Records include files from David Searle's career as a member of the Territorial Council and as Speaker for the Legislative Assembly. The varied subject matter, from education to labour relations to land claims, is indicative of the numerous issues of concern for the Government of the Northwest Territories.
City of Yellowknife 1974
Yellowknife Joint Planning Committee 1972-73
Yellowknife Indian Village (Detah) 1969
Motor Vehicles Ordinance 1967
Legislative Ball 1977
Insane Persons Ordinance 1967
Indian Brotherhood - land claims 1977
The Drum [newspaper] Vol. 11 No. 34, September 1, 1967
Territorial Farmers' Association 1975
Territorial Flag 1968
Hunting Briefs 1966 -1968
Education - General 1975
Alcoholism 1967-1973
Airport development 1967
One folder containing an Explanation of the Coat of Arms for the Northwest Territories [Shield and Crest.] and the Armorial Bearings [Arms and Crest]. Nd
One folder containing Consumers Association of Canada Yellowknife Branch's submission to City Council Arsenic regarding pollution in Yellowknife 1975.
Proposed Mackenzie River Bridge 1974-1977
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation 1979-1976
Caribou Hunt Policy 1979