Affichage de 341 résultats

Description archivistique
1 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
Arthur Boutilier fonds
440 · Fonds · 1963-2023

The fonds consists of records of Arthur Boutilier's professional and personal life. The records include records drawings, maps and planning documents related to his training and work in architecture, urban design and national park planning, land use and management plans, supplemented with posters, maps, drawings, and diagrams to support the process, a 1976 trip journal, writings about Arthur's life both written by him and others, and photographs taken by Arthur, supplemented by reflections on photography and memorabilia from some of his photography exhibits. The records are grouped into four series: Portfolios, Land Use and Management Planning, Writings, and Photography, with some overlap between them.

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387 · Fonds · 1963-1993

This fonds consists of approximately 2 meters of textual records. Records relate to the transfer of personnel from the federal government to the GNWT, policy manuals, directives and guidelines related human resource issues, publications for employees, a newsletter, manager's guides to performance review and planning and classification, and chrono files from the office of the Deputy Minister.

This fonds also includes records from the Equal Employment division, regarding the Affirmative Action Advisory Committee, 1990-1991.

This fonds also includes an operational review of regional offices in 1990 by the Deputy Minister.

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YK Photo fonds
425 · Fonds · 1963-1998

The fonds consists of 2214 photographs (1232 black and white negatives, 982 colour negatives) created by both Gerry Reimann and Bob Wilson during the store’s operation. The photography is a mix of commissioned work, such as portrait or family photography, schools, businesses, organizations, or government work, and non-commissioned photography, such as community events or photography of YK Foto. Due to this, the commissioned work has multiple copyright holders, which are noted where appropriate.

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305 · Fonds · [1962-1988]

This fonds consists of textual material, graphic material (photographs - col. prints), cartographic material (maps), moving images (helical scan video reels and Umatic videocassettes), sound recordings (audiocassettes), and microfilm reels. The textual material consists of transcripts of a meeting between the Oblate Fathers from settlements throughout the Mackenzie District and the Department of Local Government. The discussion involved the transfer of responsibilities from the Northern Administration Branch to the Government of the Northwest Territories in 1967. The bulk of the textual material contains records dating from 1967-1986. These records relate to the development and management of hamlets, towns, and communities across the Northwest Territories. They include details on services such as water and sanitation as provided and managed by the Department of Local Government, as well as files related to the Northwest Territories Municipal Association and departmental policies and initiatives, including recreation. Approximately 60 cm of the textual material consists of bound minutes from Pine Point Council Meetings that were held from 1969-1986, as well as financial statements from the community of Pine Point. In addition, there are files concerning the development, implementation, and operation of the Arctic Airports program, including position papers and reports created by Transport Canada with comments from GNWT officials, as well as reports, recommendations and minutes of meetings from the Airports Committee, a discussion paper concerning the development and implementation of the Arctic Air Facilities policy, and ongoing correspondence and planning documents.

The microfilm reels contain records dated between 1967-1973 from the Central Registry file system and contain files from the following program areas: Directors Monthly Meetings (11 block); Policy Files (13 block); Administration (20 block); Municipal Affairs Division (21 block); Development Division (22 block); Town Planning and Lands (24 block); Recreation (25 block); Emergency Measures Division (26 block) and Employment Liaison Division (29 block).

