Avvaq, at the tip of Cape Bathurst, was a village site of the Avvarmiut, 1995. There are also some cabin ruins from more recent occupation. Photo by Elisa J. Hart, PWNHC TTKP
Edgar Kotokak and Emmanuel Felix of Tuktoyaktuk walking along the sandspit extending out from Avvaq at the tip of Cape Bathurst, 1995. Utqaluk was at the end of the spit and was a traditional stopping place, and was near the location of the former Baillie Island Hudson's Bay Company post. Photo by Elisa J. Hart, PWNHC TTKP
Baillie Island just north of Cape Bathurst, 1995. (out of focus) Photo by Elisa J. Hart, PWNHC TTKP
A grizzly bear in the distance, Baillie Islands, 1995. Photo by Elisa J. Hart, PWNHC TTKP
Name of location unknown, Cape Bathurst (?) or west coast Franklin Bay (?), 1995. Photo by Elisa J. Hart, PWNHC TTKP
Name of location unknown, Cape Bathurst (?) or west coast Franklin Bay (?), 1995. Photo by Elisa J. Hart, PWNHC TTKP
The high bluffs probably called Kingirniqsaq or Kingingniqsaq,west coast Franklin Bay, 1995. Photo by Elisa J. Hart, PWNHC TTKP
The high bluffs probably called Kingirniqsaq or Kingingniqsaq,west coast Franklin Bay, 1995. Photo by Elisa J. Hart, PWNHC TTKP
Kuuruq, a creek and one of the few places to camp along the northern portion of the west coast Franklin Bay, 1995. Patsy Wyant's old cabin. Photo by Elisa J. Hart, PWNHC TTKP
Ice on Eskimo Lakes (Imaryuk / Imaryuit[plural] / "Husky Lakes"). Photo by John Poirier, NWT Archives/TTKP
Edgar Kotokak of Tuktoyaktuk beside eroding shoreline with permafrost visible in bank, Nicholson Island, 1995. Photo by John Poirier, NWT Archives/TTKP
Left to right: Noah Felix (interpreter) of Tuktoyaktuk, Angus Cockney (videographer, Renewable Resources, GNWT), Elisa Hart (researcher, PWNHC), and elder Edgar Kotokak of Tuktoyaktuk talking while waiting for PCSP helicopter (not in photo) to refuel while on the way to North Star Harbour and Baillie Island areas for interviews, 1995. Photo by John Poirier, NWT Archives/TTKP
Native plant may be quaqqat (arctic dock, Rumex arcticus) (?), Nicholson Island, 1995. Photo by John Poirier, NWT Archives/TTKP
Flying inland under fog along coast from Anderson River southeast shore of Wood Bay, 1995. Photo by John Poirier, NWT Archives/TTKP
Flying a bit inland under fog along coast from Anderson River southeast shore of Wood Bay, 1995. Photo by John Poirier, NWT Archives/TTKP
Ingniryuat,also known as the Smoking Hills, west coast of Franklin Bay, 1995. Photo by Elisa J. Hart, PWNHC TTKP
Kuukkat, a line of bluffs with "little creeks" or ravines, east coast Liverpool Bay, 1995. Photo by Elisa J. Hart, PWNHC TTKP
Nunavialuk,an area meaning something like "real land" or "mainland" on the east coast of Liverpool Bay, 1995. Photo by Elisa J. Hart, PWNHC TTKP
The remains of a cabin at Qilavittarvik (place to use qilavittautit / bolas) south of Kuugyuasiaq (Mason River), Liverpool Bay, 1995. Photo by Elisa J. Hart, PWNHC TTKP
Siniqpasiktuq - a creek meaning "closest to the edge or shore". People used to get drinking water there, Liverpool Bay / Wood Bay, 1995. (Tuktoyaktuk Traditional Knowledge Project) Photo by Elisa J. Hart, PWNHC TTKP