[This file contains two notebooks, one dating from 2004 to 2006 and the other from 2007 to 2009, detailing Usher’s notes during his work with the Joint Review Panel for the Mackenzie Gas Project.]
[This file contains professional correspondence for the year 1975.]
[This file contains professional correspondence for the year 1974. It was originally part of one folder that was split into two.]
[This file contains professional correspondence for the year 1973. It was originally part of one folder that was split into two.]
[This file contains financial information about Usher’s field work in Banks Island, including flight details, some correspondence, sourcing and purchasing professional equipment, and personal supplies. It primarily consists of receipts and ledgers, along with lists of supplies.]
[This file contains correspondence during Usher’s work for the Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources.]
[This file contains material relating to Usher’s PhD thesis, including reports to the grant committee, the thesis proposal along with drafts, and comments from other professors.]
[This file contains correspondence related to Usher’s MA thesis and its printing.]
[This file contains correspondence and material relating to Usher’s PhD program, including grant funding and letters of academic support.]
[This file contains correspondence about Usher’s field work in Banks Island, including correspondence on flight details, freight discrepancies, and use of the mission residence.]
[This file contains correspondence and field study notes from other scientists studying the polar bear.]
[This file contains correspondence regarding Usher’s PhD thesis with J.K. Stager at the University of British Columbia.]
[This file contains correspondence relating to Usher’s thesis with regard to his statistics and field work data.]
[This file contains a letter from A.H. Macpherson offering comments on Usher’s thesis, alongside a copy of the first chapter with additional comments by Macpherson.]
[This file contains a typed copy of an unused introduction, likely for Usher’s PHD thesis.]
[This file contains correspondence relating to Usher’s employment with the Northern Sciences Research Group (of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development), including the job position, changes to the job position
[This file contains correspondence, job offers, and contracts for teaching positions, alongside Usher’s CV for 1970 and 1972.]
[This file contains Peter Usher’s personal and professional correspondence from 1963 to 1973, arranged alphabetically by the sender’s surname. This file has been split into two parts.]
[This file contains Peter Usher’s personal and professional correspondence from 1963 to 1973, arranged alphabetically by the sender’s surname. This file has been split into two parts.]
[This file contains Usher’s personal and professional correspondence on various topics for the year 2006.]