Showing 107947 results

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107947 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
N-1991-071: 0001 · Item · 1900
Part of Robert Duncan fonds

[View of the shore from a ship? Cargo on shore being loaded or unloaded.]

N-2002-003: 0234 · Item · [192-?]
Part of Josephine Castonguay fonds

Yvette et Elisa Erasmus, petite fille de Peter Erasmus de descendance danoise et cree. On le mentionne dans les 1er temps des prairies. [Yvette Castonguay and Elisa Erasmus, Peter Erasmus' granddaughter. He was of Danish and Cree blood. He is named when we talk about early times on the prairies.The sailboat Speed II in background.]

Yukon/Alaska trip
N-2001-002: 10610 · Item · 1986
Part of Bern Will Brown fonds

Yukon/Alaska trip. [Margaret Brown stands beside a sign denoting the location of and explaining the Arctic Circle. "66° 30' N. Latitude The Arctic Circle is an imaginary Line that encircles the earth about 2623 Kilometers (1,630 Miles) from the North Geographic Pole. North of this point the sun remains above the horizon for at least one full day a year. On June 21, the longest day of the year. The sun does not set north of this 'line' and it never rises on December 21"] 1986