[View of two houses and a road intersection in Inuvik.]
[A man, possibly a Norbert, and a woman stand on the sidewalk on Mackenzie Road. Behind them is the federal building.]
[Several men stand on the roof of the Hudson's Bay Company store in Inuvik.]
[Men, women and children stand in line for a game in a community hall in Inuvik during a carnival.]
[Two women make cotton candy in a community hall in Inuvik during a carnival.]
[A large group of people in a community hall in Inuvik during a carnival.]
[Frankie Jerome sits on a couch in a home, likely in Inuvik. Two boys or men sit on the couch behind him.]
[View of the Catholic residence Grollier Hall in Inuvik. Children play baseball in the ball diamond in front of the residence.]
[A team of four men carry a litter, a honey bucket with support poles for a honey bucket race in Inuvik during a carnival. The litter is decorated with tin foil and the men wear tin foil crowns.]
[A crowd of people gathers on Mackenzie Road during a carnival.]
[A crowd of people stand outdoors during a carnival. A young woman wears a crown and a cape.]
[Beauty contest contenders stand on a stage in Inuvik.]
[A woman sits on the ground holding a duck by its tail as she cleans it during a competition at the 1979 Northern Games in front of Sir Alexander Mackenzie School in Inuvik. The woman wears a calico, or parka cover. Another woman sits next to her.]
[People sit and stand next to a cooking tripod hung with pieces of dryfish at a camp for John (JC) Catholique's wedding at the Snowdrift River. Boats are tied to the shore of the river at right.]
[People sit and stand next to a cooking tripod hung with pieces of dryfish at a camp for John (JC) Catholique's wedding at the Snowdrift River.]
[Men play handgame while a crowd watches at a camp for John (JC) Catholique's wedding at the Snowdrift River. The men gesture to guess the opposing team's tokens. Players seated from left to right: Noel Drybones, Louis Drybones, Joe Michel, Alfred Catholique, unknown.]
[A young boy watches a handgame at a camp for John (JC) Catholique's wedding at the Snowdrift River. Standing behind him (hat and long hair) is Bernie Masuzumi. Handgame players seated to his right are Noel Drybones, Louis Drybones and Joe Michel.]
[Men play handgame while a crowd of mostly children watches at a camp for John (JC) Catholique's wedding at the Snowdrift River. Pierre Marlowe (glasses) is at far left, George Marlowe (cowboy hat) is at right. The older woman in the crowd at right might be Mary Louise Nita.]
[Men play handgame while a crowd of mostly children watches at a camp for John (JC) Catholique's wedding at the Snowdrift River. Pierre Marlowe (glasses) is at far left.]
[Men play handgame while a crowd watches at a camp for John 'JC' Catholique's wedding at the Snowdrift River. Seated from left to right are George or Joe Desjarlais, Joe Boucher (guessing with hand gesture), Tommy Lockhart (leather jacket), George Marlowe (cowboy hat). The boy behind Marlowe wearing a cap may be Michael Lafferty.]