Walrus head. Behring Straits. [Inuit man standing beside head of large walrus. Bering Straits.]
[(Left to right) ? and Steve Kakfwi. This image was likely used in a Western Constitutional Forum slide show.]
Milt Campbell's Audio Caption for photo: 1. This is our tent at the landing at the Conroy on the Sikanni Chief. We went down below where they had free traders and others. When I say down below this was probably a hundred yards or a hundred and fifty yards below the main camp. We were a little bit independent.
Photographer: Milton J. Campbell
WDA's Comments, 2013 Sep 08: Three routes were most commonly used to reach the South Nahanni country; 1) Athabasca-Slave-Mackenzie River system; 2) Peace-Slave-Mackenzie River system and; 3) Sikanni Chief-Fort Nelson-Liard River system.. The Slave-Mackenzie choices were not open until the ice melted in Great Slave Lake in June. Although it was less convenient and probably more expensive to access the Liard system, it was usually ice free in late April. This was significant for free traders who could get fresh supplies into the Liard system and Mackenzie system below Fort Simpson well before the large trading companies such as HBC could via the Mackenzie. This allowed the free traders to skim off some of the best fur. While Milt Campbell and Harry Vandale were not free traders, they chose to enter the country via the Sikanni Chief, as did many others including R. M. Patterson. They took the railway to Dawson Creek and road to Fort St. John and finally horse-drawn sleigh to the junction of Conroy Creek and the Sikanni Chief where they camped to await ice out
Charlie's photo description: That's AXM. It's gotto be one of the mail planes, isn't it? I think it's a Fairchild [Fairchild 82]. It's one of Mackenzie Air Service's planes. They're either covering it up for the night or taking it off. It looks like it's being put on. That's on the Snye at Simpson. That sure looks like Archie McMullen, the pilot there. I can't be sure.
Caption Source: Charlie Hansen interview
Photographer: unknown
WDA's Comments, 2014 Feb. 02: During winter, if a plane was staying overnight, a cloth shroud, in effect a tent, was placed over the engine and the oil was drained from the engine. The several gallons of oil was carried inside a building to be kept warm. In the morning, one or two gasoline fueled burners, called pots, were lit and placed beneath the engine under the engine cover and allowed to roar away for up to an hour. The cloth shroud kept the hot air around the engine. In the meantime the oil was heated on a stove until it was hot, whence it was carried out and poured back into the engine. The pots were then turned off, the engine cover removed and the engine was hopefully warm enough to start. Usually it was. As Charlie notes, they appear to be putting on the engine cover. The background in this photo and Photo 20 are identical indicating that both were taken close together, perhaps the same day. This also places this photo in the periods of winter of 1939-40 or 1940-41. (See Photo 20 for full explanation.)
[Photograph of Port Burwell showing houses, warehouses, the school, and the nursing station (green building). Taken by Herb Hunt, District Manager, Baffin District.]
Caption on back of photo: "#1. This picture was taken by Dr. Carl Falcon when we were surveying Bennett Creek for the possibilities for hydro exploitation. This picture was taken to show the upper end of a narrow (23') canyon and the drop in water in a certain mileage. Myself in the center of the snap, I label this No. 1 in a series. Bill Clark 1941"
Caption Source: Bill Clark
Photographer: Carl Falcon
WDA's Comments, 2013 Jul 10: One of the things they did while they were waiting for the permafrost to thaw in the sampling test pits was to survey Bennett Creek and Borden, Mcleod and Grizzly Creeks for water supplies and water heads that could be utilized in hydraulic mining to wash the gravel into sluice boxes using large monitors such as were used and are used at Dawson City, YT, and elsewhere. This photo shows ice forming in the fall and therefore it belongs late in Bill Clark's sequence, not first.
Caption Source: Bill Addison because we ran out of tape & time (at 1 am) before Charlie could
describe it.