The maps are line transparency plans from the Town Planning and Lands Division of the Department of Local Government. Communities represented are: Arctic Bay, Broughton Island (Qikiqtarjuaq), Cape Dorset, Coppermine (Kugluktuk), Enterprise, Fort Franklin (Deline), Fort Providence, Hall Beach, Hay River, Igloolik (Iglulik), Paulatuk, Pond Inlet, Rankin Inlet, Resolute Bay, Sachs Harbour, Sanikiluaq, Snowdrift (Lutsulk'e), Trout Lake, and Wrigley. The 13 microfilm reels from the Town Planning and Lands Division contain settlement drawings for the following communities: Fort Simpson, Tuktoyaktuk, Yellowknife, Fort Providence, Fort Rae, Fort Resolution, Fort Smith, Spence Bay, Snowdrift, Stagg River, Alexander Falls, Inuvik, Fort McPherson, Fort Norman, Pine Point, Rankin Inlet, Sachs Harbour, Banks Island, Aklavik, Baker Lake, Hay River, Igloolik, Cambridge Bay, Holman Island, Enterprise, Gjoa Haven, Nahanni Butte, Chesterfield Inlet, Coral Harbour, Edzo, Morphy, Fort Franklin, Frobisher Bay, Port Harrison, Fort Good Hope and Hall Lake. There are also 7 land use planning maps which relate to Fort Simpson, Pine Point, and Enterprise.

The 2 Umatic videocassettes contain footage of James Washee, a Minister of Local Government, discussing Community Ordinance legislation. One recording is in English and one recording is in Inuktitut. Also included in the accession are eight reels of helical scan video. These appear to be related to local government conferences.

The sound recordings consist of 24 audiocassettes that contain recordings from an Economic Development Conference held in 1979 that featured speakers such as John Todd, Bertha Allen and Stuart Hodgson. In addition, eight of the audiocassettes contain recordings of the Pine Point Council Meetings from 1984, 1985, 1986 and 1987. One meeting from each year was retained as a sample.

Finally, this fonds includes approximately 40 cm of publications and reports from 1967-[1988]. The majority of the material consists of published community development plans. There are also water and sanitation reports, water and energy conservation papers, airport maintenance manual, comparative studies between municipalities in the NWT and those of western provinces, and a report of a committee on the future of Inuit hunting camps. Also notably included is a public discussion paper on devolution.

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Sylvester Drabitt fonds
118 · Fonds · 1962-1967

This fonds consists of 391 colour slides taken by Dr. Sylvester Drabitt, 150 colour negatives that were copied from slides loaned to the NWT Archives by the donor, one videocassette and one audio cassette. Dr. Drabbit was a physician who traveled on medical trips in the eastern arctic. The images include views of people, scenery, flora, fauna, people living on the land, snow houses, medical staff and facilities, transportation methods such as dog teams and aircraft, living conditions, and images from a medical patrol on the ship, C.D. Howe. The videotape also contains scenes from the C.D. Howe and the audio cassette is entitled "Victory at Sea-Last Patrol of the C.D. Howe.

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John Parker fonds
394 · Fonds · 1962-[199-]

This fonds consists of 3 m of textual material created by John H. Parker throughout his career spent in the Northwest Territories. Included are records related to the transfer of responsibilities from the federal Department of Indian and Northern Affairs to the then fledgling Government of the Northwest Territories. There are also files on a variety of political subjects including constitutional development, devolution of responsibility from the Commissioner's Office to the elected Executive Council, and land claims and the division of the Northwest Territories. John Parker was also involved in many groups and associations. Records of the Legislative Assembly Building Society, the Science Institute of the Northwest Territories, the Fox Moth Society, and St. John Ambulance are found here.

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Peter Gordon fonds
34 · Fonds · 1961

This fonds consists of photographs of a canoe trip from Hay River to Fort Providence, Fort Simpson and Nahanni Butte. It includes portraits of Gordon Robertson and Dick Turner.

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Norm Simmons fonds
154 · Fonds · 1960 - 1980

