audit Bureau and the Bureau of Statistics, as well as publications and records of several special projects undertaken by the department.

Government leadership

Records from the Directorate include meeting minutes, correspondence, and other materials from interdepartmental Deputy Ministers’ committees, including the Social Agenda and the Committee for Aboriginal Rights, as well as meeting materials for the Department of the Executive Senior Management Committee, the Special Joint Committee on Non-Tax-Based Community Affairs, and the Special Committee on the Implementation of Self-Government and the Sunset Clause, and the Public Committees, Boards and Councils Handbook. There are also transcripts of meetings of the Electoral Boundaries Commission held in several NWT communities in 1989 and community reports, meeting minutes and files pertaining to community transfers generated by various regional GNWT departments throughout the NWT, including Sachs Harbour, Paulatuk, Tuktoyaktuk, and Arctic Red River (now Tsiigehtchic).

Records from the Cabinet Secretariat include minutes, agendas, and other materials from interdepartmental Deputy Ministers’ committees, including the Division Review Committee. There are also reports commissioned by the Corporate Review and Transition Project in 2002-2004, along with departmental responses to the review and recommendations. Files from the Protocol section document the 1994 Royal Visit and 2004 Deputy Commissioner's swearing-in ceremony.

The fonds includes chronos of the Government Leader/Premier and the Deputy Minister/Secretary to Cabinet, originating from both of the above divisions. There are also chronos of ministers holding various portfolios, particularly from the Minister of Renewable Resources, and files containing correspondence between officials of the Executive and the federal government.

Records from the Corporate Communications division include Senior Management Committee records, Deputy Ministers' Steering Committee on Trademark and Copyright Policy records, GNWT-wide communications plans and strategies, workshop material, related job descriptions, records relating to the Visual Identity Program, and briefing binders.

Records from the Legislation and House Planning division include Cabinet House Strategy and session preparation files, briefing materials for MLAs, legislative agendas and files related to the development of legislation, materials from the Legislation and House Planning Committee, and results of the Legislative Review Survey conducted by the Division Review Committee in preparation for the creation of Nunavut. The records date from the 11th through to the 15th Legislative Assembly.

Records from the Priorities and Planning Secretariat relate to GNWT policy and program development, land claims issues, parks development, Constitutional development, decentralization and natural resource projects. Some of these records are meeting minutes, correspondence and records of decision produced by the Priorities and Planning Committee, a committee within the secretariat which reviewed initiatives, policies and programs before they were put before the Executive Members and the Executive Council as a whole. There is also a report from the Program, Policy and Planning Division entitled "Government as Communicator."

Records from the Executive Secretariat date from 1967-68 and consist of copies of the transfer guideline documents concerning the formal transfer of responsibilities to the Government of the Northwest Territories and a copy of a Task Force Report on the organization of the Northwest Territories Public Service.

Regional operations

Records from the Regional Operations division consist primarily of minutes from settlement and hamlet meetings in the Mackenzie Delta, Western Arctic, Baffin and Great Bear Lake regions, monthly reports from regions and specific communities, minutes of regional council meetings, and records from regional associations such as the Keewatin Organizational Committee, Regional Management Committee in Inuvik, and the Inuvik Regional Health Board. There are also files relating to resource development projects, including the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline, Nanisivik Mines, Polar Gas Project and Beaufort Delta Oil Project.

Records from the Corporate Services Division are primarily from the Keewatin Region and consist of minutes of meetings from the Executive Committee, Regional Director's Meetings, Annual Management Meetings, Senior Management Committee Meetings, various hamlet meetings and board meetings. Furthermore, there are minutes from the following Regional Councils: Baffin Regional Council, South Slavey Regional Council, North Slavey Regional Council, Deh Cho Regional Council, Shihita Regional Council, Kitikmeot Regional Council and the Keewatin Regional Council. There are also files relating to Commissioner's Tours and Ministerial Tours of the Baffin and Keewatin Regions. Records from the Finance and Administration section consist of policy and planning files and records relating to Regional Decentralization.

In addition, the fonds includes files containing correspondence from Regional Administrators concerning the administration and implementation of the Liquor Ordinance and alcohol abuse problems at Frobisher Bay (Iqaluit). There are also reports dating from 1971-1973 about the community of Port Burwell and the Kennuayuak Association .

