The file consists of handwritten transcripts of tapes CN 37 and CN 38, an interview with Ellen Binder, Jimy Komeak, Donald Pingo, Ray Anderson, Joseph Avik, and Mary Avik about Reindeer Station, by Agnes White and Elisa Hart.
The file consists of a handwritten transcript of tapes CN 43, an interview with Persis Gruben, by Agnes White and Elisa Hart.
The file consists of a handwritten transcript of tapes CN 45, an interview with Christine and Diamond Klengenberg, by Agnes White and Elisa Hart.
The file consists of a handwritten transcript of tapes CN 46 and CN 47, an interview with Jimmy and Bella Jacobson, by Agnes White and Elisa Hart, transcribed by Laura Ettaziak.
The file consists of a typed transcript of tape CN 4, Ralph Kamiksana's story, as interviewed by Agnes White and Elisa Hart, translated by Fred Wolkie.
The file consists of a handwritten transcript of tapes CN 48, an interview with Mary Avik, by Agnes White and Elisa Hart.
The file consists of a handwritten transcript of tapes CN 49, an interview with Laura Lucas, by Agnes White, translated at least in part by B. Amos.
The file consists of a handwritten transcript of tapes CN 50 and CN 51, an interview with Persis Gruben, by Agnes White and Elisa Hart.
The file consists of a handwritten transcript of tapes CN 54 and CN 55, an interview with Laura Raymond, by Agnes White, Elisa Hart, and Laura Ettagiak, transcribed by B. Amos.
The file consists of a handwritten transcript of tape CN 56, an interview with Bessie and Louis Jacobson, by Agnes White and Elisa Hart.
The file consists of handwritten and typed transcripts of tapes CN 57, CN 58, and CN 59, an interview with Richard Dick and Ken Swayze, by Agnes White and Elisa Hart.
The file consists of handwritten transcripts of tapes CN61 and CN 62, an interview with Persis and Charlie Gruben, by Agnes White and Elisa Hart, translated by Lena Anikina
The file consists of a handwritten transcript of tape CN65, an interview with Joseph Kotokak, by Agnes White and Elisa Hart.
The file consists of a handwritten transcript of tape CN66, an interview with Robert Nowosad, by Elisa Hart.
The file consists of handwritten transcripts of tapes CN68 and CN 69, an interview with Persis Gruben, by Agnes White and Elisa Hart, translated by Beverly Amos.
The file consists of a typed transcript of tape CN 5, Cora Kamiksana's story, as interviewed by Agnes White, translated by Fred Wolkie.
The file consists of a typed transcript of tape CN71, an interview with Noah Felix, by Laura Orchard.
The file consists of typed transcripts of tapes CN73 and CN74, an interview with David Nasogaluak, by Laura Orchard.
The file consists of a typed transcript of tape CN78, an interview with Sandy Wolki, by Laura Orchard.
The file consists of a handwritten transcript of tape CN79, an interview with Otto Binder [about reindeer herding, noting locations on map], by Elisa Hart and Lillian Elias, translated by Naudia Lennie.