This fonds consists of 163 photographs (47 colour and 11 black and white copy negatives and 105 copy colour transparencies), 111 maps and map fragments and 20 cm of textual material. The 58 copy negatives and Simmons's journal document the construction of a mooseskin boat and its use. The boat was constructed between May 22 and 28, 1968, on the Gravel (Keele) River and taken down to Fort Norman (Tulita). People identified in the images include George and Vivian Pelissey, Gabe Etchinelle, Madeline Karcaji, Fred Andrew, and Jonas McCauley. The 105 colour transparencies date from 1967 through 1980 and depicts aboriginal life in the Mackenzie Mountain region including: caribou hunting, work on a moose hide boat, drying meat, fishing, camps, and Simmons's work with Dall's Sheep. The images includes views of the Moose Horn (Mountain) River, Caribou Flats by the Gravel River, Drum (Wrigley) Lake, and Punk Mountain. Included in the images are views of Gabriel Etchinelle, Jonas McCauley, Vivian McCauley, George Pelissey, Perry Linton, Leon Andrew, Jimmy Mendo, Maurice Mento, Cecile Hatchelle, Madeline Karkagie, Stella Mendo, Joe Blondin, David Yallee, Alfred Lennie and Gordon Yakelaya.

Also included in this fonds are a handwritten and typed English translation of the French article "Les Chitra-Gottineke" by Jean Michea, published in the National Museum of Canada Bulletin No. 190, "Contributions to Anthropology, Part II", 1960. Muriel Cooper, wife of Steve Cooper, Park Warden at Nahanni Butte, did the translation. The 111 maps and map fragments feature communities, lakes, rivers, canyons and mountain ranges from Fort Simpson up to the Mackenzie Delta region, and including the Yukon - NWT border. The field notes that accompany the maps include a 32 page typewritten gazetteer, as well as the handwritten notes for the gazetteer. There are also handwritten lists recording information about traditional place names of features in the Mackenzie Mountains. Simmons informants included Gabriel Etchinelle, Madeline Karkagie, George Pellissey, Vivian McCauley,and Maurice and Stella Mendo. The place names were written in a 'folk' phonetic form but a few are written by the elders are in syllabics. Files include research notes, field notes, drafts of papers and correspondence related to his studies of Dall's sheep in the Mackenzie Mountains in the 1970s, and correspondence with anthropologists such as Beryl Gillespie.

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197 · Fonds · [196- to 198-]

This fonds consists of 296 reel to reels (original masters) and 678 audio cassettes (original masters) copied to 661 sound CDs (RedBook Audio format - Archival Masters), which contain approximately 1013 oral history recordings and 1.2 meters of transcriptions from the Committee for Original People's Entitlement (COPE). The sound CDs constitute the archival masters. These recordings are in Inuvialuktun, Gwich'in and North Slavey and contain life stories of elders as well as traditional legends. Many of the recordings are part of CBC broadcast programming.

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231 · Fonds · [196-? - 1981], 1988

This fonds consists of two maps, 465 photographs, 43 DAT audiocassettes and 17 audio reels. The majority of the material consists of a collection of oral histories and photographs accumulated by the Fort Good Hope Community Council via their Dene Language and Historical Research Project. The oral histories were created because of the Dene Language and Historical Research Program. The photographs, collected from individual photographers, represent an artificial collection of historical photographs. Photographers include: Mr. Cassien Edgi, Brother Mahe and Alphonsine McNeely. The maps consist of town plans dealing with land use and development in the municipality of Fort Good Hope. One plan contains the text of the Fort Good Hope Community Plan. The second plan indicates zoning and focuses on the Jackfish Creek Redevelopment.

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James Jerome fonds
79 · Fonds · [196-] - 1979

This fonds consists of approximately 9000 black and white negatives, four colour negatives, and a small number of black and white and colour print photographs taken by James Jerome in the 1960s and 1970s and 5 cm of reports and correspondence. The majority of the photographs date from the period 1977-1979. Many were taken in the Fort McPherson and Peel River region, and document life on the land, fur trapping, winter and summer camps, fishing camps and fish preparation and drying activities of the Gwich'in. In addition there are many portraits, a selection of self-portraits, family photographs, transportation and recreation photographs. Many of the print photographs are copies of the negatives. Photographs of Inuvik include the 1979 Northern Games, while photographs of Yellowknife include music concerts. The textual material includes a project description of Jerome's proposed 'Portraits and History of the Dene Elders of the NWT' publication as well as handwritten and typewritten notes on the project, and correspondence.