Aboriginal affairs, intergovernmental relations, and strategic planning

Records from the Aboriginal Rights and Constitutional Development Secretariat and its successor, the Ministry of Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs, date predominantly from 1974-1996. These records relate to land claims, including the Inuvialuit (COPE), Dene/Metis, Sahtu, Gwich'in, Tlicho, Deh Cho, Denesuline, Makivik, Hay River Dene, and Treaty 8 organizations, and the creation of Nunavut. The records also document self-government by Indigenous groups (including the creation of the Western Arctic Region Municipality (WARM) or Western Arctic Regional Government (WARG)), constitutional development (including involvement with the Constitutional Alliance and Western Constitutional Forum), intergovernmental relations, and devolution of airports, land, water, and resource management from the Federal government (see also Office of Devolution).

The fonds also includes newsletters and reports created by the Aboriginal Rights and Constitutional Development Secretariat and Equal Employment Directorate. The newsletters consist of 10 issues of Building Blocks, and discuss varied issues of devolution and compensation. There are three reports on equal employment, dating from the mid-1980s.

Records from the Office of Devolution date from 1993-2014, documenting negotiations between the GNWT and federal government over the devolution of lands and resources and implementation of the devolution agreement. Records include correspondence, committee records, briefing materials, reports, and communication plans.

Records from the Strategic Planning division and its predecessor, Intergovernmental Relations and Strategic Planning (IGRASP), include briefing packages, minutes, and other materials related to a variety of meetings and projects. These include meetings between the Premier and federal ministers, other Premier meetings, Intergovernmental and Arctic Circle meetings, and the Deputy Ministers’ Senior Management Committee, as well as planning materials for the National Aboriginal Women’s Summit (NAWS II). There are records from the Boards and Agencies review in 2004-2006, including meeting minutes, agendas, reports, drafts, and interviews with departments and agencies. Also included are files on the Living History Project, a project to reflect and celebrate NWT progress since the Berger Inquiry, and one file which outlines the activities and strategies of the Social Envelope section in 1997-1998. There are also files related to departmental policies and a proposed reorganization of intergovernmental affairs functions.

Human resource planning

Records from the Personnel Secretariat Division include reviews of personnel policies, reports on conferences, workshops and seminars, files on employment equity, the decentralization of the Highway Transport Board and Liquor Licensing Board and several files on the restructuring of various GNWT departments.

Records from the Corporate Human Resources division comprise annual reports on the Affirmative Action Policy for the GNWT, an evaluation report and guidelines for the Northern Graduate Employment Program, reviews of staffing services and employee benefit administration at departments and agencies, and a file relating to the creation and organization of the division.

Women’s Advisory

Records from the Women’s Advisory include reports, decision papers, briefing notes, correspondence, and policy statements documenting the roles and responsibilities of the Women’s Advisory, its relationship to the Minister Responsible for the Status of Women, the restructuring of the Women’s Advisory in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the 5-year Action Plan on Equality for Women, and the implementation of Gender Based Analysis. There are also reports from the Status of Women Committee and from organizations funded by the Women’s Advisory, including the Status of Women Council, the Native Women's Association, the Pauktuutit Inuit Women's Association and the Women's Community Action Team.

The fonds also contains two audio reels dating from 1974-1975, including a panel discussion on the Status of Women as a lead up to the International Year of Women (1975) and an NWTCC board meeting discussing housing, waste management, air transportation, and business/government relations.

Audit Bureau, Bureau of Statistics, special projects and publications

Records from the Audit Bureau consist of audit files for various Hamlets, Hunters and Trappers Associations and craft shops, as well as files relating to Audit Committee Meetings, Manager's Reports and organization charts.

Records from the Bureau of Statistics include population statistic and projection reports, Yellowknife apartment surveys, spatial price surveys, food price surveys, personal income statistics, labour force surveys, census results, a report on interprovincial/territorial trade and a business directory. It also includes an incomplete collection of volumes of the Statistics Quarterly, from volumes 1 through 26.

Also in this fonds are records generated by the History of Education Project that was undertaken by Norman McPherson and resulted in a book on the history of education in the Northwest Territories (Dreams and Visions: Education in the Northwest Territories from the Early Days to 1984). The records consist of original files and copies of reports from schools in many communities throughout the Northwest Territories, as well as copies of transcripts from oral history interviews.

