[This file consists of flow charts, definitions, and a document outlining key milestones.]
[This file contains memos, notes, and correspondence from Usher concerning edits to Chapter 10 of the Panel’s report.]
[This file contains a review of Chapter 16 (Social & Cultural Impacts), drafts and reviews of chapter 15, and a draft of chapter 10 with comments from Usher.]
[This file contains correspondence, drafts, and edits of Chapter 6, as well as external reports.]
[This file contains notes and memos on how to structure the report and things to take into consideration when writing on specific topics or sections.]
[This file contains notes, work plans and schedules for the completion of the Joint Review Panel’s final report.]
[This file contains internal documents from the Joint Review Panel on matters such as de-briefing after hearings, preparations for report writing, and informal meeting notes.]
[This folder contains material relating to hearings and travel, including meeting planning and a schedule, agendas, a handbook of the hearing process at administrative tribunals, and notes. This file has been split into two parts.]
[This folder contains material relating to hearings and travel, including meeting planning and a schedule, agendas, a handbook of the hearing process at administrative tribunals, and notes. This file has been split into two parts.]
[This file contains material relating to a court case by the Dene Tha’ First Nation, including legal documents and correspondence relating to a map of their traditional territory.]
[This file contains material relating to the Joint Review Panel’s EIS conference in Yellowknife from June 27 to 29, 2005, including a copy of the facilitator’s report, presentation slides and notes, submissions from groups, and a draft record of discussion. This file has been split into two parts.]
[This file contains material relating to traditional knowledge, including a summary of what was said in hearings, press releases, correspondence, and draft policy and procedure documents.]
[This file contains material relating to the Joint Review Panel’s EIS conference in Yellowknife from June 27 to 29, 2005, including a copy of the facilitator’s report, presentation slides and notes, submissions from groups, and a draft record of discussion. This file has been split into two parts.]
[This file contains an information package on the Joint Review Panel’s technical hearings and how to prepare for them, as well as correspondence on information requests and procedural changes.]
[This file contains material relating to an internal review of the EIS document, including notes, critiques, and reviewed drafts.]
[This file contains a report from Imperial Oil in response to the Joint Review Panel’s request for information and correspondence.]
[This file contains administrative correspondence for the Joint Review Panel for the Mackenzie Gas Project, records of discussion, a backgrounder on the final report, news releases, and edits and notes. This file has been split into two parts.]
[This file contains administrative correspondence for the Joint Review Panel for the Mackenzie Gas Project, records of discussion, a backgrounder on the final report, news releases, and edits and notes. This file has been split into two parts.]
[This file contains administrative correspondence for the Joint Review Panel for the Mackenzie Gas Project and records of discussion. This file has been split into two parts.]
[This file contains administrative correspondence for the Joint Review Panel for the Mackenzie Gas Project and records of discussion. This file has been split into two parts.]