[Gameti, children, hockey, airplane, caribou, aerial views, toboggan, snowmobile, canvas tent, dog, interior of airplane]
[Gameti, ice fishing, nets, fish, snowmobiles, toboggan, scenery, baby, children, Bella Zoe, making dry fish, making a sled, Phillip Zoe]
[Gameti, Phillip Zoe, making a sled, children, baby, Bella Zoe, making dry fish, Peter Zoe, Therese Simpson, Al Lucas, Myrna Zoe, Nelson Zoe, wood pile, snowmobiles, toboggan, playing hockey, views of community, Bobby Zoe, Lucy Black, making mukluks]
[Gameti, children, views of community, airplane, snowmobiles, Phillip Zoe, ice fishing, nets, fish]
[Fort McPherson, meeting, map, view of community, airplanes]
[art sale, Yellowknife, portraits, Walter Blondin]
[Fort Smith, airport, airplanes, terminal building, Pacific Western Airlines, interior of plane, flight attendants, aerial views, Dene Nation logo on stretched hide, television, Yellowknife, playground]
[Fort Smith, South Slave regional meeting, bison head, interior of house, children]
[Fort Smith, South Slave regional meeting, bison head, Roy Fabian, Stephen Kakfwi, Robert Sayine, Bill Norn, Cecil Lafferty]
[interior of airplane, aerial views, Fort Smith, South Slave regional meeting, Cecil Lafferty?, Raymond Beaver?]
[interior of airplane, baby, bottle, aerial views, Fort Good Hope, Renita Charlotte Kakfwi (daughter of Tom and Shirley Kakfwi, frames 7-17), Colville Lake, Betty Grandjambe (frame 19), Jean Marie Oudzi (Co-op manager, frames 21-22), children, George (age 5) and Georgina (age 3) Oudzi (frame 23), Natand Marlene Oudzi (5 months old, frame 26), 32 - Elaine Oudzi (frame 32), interior of Co-op store (frames 33-36)]
[Colville Lake, camera, views of community, Co-op (frame 4), boats, Bern Will Brown's house (frame 7), Joe Martin (frames 13-15), dogs, dog sled, toboggan, church interior (frame 17), Bern Will Brown's museum (frames 18-21)]
[Fort Good Hope, COPE overlap meeting, Bill Wonders, John T'Seleie, map, scenery, views of community]
[Fort Good Hope, scenery, snowmobile, toboggan, snow, fire hall, views of community]
[Deline, canvas tent, air strip, snowmobile, toboggan, truck, airplane C-FCMY, Nahanni Air Services, aerial views, caribou, Fort Good Hope, COPE overlap meeting, Bill Wonders, Chief John Gully, John T'Seleie]
[Deline, sun, tipi frame, Co-op store, views of community, dog, drying frame, scenery, hotel, restaurant, kitchen]
[Behchoko, party, children, beer]
[Fort Smith, South Slave regional meeting, bison head, Roy Fabian, Raymond Beaver]
[Pacific Western Airlines (PWA), interior of airplane, aerial views, Hay River, Mackenzie Place]
[Yellowknife, Native Communications Society office, assembly]