This file consists of correspondence, and planning documents related to the decentralization and privitization of GNWT agencies, including the Head Office of Arctic College.
This file contains agendas, reports and minutes from meetings of the Executive Committee, Education, Culture and Employment.
This file contains terms of reference and reports on an Information Systems Strategy that was developed by the Information Systems Steering Committee (ECE).
This file contains the Traditional Knowledge Annual Report from the Department of Education, Culture and Employment.
This file contains a Literacy Proposal to Multiculturism and Citizenship Canada that was submitted by Arctic College for literacy program funding.
This file contains agendas and minutes from meetings of the Arctic College Board of Governors.
This file contains background information, functional reviews, and correspondence related to the consolidation and development of the Department of Education, Culture and Employment.
This file consists of terms of reference, mission statement and discussion points for the Strategic Planning Steering Committee.