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276 · Fonds · 1960-1963

This fonds consists of 20 cm of textual records and173 b&w photographs, prepared for the Department of Mines and Technical Surveys during 1960 to 1963. The reports include 'Settlement files' and 'Terrain and Site Analysis' on 19 separate settlements in the Canadian north, most in the Northwest Territories, but also one in the Yukon. The reports include black and white photographs illustrating buildings and physical setting. The Settlement files provide information under the headings of: location, structure, function and facilities, communications, population, resources, origin and history, toponymy, physical setting, climate, permafrost, freeze-up and break-up. The Terrain and Site Analysis reports provide information regarding location, geology, landforms, terrain conditions, soil, drainage, permafrost, vegetation, harbour and shore conditions, weather conditions, water supply, sewage and garbage disposal, sanitation, aircraft landing facilities, locations of buildings and roads, local labour, and fire safety. The fonds also includes a reference plan of Yellowknife settlement, revised up to 1958.

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Robert Howren fonds
383 · Fonds · [196-]-1982

This fonds consists of audio reels, audiocassettes, microfilm and textual records that were created by linguist Dr. Robert Howren beginning in the late 1960s to 1982. The textual material is comprised of 28 notebooks containing his field notes. They are in several series: 1967, 1969, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1977, and 1982. The sound recordings, recorded mainly in Tlicho (Dogrib) but also in Chipewyan, Gwich'in, and North Slavey, include 114 audiocassettes and 231 audio reels, which, in the majority of cases correspond directly to the sound recordings. The audio reels range in date from the late 1960s to the late 1970s; the audiocassettes date mostly from 1982. The languages on the tapes and in the notebooks is mostly Tlicho (Dogrib), however, Dane-zaa (Beaver), Slave, North Slavey (Hare) and Sarcee are also included. The speakers on the tapes are mostly Vital Thomas, but also include: Madeline Ayah, Harry Bearlake, Alphonse Eronchi, Susie Abel, Rosa Mantla, Ernie Camsell, Elizabeth Mackenzie and John Mackenzie, among others. There are 6 reels of microfilm, five of which relate to Slave language grammars and lexicons that likely date from the 1950s or 1960s. The other reel, dated 1971, is marked only with the title Golla, V. Hupa.

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Peter J. Usher fonds
434 · Fonds · 1960-2010

Included are research material, reports, land use studies, correspondence, manuscripts, photographs, maps and plans. This material was produced in the course of Peter Usher's academic research, as well as research projects undertaken for a variety of clients.

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Miriam Leith fonds
73 · Fonds · [1959-1967]

This accession consists of 7.5 cm of textual records comprised of academic publications authored by Miriam Leith, as well as a large number of draft and research notes produced by Ms. Leith in her research on northern food and nutrition as well as housing programs. Files also contain correspondence and reports concerning northing housing programs. Related to Ms. Leith's work with the Adult Housing Education Program. Also included in the collection are copies of diet information and recipes distributed to the local people. Some of these materials are written in syllabics.

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Raymond Wood family fonds
183 · Fonds · 1959

This fonds consists of one mimeographed manuscript of a diary written in 1959 by Raymond and Mildred Wood. The diary recounts their trip to Herschel Island, Yukon.

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Elizabeth Cass fonds
102 · Fonds · 1959-1960, [1980?]

