Affichage de 2 résultats

Description archivistique
Maelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume van der
N-1992-051 · Accession · 1827

The maps show Mackenzie River and Great Slave Lake, and the Mackenzie Delta. These maps were originally part of Volume V of van der Maelen's "Atlas Universal de Geographie" published in 1827. According to the Public Archives, each map includes the total cartographic knowledge of each area available in 1825.

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Maelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume van der
N-1988-032 · Accession · 1827

This accession consists of one map (no. 16) taken from the fourth volume of a six volume atlas compiled and published by Philippe van der Maelen in Brussels in 1827. The atlas is entitled "Atlas Universale de geographie, physique, politique, statistique et mineralogique sur l'echelle de 1/1641836 ou d'une ligne par 1900 toises". The lithographs were prepared by Henri Ode, also a member of the Royal Geographic Society of France. The map, which is entitled "Amer. Sep. Partie de la Nouvelle Bretagne No. 16", covers 60 to 66 degrees north and 98 to 114 degrees west. This covers the District of Keewatin and some of the District of Mackenzie - and includes Chesterfield Inlet, Baker Lake and Dubawnt Lake).

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