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[Students in a classroom]
N-2021-006: 0114 · Item · May 1964
Part of Maxine Colbourne

[Students working at their desks in a classroom. Some are facing the camera. This is most likely Maxine Colbourne's Grade 6 classroom in Sir Alexander Mackenzie School in Inuvik.]

Colbourne, Maxine
[Students in a classroom]
N-2021-006: 0115 · Item · May 1964
Part of Maxine Colbourne

[Wall decoration showing angels, Mary and an infant Jesus. Underneath it says "Grade 6". This is most likely Maxine Colbourne's classroom in Sir Alexander Mackenzie School in Inuvik.]

Colbourne, Maxine
[Windows in a classroom]
N-2021-006: 0117 · Item · May 1964
Part of Maxine Colbourne

[Windows painted with people, animals (swans, cows), and trees. This is most likely Maxine Colbourne's classroom in Sir Alexander Mackenzie School in Inuvik.]

Colbourne, Maxine
[Windows in a classroom]
N-2021-006: 0120 · Item · May 1964
Part of Maxine Colbourne

[Windows painted with chickens, other birds and trees. This is most likely Maxine Colbourne's classroom in Sir Alexander Mackenzie School in Inuvik.]

Colbourne, Maxine
[Students in a classroom]
N-2021-006: 0121 · Item · May 1964
Part of Maxine Colbourne

[Students working at their desks. One is facing the camera. Behind them are windows painted with cows, swans and trees. This is most likely Maxine Colbourne's classroom in Sir Alexander Mackenzie School in Inuvik.]

Colbourne, Maxine
[Students in a classroom]
N-2021-006: 0122 · Item · May 1964
Part of Maxine Colbourne

[Students working at their desks and facing the camera. Behind them are windows painted with cows, swans and trees. This is most likely Maxine Colbourne's classroom in Sir Alexander Mackenzie School in Inuvik.]

Colbourne, Maxine
Mission in Batoche[?]
N-2021-006: 0129 · Item · July 1964
Part of Maxine Colbourne

[Exterior view of a church. This is likely near Beardy's and Okemasis Cree Nation (Duck Lake, Saskatchewan)]

Colbourne, Maxine
[Classroom windows]
N-2021-006: 0131 · Item · March 1965
Part of Maxine Colbourne

[A view out of classroom windows, painted with angels, bells and ornaments. This is likely Maxine Colbourne's classroom in Sir Alexander Mackenzie School in Inuvik.]

Colbourne, Maxine
N-2021-006: 0132 · Item · March 1965
Part of Maxine Colbourne

[A group of students stand for a class portrait in front of windows painted with Biblical themes. Several of the students are wearing matching graphic t-shirts. This is likely Maxine Colbourne's classroom in Sir Alexander Mackenzie School in Inuvik.]

Colbourne, Maxine
N-2021-006: 0134 · Item · March 1965
Part of Maxine Colbourne

[A group of students stand for a class portrait in front of windows painted with angels and bells. Several of the students are wearing matching graphic t-shirts. This is likely Maxine Colbourne's classroom in Sir Alexander Mackenzie School in Inuvik.]

Colbourne, Maxine
N-2021-006: 0137 · Item · March 1965
Part of Maxine Colbourne

[A group of six students stand for a class portrait in front of windows painted with candy canes, Christmas tree and candles. This is likely Maxine Colbourne's classroom in Sir Alexander Mackenzie School in Inuvik.]

Colbourne, Maxine
[Housing in Inuvik]
N-2021-006: 0151 · Item · August 1966
Part of Maxine Colbourne

[A view of the utilidor and rows of colourful houses in summer]

Colbourne, Maxine
[Parade float in Inuvik]
N-2021-006: 0157 · Item · July 1967
Part of Maxine Colbourne

[Women in the back of an Esso truck decorated with candy canes, likely during the spring carnival]

Colbourne, Maxine
[Child standing outside]
N-2021-006: 0161 · Item · June 1968
Part of Maxine Colbourne

[A child standing outside. The child may be Maxine Colbourne's son, Danny Lee Trevor Colbourne. Behind him is a blue car and white buildings with red roofs]

Colbourne, Maxine
[Woman and child]
N-2021-006: 0164 · Item · June 1968
Part of Maxine Colbourne

[A woman crouches down next to a small child who is likely Maxine Colbourne's son, Danny Lee Trevor Colbourne. Behind them a nun stands in the background. They are likely outside of Lower Post Residential School in British Columbia.]

Colbourne, Maxine
N-2021-006: 0174 · Item · July 1968
Part of Maxine Colbourne

[A man walks toward an outhouse and children play at the edge of a body of water in summer. This is possibly near Lower Post Residential School in British Columbia.]

Colbourne, Maxine
N-2021-006: 0176 · Item · July 1968
Part of Maxine Colbourne

[Two children playing in a body of water. In the distance are mountains with some snow on the peaks. This is possibly near Lower Post Residential School in British Columbia.]

Colbourne, Maxine