autumn's yellow Tamarack Branches-near Yellowknife [Flora. Photo taken by Tessa Macintosh]
community of lichen 'cabbage' rock-lichen near Yellowknife [Flora. Photo taken by Tessa Macintosh]
Koyina's Camp Frank Channel Bridge-Rae Edzo [Photo taken by Tessa Macintosh]
Daycare youngsters story time-Iqaluit Library [Photo taken by Tessa Macintosh]
green field Nahanni Butte [Photo of Alex Wah-Shee taken by Tessa Macintosh]
canoe in the canyon Petitot River near Fort Liard [Photo taken by Tessa Macintosh]
canoe in the canyon Petitot River near Fort Liard [Photo taken by Mike Freeland]
bathing in a pool Petitot River near Fort Liard [Photo taken by Tessa Macintosh]
Inuit family boating-Baker Lake [Photo taken by Tessa Macintosh]
Blackstone Park Lodge Lookout-Nahanni River [Photo taken by Tessa Macintosh]
Ann Buggins Hay River Reserve [Photo taken by Tessa Macintosh]
Visitors Center Old HBC Post-Baker Lake [Photo taken by Tessa Macintosh]
Ollie & Lizzie Ittinuar Family in traditional dress-Rankin Inlet [Photo taken by Tessa Macintosh]
Ollie & Lizzie Ittinuar Family in traditional attire-Rankin Inlet [Photo taken by Tessa Macintosh]
Mary River at Nahanni River-high aerial [Photo taken by Tessa Macintosh]
Buffalo green field & trees-Fort Liard [Photo taken by Tessa Macintosh]
singer Susan Aglukark opening Legislature-Yellowknife [Photo taken by Tessa Macintosh]
Lee & George Mandeville opening Legislature-fiddler-Yellowknife [Photo taken by Valerie Conrad]
Commissioner's Speech opening Legislature-Yellowknife [Photo taken by Valerie Conrad]
Legislature Building evening on Frame L.-Yellowknife [Photo taken by Tessa Macintosh]