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37 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
Robert S. Pilot collection
N-2006-008 · Accession · [1972-1979]

The textual records are comprised of one certificate, recording the establishment of the Council of the Order of St. John for the Northwest Territories on June 24, 1972, signed on the verso by some founding members; a 1979 Ball Programme for the NWT Council for the Order of St. John from November 24, 1979; and an oversized document describing the first animals at L.D. Livingstone's Polar Sea Dairy Farm in Aklavik. The photographs document the founding members of the NWT Council of St. John Ambulance, and the first induction of members to the Order of St. John. The sound recording is an LP record of 'Two Hands and For Ever: a new musical about Old Yellowknife', produced in 1978.

Sans titre
N-2003-014 · Accession · 1984-1985

Records relate to the Yellowknife Public Library's Oral History Project dating from 1984-1985. The cassette tapes contain recorded interviews with prominent Yellowknife residents who were pioneers in their endeavours. Many of the interviewees and their families arrived in Yellowknife as the community began in the late 1930s and 1940s. Interviewees include Barb Bromley, Mary Hunter, Archie Loutitt, Arnold Smith, Helen Parker, Jean Piro, Joyce McLeod, Donald Sian, Michael Ballantyne, Harold Glick, Rene Fumoleau, Jan Stirling, Gerry Hordal, and Mary Forrest. The folder of text contains a master working list of prospective interviewees, 'local history files' or personal profiles of most participants, as well as general documents relating to the methodology for creating oral histories. The three colour prints are of former Yellowknife mayor and territorial MLA Mike Ballantyne.

N-2002-038 · Accession · [1990]

Records are comprised of an oral history research project entitled "Ulukhaqtuurmiut History: History and Development of the Holman Region, N.W.T." Richard G. Condon undertook the project with the assistance of Julia Ogina. The research project and resulting report documents the history of the Holman Region based on extensive archival research and oral history interviews with elders.

Frank Russell Journal
N-2002-037 · Accession · 1893-1894 [copied 1997]

Records include one photocopy of Frank Russell's journal dated from April 26, 1893 to August 18, 1894. The journal documents Russell's trip from Edmonton to Lake Athabasca, and along the Mackenzie River to Fort Good Hope. In addition, it covers a trip between Great Slave Lake and Great Bear Lake, and along the Coppermine River. The journal also contains a limited vocabulary list for the Dogrib (Tlicho), Loucheux (Gwich'in) and Yellowknives Dene. Requests for copies should be directed to the Smithsonian Institute.

Sans titre
Alexander Stevenson
N-2002-028 · Accession · 1965-1968

The textual records consist of a typewritten handbook entitled 'Material for Minister's Handbook' dated December 1965. The handbook appears to have belonged to Alexander Stevenson and contains information about the organization of the Northern Administration Branch. The handbook provides an overview about the activities of the Finance and Management Advisory Division, Education Division, Engineering Division, Industrial Division, Territorial Division and Welfare Division and includes budgetary information for each division. In addition, there is a copy of the NWT Council Tour, Vol. II (February 29 to March 8, 1968) marked "Alex Stevenson." The material lists all members of the Territorial Council, as well as biographical information about each member. In addition, there are two maps that were originally located in the NWT Council Tour book. One map shows the Territorial Evolution of Canada. It was produced by the Geographical Branch, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources. The other map was produced by the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Resource Management Division, and shows Mineral Exploration and Mining sites in the Northwest Territories and Yukon Territory. All other Stevenson Accessions transferred to Nunavut.

Great Northern Arts Festival collection
N-2002-025 · Accession · 1992-2001

Records are comprised of program guides and promotional brochures for the Great Northern Arts Festival, an annual summer event held in Inuvik. The event features fine arts, arts and crafts and music by northern and southern artists.

Sans titre
Caribou Carnival collection
N-2002-024 · Accession · 1978-1995

Records are comprised of program guides for the Caribou Carnival annual spring festival in Yellowknife. The guides, which vary from newsprint to full-colour, date from 1978 to 1995. The Carnival, which began in the mid-1960s, was famous for hosting the Canadian Championship Dog Derby dogsledding race. The last Caribou Carnival took place on Frame Lake, Yellowknife in 2009.

Pine Point Hotel Liquor List
N-2002-018 · Accession · [196-?]

Records are comprised of one copy of a liquor list from the Pine Point Hotel circa 1967 with a menu for cocktails, wines, beers and liqueurs. On the back cover of the menu the Liquor License Regulations for the Northwest Territories are listed, including the legal drinking age of 21.

Sans titre
348 · Fonds · 1987-1996

This fonds consists of textual records, photographs, and maps generated by the workings of the Constitutional Development Steering Committee (CDSC). The fonds is divided into two series: Governance and Administration. The records include meeting packages and minutes, incorporation documents and bylaws, correspondence, staffing information, member group reports, workplans, community meeting and constitutional conference planning material and reports, Aboriginal Summit material, news releases, and publications.