There are also eight audiocassettes and a fifteen page summary report of a Traditional Knowledge Elders gathering held in October of 1993 at Fort Providence.

The fonds also includes a small group of miscellaneous documents and reports relating to auditing, management, cross-cultural training, the Beaufort Sea Drilling Program, and research subject headings.

Northwest Territories. Department of the Executive (1967-2017)
316 · Fonds · 1969-1994

This fonds consists of approximately 4.4 meters of textual records from the Department of Social Services. The records include materials from the Management Services Division, Community and Family Support Division, Correction Services, Mental Health Service, Young Offender and Child Welfare. Records include files related to transfer of responsibilities from the federal government; block funding arrangement; summer camp programs; group homes; outpost camps; policy and program development; regional delivery of programming; Senior Management Committee meetings; mental health programming; seniors and hadicapped programming; corrections; daycare services; drug and alcohol programs and family violence programming .

Northwest Territories. Department of Social Services (1978-1995)
386 · Fonds · 1971-1978

This fonds consists of approximately 9.5 cm of bound comic books and published reports produced by the Department of Social Development. The material dates from 1971 to 1977 and includes four bound comic books of Captain Alcohol, produced by the Alcohol Education Program of the Department in 1973. There are also several published reports on various topics such as correction services, health services, human resource planning and a cost of living study.

Northwest Territories. Department of Social Development (1967-1977)
343 · Fonds · 1970-1997

This fonds consists of approximately 72 cm of textual material dated between 1970-1995. Records are from the Fire Safety, and Finance and Administration divisions of the Department of Safety and Public Services. The files relate to Director's and Settlement Council Meetings, policy and procedures files, reports, departmental reorganization, the Labour Standards Board, the Liquor Licensing Board and various standing committees.

The fonds also includes fatality investigation records (text, photographs and maps) from the Mine Safety Division and the Occupational Safety and Health Division.

There are also records from the Mine Safety Divison, including Inspection Reports and correspondence generated by Mining Inspection Services for Miramar and Necro Con Mine.

Northwest Territories. Department of Safety and Public Services (1989-1997)
357 · Fonds · 1921-2009

This fonds consists of records from the Directorate, Policy, Legislation and Communication division, Wildlife and Fisheries division, Parks and Tourism division, Investment and Economic Analysis division, Industrial Initiatives division, Environmental Protection division, Minerals, Oil and Gas division, Fort Smith region, the Energy, Mines and Resources Secretariat and the Energy Secretariat of the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development dating from 1926-2007.

The records from the Policy, Legislation and Communication division primarily consist of project report files related to a variety of departmental programs and initiatives including resource management, the Protected Areas Strategy, hunter and harvester assistance programs, Land Use Planning committees; legislative initiatives; strategic planning, oil and resource development strategies; parks and tourism; departmental operational review and organizational reviews; policy and legislation development committees, senior management committees and working groups. There are also records relating to the development of Forest Fire Management and Species at Risk legislation, amendments to the Wildlife Act, regulatory changes to the Forest Management Act and Territorial Parks Act, and protocols and regulations in regards to land claims agreements with Indigenous groups as well as feedback from the public, as well as records related to the development of the Business Development and Investment Corporation Act. Also included in the records are four signed agreements, the environmental agreement with BHP, the Environmental Agreement with DeBeers Canada regarding the Snap Lake Diamond Project, the Socio-Economic Agreement with DeBeers Canada regarding support of the secondary diamond industry in the NWT, as well as a Cooperation Agreement with the federal Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development respecting the Giant Mine Remediation Project. The records also document RWED's participation in the Sahtu Renewable Resources Board and preliminary screening of water and land use applications. The records also include a draft internal Use of Internet Policy, copy of the Thelon Game Sanctuary Management Plan, forest management policy development, a review of historical records relating to reindeer, and material relating to Metis harvesting rights. The records also document the Department's involvement in the processes of devolution of natural resources from the federal government and division between the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Records from the Forest Management division include meeting and workshop records, regional year-end reports, records relating to the negotiation of forest management agreements, fire effects camps messaging and reports, public education program planning, excerpts from the operations manual, and informational guides and pamphlets.

