[Rows of stickfish on a drying stage. A beached boat is at right, a stack of logs is in the background next to the edge of the river bank.]
[Bundles of fish strung together hang from hooks on the outside wall of a log cabin. Below the bundles is a bench with fish on it.]
[James Jerome sits next to Jim Norbert on a log, in front of a campfire.]
[View from the water looking down the Arctic Red River towards Tsiigehtchic. The church is visible on top of Church Hill.]
[A wooden washtub with a wringer in a yard.]
[View of several log cabins and a canvas wall tent. Possibly at Mouth of the Peel Village on the Peel River.]
[View of trees and sky along a body of water.]
[James Jerome stands in a motor boat tied to a shore. The boat is full of gear and fuel. A scow is at left.]
[Silhouette of James Jerome standing next to a campfire.]
[A man stands at a ice fishing hole, holding a crossed stick marker, possibly working on his anchor line for ice fishing.]
[A man stands at a ice fishing hole, holding a crossed stick marker.]
[A man stands at a ice fishing hole, holding a crossed stick marker.]
[View of a road in Inuvik.]
[A man stands behind a tripod on Mackenzie Road in Inuvik. The Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church (Igloo church) is in the background.]
[People walk on the boardwalk on the street next to the Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church (Igloo church) in Inuvik.]
[View of a log structure in Inuvik.]
[View of a canoe on a rack close to the water. A wooden toboggan is on the ground next to it. Likely in Inuvik.]
[A man stands with a dog next to a dock at the water's shore. A boat is pulled up on shore. Likely near Inuvik.]
[View of Lutselk'e buildings, including a church, along the shoreline of the lake.]
[View down a road with a boardwalk in Inuvik. Several large buildings are in the distance.]