Sans titre
John Wyss collection
N-2000-003 · Accession · [1950-1969]

Textual records consist of a copy of an adoption order, a baptism certificate, and newspaper clipping of the Duke of Edinburgh's visit to Yellowknife in 1956. The photographs are of the Wyss family and their home in Yellowknife; in addition there are images of Jock McNiven, a women's curling team, Con Hydro and Negus Mine.

Sans titre
Antoine Mountain collection
N-1999-066 · Accession · [197-?]

Records include photocopies of political cartoons drawn by Antoine Mountain.

Sans titre
Ephemera Collection
N-1999-065 · Accession · [192-?, 1970]

Records are comprised of three separate and unrelated items. 1) A sample of a permit to shoot muskrats for food purposes during open season with a .410 gauge shotgun (issued by the North West Territories and Yukon Branch (date: 1920s or1930s ); 2) Dinner menu for a dinner given by Jean Chretien for the Queen at the YK Inn on July 8, 1970; 3) A Programme for the official opening of the Bristol Memorial Park and the Unveiling of the Bristol Plaque in Yellowknife - August 28, 1970.

Salmita Mine Logbook
N-1999-058 · Accession · [1957-1958]

Records are comprised of a logbook of radio transmissions made between Salmita Mine and elsewhere. The majority of the calls are between Salmita and Yellowknife. Transmissions include day to day operations at the mine, requests for supplies, and contact with family members. Notable participants include John H. Parker and N.W. Byrne. The first half of the book is handwritten in pencil and ink, the second half is typed.

N-1999-055 · Accession · 1962-1992

The records consist of cairn documents that were retrieved from the Helen Falls and Kazan River cairns. The notes are from different expeditions and individuals that travelled in this area between 1962-1992; many of the notes briefly comment on the canoeists' experiences, wildlife, weather conditions and list names of people that travelled these river systems.

Samuel Hearne Photo Album newsletter
N-1999-048 · Accession · December 1985

Records are comprised of a four page newsletter entitled 'Samuel Hearne Photo Album.' The newsletter shows pictures of students in the classroom, sporting events, school band and staff members, and is dated from 1985.

Sans titre
Sir Alexander Mackenzie School Yearbook
N-1999-047 · Accession · 1967-1972

Records consist of one Sir Alexander Mackenzie School yearbook for the 1967-1968 school year. The name Bobby Kadlum is embossed on the lower right corner. The yearbook includes photographs of students in Grade 7 through Grade 12, school athletics, clubs and special events.

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Akaitcho Hall collection
N-1999-043 · Accession · [1958-1989]

The records date from 1960-1989 and were generated by students that lived at Akaitcho Hall and attended Sir John Franklin Territorial High School. The textual records consist of Akaitcho Hall newsletters, a policy manual and guidelines for the students entering the residence, a school newspaper, a 1981 yearbook, and a program of study from Sir John Franklin High School. The photographs depict daily life, classes and activities that took place at Akaitcho Hall and Sir John Franklin High School. In addition, there are some oversize photographs of the NWT Council and Commissioners of the NWT. There is also one drawing of Akaitcho Hall. There are 12 videocassettes that contain interviews with students about their life at Akaitcho Hall and footage of daily life at the residence and at Sir John Franklin High School. The students interviewed comment about the living conditions, activities and high school experiences. In addition, there is one tape entitled "A Whole Language: A Northern Experience" that is a Yellowknife Films Production. This tape was produced for the Department of Education to promote a writing program that was used in the communities to enhance the language skills and give students a creative voice.

Sans titre
N-1999-039 · Accession · 1956; 1978-1979

The textual records consist of a programme outlining the itinerary for the visit of His Royal Highness, The Prince of Wales to Yellowknife in April 1979 and a report entitled "Aerial Reconnaissance Report: Fort Simpson Towards Fort Liard Road, 1956." The 50 black and white photographs are aerial photos from the "Reconnaissance Report" and the 2 maps are also part of the "Reconnaissance Report." The maps depict the District of Mackenzie, Simpson-Liard area and the Fort Nelson-Kotcho Lake region in British Columbia. The 34 colour slides depict the old village of Ni Dzi Ka Ko Gola, now an archaelogical site where the home of the Great Bear Lake Chief once stood.

Thelon Wildlife Sanctuary
N-1999-037 · Accession · August 8-11, 1995

Records consist of minutes of the Dene/Inuit Meeting on Cooperative Management of the Thelon Wildlife Sanctuary and a handwritten statement of intent or declaration. This declaration was signed by the representatives of the Dene in Lutselk'e and representatives of the Inuit to develop a joint wildlife management plan for the Thelon Wildlife Sanctuary.

Yellowknife Indian Agency List
N-1999-036 · Accession · 1962

The records are comprised of a booklet entitled "Alphabetical List. Yellowknife Indian Agency" from 1962. This index lists the names, date of birth, band and official number of Dogrib in the Snowdrift, Yellowknife and Dogrib Rae Bands.