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Yellowknife, NT. Public Works and Services. Asset Management Division. Facility Planning Section. Prepared for The Department of Education, Culture and Employment, Government of the Northwest Territories, the Management and Staff of the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre. Prepared by: Artur Zajdler, Facility Planner, August/September 2001.

[Prepared by Aboriginal Engineering Ltd.] Report Submitted to Department of Public Works, Government of the Northwest Territories. [Report presents the results of a geotechnical investigation completed for the proposed expansion to the truck offloading bay at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre in Yellowknife.]

This file consists of briefing notes related to youth employment, labour force development and apprenticeship programs. In addition, the file contains a planning framework for supporting NWT Youth called "Youth Can't Do It Alone." The document was developed by Lutra Associates Ltd for the Department of Education, Culture and Employment.

This file contains records related to the Investing in People (IIP) program that was overseen by the Colleges and Continuing Education Division. The file iincludes an IIP Monitoring and Evaluation Framework document that was developed by Human Resources Development Canada, newsletters about the program that were developed by ECE and an evaluation of the program during its second year.