Records relating to Wildlife Management include those on the subjects of disease, endangered species, land use, predator control, trapping, hunting, fur production and harvesting data, fur marketing, support for harvesters, hunting and trapping associations, outfitting, environmental protection and conservation, environmental assessment and monitoring, land claims, trapper taxation, trapping standards, animal sightings, game management reports, registered trapping areas, pipelines, sport fishing and lake stocking, fisheries management, conservation education, business opportunities, national parks, territorial parks, preserves, sanctuaries and refuges. Records also include federal committees and studies, manuals, permits, licenses, newsletters, annual reports, strategic plans, and administrative records (ie. Staffing - GNWT policies), mandate documents, and staff chronos relating to the operation of the Division. The wildlife management records include studies or records relating to falcons, gyrfalcons, geese, duck, swans, bears, bison, beaver, sheep, caribou, fox, reindeer, wolf, muskoxen, muskrat, marten, mink, lynx, wolverine, moose, hare, waterfowl and arachnids (spiders). Policies and programs covered by these records include the Guiding and Outfitting Policy, Fire Management Policy, Firearm Safety Instructor Course Program, Bathurst Management Planning Committee, Trapper Treeline Program, Trapper Training, Harvesters Assistance, Trapper Compensation, Community Freezer Program, Fur Program, trap exchange, fur marketing, Biodiversity Working Group, interaction with COSEWIC, and the Fish and Wildlife Service Policy. Each region of the Northwest Territories is represented. The records also include Wildlife Act revisions, consultation records (audio cassettes) for the new Wildlife and Species at Risk Acts, Senior Management committee material and briefing notes for 1999-2004.

The textual records and slides relating to the Parks and Tourism division date 1979-2006 and include Economic Development Agreement (EDA) files (contribution files), interpretive centre and display project files, signage and design files, map planning and development, campground reports and statistics, public image documents, records relating to the development of the Explorers' Guide, tourism promotion planning, and tourism studies. They also include capital project records relating to historic sites and properties, territorial parks operations and development, events such as Expo '86, and structural objectives of the Division. There are also minutes and planning documents from internal Tourism meetings, Tourism Marketing Advisory Committee, the Protected Areas Strategy, NWT Arctic Tourism and a file related to the NWT Tourism Industry Association Review that was prepared by a consultant for the department. There are also ministerial, deputy minister and assistant deputy minister chronos.

The files from the Investment and Economic Analysis division date from 1990-2006 and include records on the marketing and promotion of northern arts in crafts in North America, Japan and Europe, egg marketing, the role of the department in the development of the Master of the Arctic exhibit, establishment of the Business Development and Investment Corporation, arts and culture strategy, Northern innovation, the diamond industry, and manufacturing strategy. The majority of the files consist of strategic planning materials concerning public relations for the department, business planning files related to arts and crafts development in the communities, briefing notes, agreements, reports, Decision papers, meeting material, and reference material. There is also Deputy Minister correspondence concerning the relationship between Economic Development and Tourism, Business Credit Corporation and NWT Development Corporation, as well as briefing notes, files from senior management meetings and Premier Panel Meeting, files regarding the Arts and Crafts Committee and internal newsletters. There are also files generated by intergovernmental committees and commissions, including the Business Incentive Policy review and the Banker's Commission.

The records from the Directorate primarily consist of Ministerial and Deputy Minister chronos and briefing books. There are also departmental planning files including records from a Departmental Review Committee related to consolidation of the following departments: Economic Development and Tourism, Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources and Renewable Resources, as well as minutes and materials from departmental Senior Management meetings and workshops. There is also a file for 2004 meetings of the Legislation Committee to review alterations to legislation and regulation for the Department. In addition, there are files related a variety of issues from several divisions within the department, including records related to wildlife management, forest and fire management, including annual forest fire operations reports, the development and privatization of NWT parks, marketing strategy for tourism in the NWT, the operation of the NWT Business Credit Corporation and NWT Development Corporation, records regarding the Economic Development Agreement (EDA), records from the Deputy Minister's Committee on the Devolution of Lands and Resources, as well as records relating to RWED's co-lead role in the development of a National Diamond Strategy. Records also include deputy minister's files on the Arctic Energy Alliance, from when the deputy minister sat on the Board of Directors.

The records from the Minerals, Oil and Gas division relate to the "Increasing the Number of Northern Workers in the NWT Mineral Industry - Impacts and Strategies" study, mineral sector annual reports, Project Rocks educational resources, mining and exploration surveys, mineral royalty and mining taxation options, a draft Mining Income Tax Act, website development for the Coronation Gulf Mineral Development Area and the Mackenzie Valley Mineral Development Area, and mineral exploration projects. The records also include maps showing mineral deposits and petroleum resources. Records from the predecessor department of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources are also present in large quantities.

