[A man ice fishes with a stick while sitting on a bucket. Likely close to Inuvik.]
[View of boats pulled on to the shore of the East Arm of the Mackenzie River in spring. The industrial area of Inuvik is visible in the distance.]
[View of Ingamo Hall in Inuvik in spring.]
[A large group of people walk down Mackenzie Road in Inuvik in spring. Possibly a parade or gathering for the Muskrat Jamboree.]
[A large group of people walk down Mackenzie Road in Inuvik in spring. Possibly a parade or gathering for the Muskrat Jamboree.]
[Two canoes and a boat pulled on to the shore of the East Arm of the Mackenzie River close to Inuvik in spring.]
[View of Mackenzie Road in Inuvik in spring. The Mad Trapper and Arctic Inn building, the Raven's Nest and Mac's News Stand are across the street.]
[Three men stand on a street in Inuvik. Several large buildings are behind them.]
[Four men stand on a street corner in Inuvik in spring.]
[Two boats tied to the shore of the East Arm of the Mackenzie River close to Inuvik in spring.]
[Boats, canoes and a wooden shed at the shore of the East Arm of the Mackenzie River close to Inuvik in spring.]
[A airplane on floats CF-GFDP tied to a dock at the shore of the East Arm of the Mackenzie River close to Inuvik in spring.]
[Two canoes pulled up on the shore of the East Arm of the Mackenzie River, close to Inuvik in spring.]
[View of Ingamo Hall in Inuvik in spring.]
[A large building or warehouse in Inuvik.]
[View of a powerboat in drydock in Inuvik in spring. Inuvik buildings are visible in the background.]
[A team of four men stand around a litter, a honey bucket with support poles for a honey bucket race in Inuvik during a carnival.]
[Teams run down Mackenzie Road in a honey bucket race in Inuvik during a carnival. Crowds of people watch from the side of the road.]
[Crowds of people stand on the side of Mackenzie Road during a carnival. The Eskimo Inn is visible across the road.]
[View of the Anglican residence, Stringer Hall, in Inuvik.]