Photographer: unknown
WDA's Comments, 2014 Feb 03: This Norseman IV aircraft appears to have landed in the
fields behind (west) Fort Simpson. It is not on the Snye. Judging from the crowd. I have to
wonder if a dignitary has arrived or if it is the first arrival of a Norseman at Simpson. The
Norseman IV was the first aircraft designed specifically for bush flying. Its STOL capabilities
may have allowed it to land and take off from the fields. This would be a real improvement over
tha Snye because it was so much closer to town.
The photo has to be taken between 1937 Aug 08 and1940 Feb 24 because those are the dates
when it entered service and when ownership was transferred to the RCAF. It was first owned by
United Air Transport and then by Mackenzie Air Service before being transferred to the RCAF.
(Ellis, J. R., Canadian Civil Aircraft Register).
Milt Campbell's Audio Caption for photo: 10. This is on the lower Nelson and these rock walls do have a name.
Photographer: Milton J. Campbell
WDA's Comments, 2013 Sep 11: Patterson calls this place "Roche qui trempe a leau" in Dangerous River.
The river scow is likely the larger of the two that Bert Neeland, Milt Campbell and Harry Vandale built for the free trader, Joe Clark. It is heavily loaded.
10 [ten] miles South of E-3 [East 3, later Inuvik]. [Bern Will Brown with his dog team stopping to have a fire in the woods.] 1956
10 [ten] miles South of E-3 [East 3, later Inuvik]. [Bern Will Brown with his dog team stopping to have a fire in the woods.] 1956
10 [ten] miles South of E-3 [East 3, later Inuvik]. Peter Thrasher [with Bern Will Brown with his dog team stopping to have a fire in the woods.] 1956
10 [ten] miles South of E-3 [East 3, later Inuvik]. Peter Thrasher [with Bern Will Brown with his dog team stopping to have a fire in the woods.] 1956
10 yr club Giant [People at dinner party in cafeteria, Yellowknife, Nick O'Brien, Elsie Whist, Jim McKay on right. Gauthiers, Chomas]
10 yr Giant [People at dinner party tables, Yellowknife][Arnold Smith, Johnny Maundin, McLeans]
10 yr Giant [Men exchange a gift, Yellowknife]
Caption on back of photo: "10 - 1941 The flume now taking shape as heavy hand sawn 1½" planks are nailed in place. Bill Clark."
Caption Source: Bill Clark
Photographer: Carl Falcon
WDA's Comments, 2013 Jul 10: The framing for the flume is complete and the bottom boards are partially installed.
Milt Campbell's Audio Caption for photo: 97-100. All show hauling pipe across Great Slave Lake in March. There are about 30 sleighs in the train. This one here was an exceptionally big train.
Photographer: Milton J. Campbell
WDA's Comments, 2013 Sep 13: This train is carrying freight other than Canol pipe.
Charlie's photo description: It's also at the mill. We used to do some of what we call long
logging. Pulled a whole tree out, two or three at a time but when the snow is gone they get so
ditty and muddy [dulls the saw quickly] and so I cut 'em shmt and I hauled them in on a stone
boat mostly. You can see that some long ones laying there way over by the shack. Nice timber.
Joe Villeneuve is sitting on the ground to the left. He's Ginger and Isidore Villeneuve's son. He's
very dark. That's part of the family that, when the [1898 gold] rush was on going north, there was
a darkie [Black man] passed through Providence and stayed there for the winter I think. It shows a little bit in
some of the kids that come from there. You really can't see it but the hair is dark and wavy.
They're a little darker than the rest of the people. The other one is Henry Squirrel. I can't see who
it is down on his knees there sawing.
Caption Source: Charlie Hansen interview.
Photographer: likely Charlie Hansen or Isidore Villeneuve but with a new sharper camera.
Local parishioners and out of town guests converged on Hay River for the celebrations of the 100th Anniversary of the Anglican Mission which included an outdoor service in a large tent on the grounds of the old mission. David Harrision was the server. July 1993.
David Harrison, as local treacher [teacher] and historian, presented a display of Hay River history during the celebrations of the 100th Anniversary of the Anglican Mission in Hay River. July 1993