[Large group of students on Twin Pine Hill.]
[Flying raven silhouetted against a morning sky.]
[Bison lying down in sandy soil.]
[Storm clouds over Yellowknife Bay and houseboats.]
[Sky getting lighter for a sunrise over Yellowknife Bay. Part of a series of sunrise photographs taken over half an hour.]
[The Summit condos on top of Twin Pine Hill.]
[The Summit condos on top of Twin Pine Hill, as seen from the Rotary Park boardwalk.]
[Small boat motoring past houseboats and sailboats on Yellowknife Bay.]
[Watermark and Anderson Thomson towers seen as silhouettes against a winter sun.]
[Close-up view of a Western tanager sitting on a branch.]
[SkyFire Taiko drummers performing by Back Bay]
[A harvest moon reflected in the waters of Yellowknife Bay]
[Start of the July 1 2022 Canada Day parade, including RCMP officers and the Northwest Territories pipe band, as the parade moves down Franklin Avenue.]
[View of an early sunrise taken from the Summit condos]
[A Canada flag at half-mast in honour of the death of HRH Queen Elizabeth II]
[Runners leading the July 1 Canada Day parade down Franklin Avenue past the YK1 office and Diamond Plaza.]
[Group of children with flourescent green crazy carpets on Twin Pine Hill.]
[Audience at the 2022 Canada Day concert at Somba K'e park.]
[Two kite skiers on Yellowknife Bay.]
[Cathy Gamble sitting on a deck with dog Lexie.]