[Ice fishing in Gameti (Rae Lakes) using a net. Photographer: Dorothy Chocolate]
[Ice fishing in Gameti (Rae Lakes) using a net. Pulling the net from the hole. Photographer: Dorothy Chocolate]
[Portrait of Alfred Gargan of Fort Providence, age 60. Photographer: Matt Sanger. Published in Native Press newspaper December 2, 1983, page 11]
[Jim Evoy (left), representative of the Construction and General Workers Union, and Toni Graeame (centre, back), representative of the Canada Employment Centre in Yellowknife, on a visit to Fort Providence to recruit workers for a course to train for jobs constructing the IPL pipeline. Photographer: Matt Sanger.]
[George Tuccaro broadcasting election results for the CBC during the Territorial elections. Photographer: Lee Selleck.
[Group of people sharing an outdoor meal after a hunt in winter near Gameti (Rae Lakes). Photographer: Johnny Arrowmaker. Published in Native Press newspaper December 2, 1983]
[Jim Antoine (right) at a birthday party. A young girl covered in cake and wearing a party hat sits next to him. Photographer: Marc Casaway. Published in Native Press newspaper December 2, 1983, page 12]
[View of the community of Fort Simpson. Photographer: Eric Menicoche]
[Man walking, with another hiding behind him, in Fort Simpson. Photographer: Eric Menicoche. Published December 2, 1983, page 12]
[Portrait of a man, possibly a candidate in a Behchoko (Rae-Edzo) election]
[Portrait of Dorothy Chocolate in the darkroom at the Native Press office]
[Aerial view of downtown Yellowknife. The road running from top to bottom is Franklin Avenue and large buildings include the Laing building, Yellowknife Centre, Courthouse, Bellanca building, and Northern United Place. Photographer: Marc Casaway]
[Students in the Grade 8-9 classroom at Chief Tselehye School in Fort Good Hope. Photographer: Henry Tobac]
[Students in the Grade 1 classroom at Chief Tselehye School in Fort Good Hope. Photographer: Henry Tobac]
[Antoine Mountain doing language research in Fort Good Hope. Photographer: Henry Tobac]
[Burning Chief Bruno Apples' belongings in Behchoko (Fort Rae). Chief Apples was born in 1914 to Lazare and Madelaine Yatlayi. He was one of the founders of Gameti (Rae Lakes) and was twice selected as its chief. Photographer: Lee Selleck. Published in Native Press newspaper December 16, 1983, page 12]
[Ave Maria Simpson, 2 years old, foster daughter of Eddie and Madeline Rabesca, sitting on a couch in Behchoko (Fort Rae). Photographer: Dorothy Chocolate]
[Native Communications Society staff posing for a Christmas photo. Left to right: Dan Mandin, Harold Barnaby, Cathi MacQuarrie, Anita Grey Wolf, Matt Sanger, J.F. Pitre, Marilyn Tuccaro, Peter Squirrel, Nancy Austin, William Greenland, Barb Hungie, Sandra, Sandra Dolan, Lee Selleck, Dorothy Chocolate, and Jane Lewington. Photographer: Lee Selleck. Published in Native Press newsletter December 16, 1983, page 32]
[Pipeline training in Norman Wells. Group of trainees in hard hats. Photographer: Jean Francois Pitre]
Jimmy Drybones, of Fort Rae [Behchoko], with a caribou hide [Photographer: Rachel Crapeau. Published in Native Press newspaper December 16, 1983, page 1]