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G-1999-077 · Accession · March 1986
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Culture and Communications fonds

The records were generated by an oral history project in which Slavey Elder George Boots was interviewed about traditional place names and land use. The audiocassettes contain recordings of the interviews that took place over a five day period at Willow Lake River. The interviews were conducted in Slavey. The textual material consists of two copies of English translations of the audiocassettes.
This project was coordinated by Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre archaeologist, Chris Hanks and involved Territorial Toponymist Randy Freeman and translators Elinor Bran and Margaret Thom. The project resulted in a total of 10.5 hours of taped interviews and many hours of nondirected discussions with Mr. Boots. In these recorded interviews, Mr. Boots provides 147 toponyms, several long narratives on seasonal land use, partial family histories, and camp and resource locations for a large area of the Northwest Territories.

Each of the audio cassettes features recordings on the A and B side.

G-1999-077: 0004a · Item · March 1986
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Culture and Communications fonds

Side A of audio recorded interview with South Slavey elder George Boots. Mr. Boots provides traiditional place names for numerous waterways, locations of houses, and describes the location of oil exploration cutlines, his work on the oil pipeline, grouse in the area, the Lafferty family, the location of houses and their owners, the traditional names of trees, and traditional Dene names for specific rivers and mountains.

G-2004-002 · Accession · 1987-1990
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Culture and Communications fonds

The sound recordings date from 1987-1990 and were a result of three separate projects that were conducted by the Geographical Names Program. The first series of recordings (CN-1 through CN-16) were created between 1988-1989 and include interviews with elders from Paulatuk about traditional geographical names in the area. The second series (CN-17 through CN-25) contains interviews conducted in 1987 by Allice Legat and Territorial Toponymist Randy Freeman, with Sachs Harbour elder William Kuptana. The interviews focused primarily on William Kuptana's life as well as recorded traditional geographical names in the area. The remaining series (CN-33 through CN-87 and CN-90) contains recordings from the Dogrib Names Study. This project was an internal project through the Geographical Names Program to gather all traditional Tlicho (Dogrib) geographical names. The recordings include extensive elders' interviews conducted in Behchoko (Rae) and Whati (Lac La Martre) between 1989-1990.

Northwest Territories. Department of Culture and Communications. Museums and Heritage division. Geographical Names Program
G-2005-018 · Accession · March 1990
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Culture and Communications fonds

The audio recordings document stories that were recorded at the Miner's Mess restaurant in Yellowknife, March 13th and March 15th, 1990, as part of the Cultural Festival component of the Arctic Winter Games held in Yellowknife, March 11-17, 1990. The recording project was sponsored by the NWT Arts Council in conjunction with the Muttart Foundation and Communications Canada. The recordings feature storytelling by Claire Barnabe, Barb Bromley, Rene Fumoleau, Jim Green, Abe Okpik, Erik Watt, Lorne Scholar, D'Arcy Arden, George Blondin, Neil Colin, Mary Forrest, Pete Fraser, Joe Tobie and Jim Bourque.

Northwest Territories. NWT Arts Council
G-2005-018: 0001 · Item · March 13, 1990
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Culture and Communications fonds

This item is the first part of a six-part recording of stories that were recorded at the Miner's Mess restaurant in Yellowknife, March 13th and March 15th, 1990, as part of the Cultural Festival component of the Arctic Winter Games. The recording is in English. The original source item is a reel-to-reel tape. The recording also includes items 0002, 0003, 0004, 0005, and 0006. Speakers include:
Claire Barnabe: Experiences as a new teacher and resident of the north.
Abe Okpik (@22:13) discusses experiences, Project Name/Surname
Barb Bromley (@43:00): Discusses early days of nursing in Yellowknife. Including Medevac experiences and fire at Red Cross/Stanton Hospital in 1966.

G-2005-018: 0002 · Item · March 13, 1990
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Culture and Communications fonds

This item is the second part of a six-part recording of stories that were recorded at the Miner's Mess restaurant in Yellowknife, March 13th and March 15th, 1990, as part of the Cultural Festival component of the Arctic Winter Games. The recording is in English. The original source item is a reel-to-reel tape. The recording also includes items 0001, 0003, 0004, 0005, and 0006. Speakers include:
Lorne Schollar (@2:45) Experiences as an RCMP officer in the north, mostly Grise Fiord.
Rene Fumoleau (@39:34) Experiences in Fort Franklin, Fort Good Hope, Yellowknife.
Musical interludes by Lew Delaney on accordion.

G-2005-018: 0003 · Item · March 13, 1990
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Culture and Communications fonds

This item is the third part of a six-part recording of stories that were recorded at the Miner's Mess restaurant in Yellowknife, March 13th and March 15th, 1990, as part of the Cultural Festival component of the Arctic Winter Games. The recording is in English. The original source item is a reel-to-reel tape. The recording also includes items 0001, 0002, 0004, 0005, and 0006. Speakers include:
Jim Green telling jokes and stories: 'The best thing about winter in Whitehorse'
Erik Watt (@22:17 min) reading a poem he wrote called "McDougal's Bash"
Music by Lew Delaney on accordion

G-2005-018: 0004 · Item · March 15, 1990
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Culture and Communications fonds

This item is the fourth part of a six-part recording of stories that were recorded at the Miner's Mess restaurant in Yellowknife, March 13th and March 15th, 1990, as part of the Cultural Festival component of the Arctic Winter Games. The recording is in English. The original source item is a reel-to-reel tape. The recording also includes items 0001, 0002, 0003, 0005, and 0006. Speakers include:
Jim Bourque (@ 10:52)
Pete Fraser (@51:53)
Musical interludes by Colin Adjun and Simon Kuliktana of Coppermine.

G-2005-018: 0005 · Item · March 15, 1990
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Culture and Communications fonds

This item is the fifth part of a six-part recording of stories that were recorded at the Miner's Mess restaurant in Yellowknife, March 13th and March 15th, 1990, as part of the Cultural Festival component of the Arctic Winter Games. The recording is in English. The original source item is a reel-to-reel tape. The recording also includes items 0001, 0002, 0003, 0004, and 0006. Speakers include:
Pete Fraser (continued from previous tape)
D'Arcy Arden (@5:44)
Joe Tobie (@41:30)
Musical interludes with Colin Adjun and Simon Kuliktana

G-2005-018: 0006 · Item · March 15, 1990
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Culture and Communications fonds

This item is the sixth part of a six-part recording of stories that were recorded at the Miner's Mess restaurant in Yellowknife, March 13th and March 15th, 1990, as part of the Cultural Festival component of the Arctic Winter Games. The recording is in English. The original source item is a reel-to-reel tape. The recording also includes items 0001, 0002, 0003, 0004, and 0005. Speakers include:
George Blondin: Dene Legends
Neil Colin (@27:30 min.) "The Mouth of the Peel" tells jokes.
Musical interludes by Colin Adjun (fiddle) and Simon Kuliktana (guitar)

Sutherland, Ben

The sound recording is of an interview conducted in 1986 by the NWT Archives with Ben Sutherland concerning his time in the Yellowknife area from 1935 to 1937. Topics covered in the interview include: C.J. Baker, demographic changes and transportation.

Northwest Territories. Department of Culture and Communications. Museums and Heritage division. NWT Archives