This fonds consists of one DAT audio cassette and 5 cm of textual material. The DAT audio cassette contains a recording of Dr. Cass in early 1980, dictating letters for her secretary. She discusses her health and her recent trip to Brazil with the International Society of Geographic Opthalmology. The textual material consists of transcripts that contain Dr. Cass' personal observations on the Gwich'in. These observations were made in 1959. Her recollections cover such topics as puberty, religious beliefs, burial customs, personal hygiene, marriage, music and dancing. She has also recorded many of the Gwich'in stories and legends that were related to her by such individuals as Paul Bonnetplume (Aklavik), Annie McPherson (Fort McPherson), Peter Lord (Old Crow, Yukon), Lazarus Sittichinli, Peter Moses and Edward Snowshoe. Although many of the legends relate to medicine men, Dr. Cass also recounts stories about the Willow Man, the Ungrateful Indian, Sakeethuck the "Trickster," the Crow Who Lost His Beak, the Lazy Boy, three stories about Bushmen [Hare and Slavey Indians] and a two hour saga about two brothers as told to her by Edward Snowshoe. The remaining textual material consists of reports written by Dr. Elizabeth Cass. The reports examine blindness and eye problems amongst children and adults in the Northwest Territories. There are charts and graphs included in the reports.

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Velma Daws fonds
208 · Fonds · 1959-1975

This fonds consists of 8 cm of textual material which relate to Velma Daw's (nee MacDonald's) activities within the school system in Inuvik and which document her participation in community events. The accession includes: correspondence between Mrs. Daws and the Education Division of the Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources; correspondence between Mrs. Daws and the parents of her students; correspondence between Mrs. Daws and her former students who were living in residence at Grolier Hall and Stringer Hall. The accession also contains finger paintings and pencil drawings composed by her Grade I and Grade II students at Inuvik in 1959. There is one daily planning book for 1960-1961, which detail class plans and suggestions on class planning produced by the Education Division. There are also transcripts of two Inuit stories, "The Man who joined the Caribou", and "The Greedy Fisherman" which were related to Mrs. Daws by Charlie Smith in the early 1950s. The accession has been divided into three series, i) correspondence, ii) educational materials, iii) community activities\events.

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Nancy O. Lurie fonds
377 · Fonds · 1959-1967

This fonds consists of approximately 35 cm of textual material comprised of correspondence and field research related to Nancy Lurie's ethnographic research with the Tłı̨chǫ (Dogrib) in Behchokǫ̀ (Rae) and Wha Ti (Lac La Martre), NWT. The correspondence dates from 1959-1963 and includes letters to and from June Helm, Susan Messerly and Nancy Lurie regarding fieldwork in Lac La Martre and Rae, as well as correspondence between Nancy Lurie and her husband Edward Lurie, written while she was doing fieldwork in 1959. In addition, there are letters from Alexis Nitsiza and Elsie Simpson that were written to Nancy Lurie while they were attending residential school in Yellowknife and in Fort Smith, as well as several handwritten notes requesting items such as sugar, tobacco and flour that were delivered to Nancy Lurie and June Helm by children in Lac La Martre. The remaining textual material consists of Lurie’s field notes and research papers from her ethnological research that was undertaken in Lac La Martre and Rae in 1959 and 1967. There are also index cards arranged by subject containing handwritten notes and observations made during Lurie’s field research.

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309 · Fonds · 1959-1993

This fonds consists of approximately 3,950 photographs in slide, print and negative formats, approximately 29.7 meters of textual material, 2 reels of microfilm, 1 audiocassette and 1 video reel. Approximately 450 photographs depict school facilities across the Northwest Territories, as well as other community buildings from the Northwest Territories, such as hospitals and churches. The remaining photographs are from the School Program and Development Division or the School Support Division. The collection from the School Program and Development Division consists of approximately 1,944 35-mm negatives, 138 slide images and approximately 828 reproductions of archival images. The communities of Fort McPherson, Fort Smith and Fort Franklin are represented, as well as images of elders, traditional games and activities. The reproductions of the archival images include photographs of the Perry Expedition, as well as images from the Department of Interior-Yukon and Northwest Territories Branch, which consist of images from throughout the arctic, primarily from the Keewatin Region. The images from the School Support Division consists of 871 slides that depict the following communities: Inuvik , Trout Lake, Jean Marie River, Snare Lake, Yellowknife, Fort Wrigley, Rae Edzo, Tuktoyaktuk, Tungsten, Fort Franklin, Coral Harbour, Pelly Bay, Coppermine, Pine Point, and Hay River. In addition, there are 80 slides with an accompanying audio cassette and manual from a unit entitled "Our Students, Our Future: Shaping Education in the NWT." This unit was developed in 1990 and includes images that depict students and education related activities in the Northwest Territories. Furthermore, there are 64 black and white photographs with accompanying negatives of historic buildings and sites in Fort Smith. The photographs were taken in 1986 by Chris Hanks, Sub arctic Archaeologist for the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre while he delivered an anthropology course for the Renewable Resources Technology Program at Thebacha College in Fort Smith.