This fonds also consists textual material comprised of publications from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development. The reports date from 1997-2006 and relate to animals and flora, specifically caribou, wood bison, muskox, dolphins and black spruce trees. Topics cover wildlife management, migration, calving grounds, population distribution, wildfires and seasonal movements and migration.

This fonds also consists of files related to the Trade and Investment Division and Economic Planning Division. This material consists of three files relating to mining industry winter road access, one file with varied material regarding NWT investment and trading strategies, including a brochure and report. There is one file on the Aurora Fund, a venture capital fund related to the federal Immigration Investor Program. Finally, there is one file containing a consultant's report on household expenditure cost differentials between the NWT and southern communities.

The fonds also includes files from the Industrial Initiatives division. This material relates primarily to diamond mining and gas pipeline projects and includes committee material, briefing notes, speaking notes, reports, and grants and contributions policies and procedures.

The fonds also includes records from the Fort Smith Region, including job descriptions, organizational charts, meeting materials, correspondence, site assessment forms, and records of the 1997 Fort Providence Prescribed Burn project.

The fonds also include records from the Inuvik Region relating to community economic development.

This fonds also consists of files related to the Energy, Mines and Resources Secretariat. This material includes correspondence regarding energy alternatives as well as natural gas power feasibility for Inuvik and Hay River, mineral development, strategy and northern hiring practices, Development Impact Zones (DIZ's) and major project preparedness for full-scale hydrocarbon development of the Northwest Territories.

This fonds also consists of files related to the Energy Secretariat, tasked with drafting an energy strategy for the NWT. Materials include workshops, meeting minutes, public consultations, stakeholder responses, correspondence and a discussion paper, "Towards an Energy Strategy for the NWT."

This fonds also consists of files related to the Environmental Protection Division. This material includes correspondence, meeting minutes, society formation and workshop proceedings of the Arctic Energy Alliance, created in concert with four other Government of the Northwest Territories organizations and the NWT Association of Municipalities.

Northwest Territories. Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (1996-2005)
304 · Fonds · [1932-2005]

This fonds consists of approximately 51.64 meters of textual material, 18 photographs, 24 drawings, 46 posters, 14 maps, 4 audio reels, 14 audio cassettes, 5 sound CDs, three 16 mm film reels and approximately 395 videocassettes in Betamax and Umatic format.

The textual material created and/or managed by the Directorate of the Department of Renewable Resources between 1974-1993, include correspondence of the Minister, Deputy Minister and Assistant Deputy. In addition, there are divisional reports, minutes of meetings, briefing notes, decision papers, Land Use Planning records, Management Steering Committee records, copies of submissions to environmental review boards and copies of agreements between the Federal Government and the GNWT. There is also a copy of an operational review of the department that was conducted between 1990-1991, a subsequent report and appendices of a departmental organizational review, and files related to enforcement issues and development of hunting regulations in the Liard/Mackenzie Corridor. Additionally, there are three files from the department library that relate to forestry and game officers from 1950-1969.

The records from the Finance and Administration Division consist of files relating to Departmental Organization and Priorities. These records are dated between 1984-1986.

The records from the Policy and Planning Division relates to Departmental reviews and responses and an overall Government of the Northwest Territories Functional Inventory.

The records from the Yellowknife Division relate to amendments to the operational manual, regulations, and legislation.

The fonds also contains records relating to the transfer (devolution) forestry and fire management from the federal government, including correspondence, work plans, asset inventories, organizational charts, job descriptions, and meeting minutes.

The fonds also includes records relating to forest management, including the 1987 Forest Resources Transfer Agreement, “Forests for Tomorrow: Forest Management in the Northwest Territories A Public Policy Discussion Paper” and related feedback, timber licensing and inspection, forest utilization, timber export, integrated resource management (Liard/Nahanni Valley), and forest fire response, including protection of communities.

The fonds also includes general records relating to trapping, seal hunting and marketing, the Furbearer Management Program, compensation, incentive and income support programs, trap exchange, and the Natural Resources Conservation Trust Fund (NRCTF).

