[This file contains the data surrounding the research sample used in the Athabasca Dene land use study. It consists of data points and instructions for map plotting, interview sample frames for Fond-du-Lac and Black Lake, and data tables.]
[This file contains administrative material relating to the Saskatchewan Dene land use study. It contains correspondence on donating material to LAC, a service contract, information on map plotting and design, a workplan and budget, a draft final report outline, and Hatchet Lake Band meeting agenda for a workshop on environment and draft proposal uranium mining.]
[This file contains a copy of “Reclaiming the land: aboriginal title, treaty rights and land claims in Canada” by Peter J. Usher, Frank M. Tough and Robert M. Galois, published in Applied Geography (1992) 12, 109-132. Included in the file is correspondence to the publisher, drafts of the paper, general correspondence between authors and critique, and an outline.]
[This file contains Usher’s annotated transcripts of the Joint Review Panel hearings held in Yellowknife and Inuvik from September to November 2007. This file was originally one folder split into two.]
[This file contains Usher’s annotated transcripts of the Joint Review Panel hearings held in Yellowknife and Inuvik from September to November 2007. This file was originally one folder split into two.]
[This file contains Usher’s annotated transcripts of the Joint Review Panel hearings held in Yellowknife, Aklavik, and Inuvik from May to September 2007. This file was originally one folder split into two.]