The textual records generated by the Administration Division, later renamed the Directorate, consist of material dated between 1966-1989. These records consist of policy and planning files, Board of Education files, correspondence, service agreements between the department and school boards, finance reports from residential schools and school boards, reports on hearing impairment, school health projects and special needs, in addition to various committee reports and general language files. There are also files from the Baffin Board of Education, Fort Smith Region, Kitikmeot Region Education Association and the Keewatin Region Education Authority.

The bulk of the textual material was created and/or accumulated by the School Programs Development section and its predecessors the Program Services, Programs and Evaluations Branch, Education Programs and Evaluation and Linguistic Programs, which were all part of the Administration and Directorate Division, Department of Education. The records consist of administrative files, correspondence, committee reports, policy and planning files, reports and minutes from meetings; Special Education records, School program files and Linguistic program files, including workbooks, readers and curriculum material. In addition, there are records from the Assistant Director of Education regarding school policy, procedures and directives, Inuit education, pupil residences and vocational training. There are also records and files from the following: Continuing and Special Education Division, including files from Adult Education, Apprenticeship Training, Life Skills, Home Management, Vocational Training for the Handicapped, and Social and Housing Education; Advanced Education division, including files regarding the In-Service Training Program and literacy promotion; records from the Tree of Peace adult education program; records from the Director of Education; Education Recruitment; and the Professional Improvement Committee. The remaining textual material is from the Central Registry and consists of files from the Director of Education (70 block), School Programs (72 block), School Services (73 block) and College and Continuing Education (75 block). The records from the Director of Education includes files on general education, curriculum development, teacher training, conferences, aboriginal language courses, school policy, schools and residences and Superintendent of Education files for the regions. The records from School Programs and School Services consist of correspondence, publications, policies and procedures relating to school programs, curriculum, teacher evaluations, conferences and school services files. The records from the College and Continuing Education Services relate to adult education centres and programs, vocational programs, continuing and special education, group courses, conferences and workshops. In addition, there are two microfilm reels containing records from the Central Registry from the following program areas: Director of Education (70 block) and Assistant Director of Education (71 block).

This fonds also includes daily student attendance records from St. Patrick's Separate School and Sir John Franklin High School that date between 1953-1970 and were transferred directly from the schools in 1980, Treaty Member and Inuit Identification Lists, miscellaneous reports, publications and one video reel documenting "Life in a Student Residence, Grollier Hall, 1976."

This fonds also includes approximately 2 meters of published reports, curriculum resources, teaching guides, newsletters, magazines, pamphlets, published anthologies, manuals, education kits, storybooks, workbooks and handbooks created by the Department of Education dating from 1973 to 1993. The material covers a wide range of topics including teaching aides for elementary school children (workbooks, storybooks, teaching guides, kits, etc.), a large collection of Pik magazines, brochures and kits on child abuse, sexual assault and alcohol and drug awareness, apprenticeship brochures, nutrition guides and a children's cookbook, curriculum guides on science, civics, social studies and health, a needs assessment report on alternative programs for special needs, a review of Akaitcho Hall, a report on the 1971 Olympiada event, and many aboriginal language storybook readers. There is also a Social and Housing Education Program in the Mackenzie District summary from 1969.

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