The textual material from the Wildlife Services Division consists of several oversize ledgers documenting Hunting and Trapping Reports and Fur Export Tax Reports from across the Northwest Territories. There are also general correspondence files, minutes of meetings, memorandums, strategic planning, and policies relating to the division's activities, programs and workshops delivered and files relating to the transfer of responsibilities for forestry and fire management from the federal government to the Government of the Northwest Territories. In addition there are records dealing with wildlife regulations, enforcement, devolution of land and water, and outfitting, individual trapping records, harvest reports, outfitter harvest statistics, reports on the monitoring of different wildlife species, Convention of International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES) files, human resources files, Game Office files, caribou and moose surveys, fisheries data, fur dealers records, registered trapping areas, Trappers Association records, export permits, trappers assistance records, organized hunts, buffalo/caribou hunter data, trapper and hunter kill statistics, anthrax control and emergency response planning, humane trapping, community freezers and bison ranching. There are also annual reports for the division, 1990-1992.

There are also files that were created by the Forest and Wildlife office in Rae and Fort Smith. This material contains Robert Douglas' monthly patrol reports and correspondence from between 1951-1955. The reports include summaries of the warden's duties, weather reports, wildlife observations, hunting, trapping and fishing activities, lists of game taken and licenses issued, as well as the monitoring of animal species, particularly caribou. The remaining material from Fort Smith dates between 1987-1996 and contains files relating to Administration, Personnel, Policy and Directives, Finance and Budget, Training, Lands and Properties, Associations, Committees and Boards, Native Organizations, Wildlife and Habitat Management, Research and Field Studies, Resource Development, Fisheries and Forestry Legislation and Enforcement, Licenses and Permits, Conservation Education and Pollution Control. In addition, there are approximately 35 maps from this division that concern animal trapping in the Northwest Territories.

The textual material from the Pollution Control Division dates between 1975 - 1991. The records consist of air quality reports, water quality reports, and information about solid waste management, hazardous waste management, waste oil, chemical disposal, anti-litter campaign, and minutes from the Pollution Control Division meetings and Yellowknife Anti-Litter Committee meetings. The records also include a copy of the "Truth North" #2 comic book.

The material generated or managed by the Field Services Division between 1961-1986, consists of correspondence, minutes from Regional Superintendents and Regional Hunters and Trappers Associations meetings, field project reports, reports from regional and community wildlife officers, fur records, forms and reference material kept by the division. The records relate to a variety of activities such as: hunting, trapping, enforcement of regulations, animal studies, fisheries, training and organizational structure. Reports from the five administrative regions of the Government of the Northwest Territories (Fort Smith, Inuvik, Keewatin, Baffin and the Kitikmeot, which was once part of the Fort Smith region) have been kept in an effort to document regional activities and responses.

The records from the Environmental Planning and Assessment Division date from 1971 to 1991 and consist of land use planning evaluations, correspondence, policies, minutes of meetings, social impact studies and records relating to water management and planning, Inter-jurisdictional Water Negotiations and Environmental Impact-Assessment of Oil/Gas and Mineral Exploration.

The three 16 mm film reels contain two films produced by the Department of Renewable Resources in conjunction with the Department of Culture and Communication. The first film is entitled "Koukdjuak Crossing: Caribou Tagging on Baffin Island." The film is available in English and Inuktitut. The second film, "Two Have Forever: Hunting the Bathurst Caribou Herd" was produced in 1986; it illustrates the importance of the Bathurst herd to the Inuit, Dene and non-natives. This film is available in English and Innuiaqtun. The accession containing approximately 395 videocassettes was produced by or for the Conservation Education and Resource Development Division of the Department of Renewable Resources. The videocassettes contain informational programming about wildlife management, trapping, fur handling, oil spill containment, hunting safety, firearm safety, information about Renewable Resources officers and projects, land use planning and wildlife conservation.

Part of the fonds is comprised of a series of posters produced the department for the annual National Wildlife Week Poster Contest; another series warns of the dangers of bears; a third series relates to Wildlife Regulations in relation to hunting and the export of animals/pelts/meat outside the Northwest Territories. The sound recordings consist of 3 audio reels and 6 DAT audiocassettes that contain recordings from a conference entitled "Fish, Fur and Game for the Future" held in February 1981. The remaining sound recordings, which consist of 14 audiocassettes and 1 audio reel, contain programs and radio ads that were produced by the department between 1985-1990. These programs and ads were aimed at teaching northerners about caring for the environment, educating them about the role of the department and raising awareness about new wildlife regulations. The audio reel contains the proceedings from a Fur Symposium held in Fort Resolution from 1986.

