Side A of audio recorded interview with South Slavey elder George Boots. Mr. Boots discusses the traditional place names of rivers and bodies of water in the Fort Franklin [Deline] area.
Side B of audio recorded interview with South Slavey elder George Boots. Mr. Boots continues discussing the traditional place names of rivers and bodies of water in the Fort Franklin [Deline] area.
Side A of audio recorded interview with South Slavey elder George Boots. Mr. Boots discusses his home, finding old nails and broken dishes in the area of his home, hunting moose, and fishing.
Side B of audio recorded interview with South Slavey elder George Boots. Mr. Boots discusses the location of his family's summer camps, and provides traditional names for various bodies of water and waterways, mountain ranges and camps. He mentions alcoholism and its effects on northern communities.
Side A of audio recorded interview with South Slavey elder George Boots. Mr. Boots provides traiditional place names for numerous waterways, locations of houses, and describes several of these places in detail. The sound quality on this recording is poor and portions of the interview are barely audible.