The remaining material within the fonds is comprised of published studies, reports, and brochures from the Department of Renewable Resources; the majority of material relates to its Wildlife Service subdivision between 1976 and approximately 1997. There are also reports and indices of scientific research licences issued 1974-1982. There are also approximately 5 cm of reports created by the Science Advisory Board of the Northwest Territories. The reports date from 1979-1982 and include the objectives of the Board as well as multiple topics including population studies, imported foods to the N.W.T., wind energy, aquatic resources, arctic marine mammals, dietary habits of native populations and animal management.

Northwest Territories. Department of Renewable Resources (1979-1997)
310 · Fonds · [1957]-2014

This fonds consists of approximately 29,000 photographs, 4.38 meters of textual material and one architectural drawing.

The photographs were taken, collected or purchased by the photographer for the Government of the Northwest Territories, who was employed by the Systems and Communications Division of the Department of Public Works and Services. The photographs are in slide, negative and print format and depict the following subjects: images of people, communities in the Northwest Territories, scenery, wildlife, traditional land use, hospitals, Royal Canadian Mounted Police buildings, schools, infrastructure of communities, water, air and land transportation, sports and recreation, hunting, fishing, traditional clothing, political leaders, government buildings, camps, mines, DEW line sites, events such as Arctic Winter Games, Expo '86, Canada Day, churches, airports, housing, dogsledding, fauna, arts and crafts and performing arts.

The architectural drawing is of Grollier Hall in Inuvik. It shows exterior views of the boys residence and dining hall and the girls residence and chapel. The drawing was produced for the Federal Department of Public Works and Services.

The textual records includes materials from the Minister's Office, the Directorate, the Corporate Services Division, Petroleum Products Division, the Asset Management Division, and the System and Communications Division.

Records from the Minister's Office include ministerial chronos.

Records from the Directorate include ministerial and deputy minister chronos, briefing notes, and briefing meeting material, as well as committee files on infrastructure development, drinking water management, and facility requirements post-division for the Government of Nunavut, reporting on activities related to land claims, records of workshops and conferences held by the department, and performance measurement reports.

Records from the Corporate Services Division include briefing notes, files from the Inter-departmental Committee on Capital Planning, records related to the Manuals Steering Committee, procedures for appeal hearings and filing grievances, Procedure and Guideline Manual revisions, newsletters, and an employee guide. There are also records from the Records Management section of Corporate Services, including policies and procedures of records services, Records Management Tips and Bulletins, administrative and operational manuals related to records management, meeting minutes of the Public Records Committee (PRC), Recorded Information Management Committee (RIMC) and one legal opinion file related to the retention of health records.

Records from the Petroleum Products Division include correspondence regarding the transfer of responsibilities of the petroleum products division to the NWT Power Corporation.

Records from the Asset Management Division include policy and reorganization files, records of the Project Management Conferences, and a Community Maintenance Management Survey.

Also included in this fonds are pamphlets on fire prevention in public buildings, technical evaluations of facilities, a guide on engineering practices in water and sewer systems, Office Space Standards and Guidelines, and files related to the Community Transfer Initiative.

Northwest Territories. Department of Public Works and Services (1994-2017)
327 · Fonds · 1973-1992

This fonds consists of approximately 1.6 meters of textual material from the Department of Public Works and Highways. The material from the Directorate Division includes files and records related to Commissioner's tours during the 1970s, departmental reorganization, departmental goals and objectives, capital assistance, lease and contracting policies, decentralization and privatization efforts and affirmative action policies. There are also reports from the regions and communities on Public Works projects, transfer of resposnibilities from Ottawa, transfer of responsibilites to hamlets, energy conservation projects, material related to the maintenance of public buildings such as schools, Dene and Metis land claim information, the Business Incentive Policy (BIP), the Capital Site Planning Committee, Senior Management Committee Minutes, Project Management seminars and material from conferences that took place across the Northwest Territories. The remaining material, generated by the Project Management Division, is dated between 1977-1986. Included in this material are correspondence, drawings, and specifications relating to the construction of the Northwest Territories Pavilion that was part of Expo '86.

Northwest Territories. Department of Public Works and Highways (1985-1989)
326 · Fonds · 1975-1992

This fonds consists of approximately 1.32 meters of textual material from the Department of Public Works.

The material from the Policy and Planning Division includes material related to the departmental Establishment Policy and Northern Preference Policy. In addition, there are files related to ministerial tours of the communities, senior management meetings, Minister's speeches, energy policy, operations divisional meetings, annual reports to the Commissioner, devolution framework documents, and transfer of responsibility (i.e. health services) options. The bulk of the material is dated between 1975-1991 and consists of minutes and agendas from Director's Meetings, Manager's Meetings, Staff Meetings, Systems and Computer Services Review Meetings, Micro Computer Users Group Meetings, Priorities and Planning Committee reports, organization charts from the department and reports on petroleum products and the liquor commission.

The material from the Energy Management Division relates to energy conservation and includes a draft program outline and energy audit information.

Northwest Territories. Department of Public Works (1989-1993)
340 · Fonds · 1968-1985

This fonds consists of approximately 61.6 cm of textual material and 17 reels of microfilm from the Central Registry filing system. Portions of the records were generated by the Highways Division of the Department of Public Works (30 block) and date between 1968-1978. The textual records consist of highway maintenance files, private access road files and minutes from the Northern Road Program. The remaining files, dated between 1972-1985, relate to the development and implementation of the Northern Preference Policy. There are also copies of minutes from the 1973 Highway Supervisors' Conference. The microfilm contains records from the design division, construction division, engineering division, operations and maintenance division, highways and marine operations, utilities and accommodation services.

Northwest Territories. Department of Public Works (1968-1985)
347 · Fonds · 1951; 1971-[1979]

This fonds consists of approximately 8 cm of textual material. The fonds is comprised of three accessions; the first accession consists of court documents from the Stipendiary Magistrate. The documents relate to a legal dispute between Archibald Bonvie and Canada Catering Company. The second accession consists of nine volumes of transcripts from the Supreme Court. The proceedings deal with an application by Chief Francois Paulette, who lodged a caveat with the Registrar of Land Titles, in 1973.

5 cm of published reports and information booklets contain annual fire loss reports of the Chief of Safety as well as informational brochures on public safety topics such as fire, poison, home and industrial safety, with accompanying illustrations. These documents date from 1971-[1979].

Northwest Territories. Department of Public Services (1971-1979)
303 · Fonds · [1926-1980], 1975-1979

This fonds consists of approximately 82 cm of textual material and includes: records of the Inter-departmental Committee on Planning; materials related to the work of the Department of Planning and Program Evaluation in the area of scientific research and statistics; records generated by the Policy and Evaluation Division; and records of the Special Projects Division. The fonds includes copies of licenses issued by the Science Advisory Board to scientists and explorers doing research in the north between 1970-1977, and a copy of a register that recorded Scientist and Explorer Licenses issued between May 1926 and March 1974. The material that was created by the Policy and Evaluation Division consists of a series of reports from 1976-1979 that examined a variety of topics including: communication services in the Northwest Territories, income distribution between 1966-1976, demographic studies of population growth in the Northwest Territories, family allowance statistics, evaluations of a drug and alcohol council, apprenticeship, daycare, subsidized term employment, rehabilitation of disabled persons, operations of a student residence in Fort Smith, in-service training, two evaluations of Frobisher Bay after closure of a liquor store, and an evaluation of a 1977 Summer Science Experience Project. The remaining material consists of correspondence, notes and memoranda, agreements, minutes, plans and charts amassed by the Special Projects Division of the Department of Planning and Program Evaluation, in the course of developing the Nanisivik town site near Arctic Bay on Strathcona Sound.

Northwest Territories. Department of Planning and Program Evaluation (1975-1979)
387 · Fonds · 1963-1993

This fonds consists of approximately 2 meters of textual records. Records relate to the transfer of personnel from the federal government to the GNWT, policy manuals, directives and guidelines related human resource issues, publications for employees, a newsletter, manager's guides to performance review and planning and classification, and chrono files from the office of the Deputy Minister.

This fonds also includes records from the Equal Employment division, regarding the Affirmative Action Advisory Committee, 1990-1991.

This fonds also includes an operational review of regional offices in 1990 by the Deputy Minister.

Northwest Territories. Department of Personnel