Canada Department of Energy, Mines and Resources map sheet 95F/5 of the Mary River area with Gus Kraus' annotations drawn on in pencil.
Route to top of Headless Range from head of Easy-up Creek Note stone stripes
Little Valley Creek at its mouth
Folding in foot of Third Canyon in Little Valley
"The Frying Pan", an eroded fold in Nahanni limestone in Little Valley at about km 131
Hillside rising up Headless Range from "Easy-up Creek"
Little falls at foot of Gate Creek canyon
Looking N from head of Gate Creek to Cadillac Explorations trenching activity
Walls of Third Canyon below The Gate
Creek on S side of Third Canyon at about km 153. Sunblood limeston on this side of creek valley, OSD shales on other side. Gate Fault goes up creek.
The Great Arcuate Wall seen from on top of The Gate
Looking into Little Valley from foot of Third Canyon
Looking NE down snye at camp of July 24-25 about 38 km below Irvine Creek
Hoodoos in deltaic-lake sediments in small canyon about 8 km up Flat R. from mouth of Caribou R.
Limestone hoodoos about 6 km up Flat R. above mouth of Caribou R. (Sunblood Fm)
Shales topped with buff lake clay about 10 km above mouth of Flat R.
On bar at mouth of Flat R. (Dryas)
Snyes or anabranches on Flat R. about 23 km below Irvine Cr.
Hoodoo field in Sunblood limestone across from and slightly above mouth of Caribou River
Looking up Flat R. valley into Ragged Range. Bedrock terrace on left suggests two glaciations. Lacustrine bluffs on right seen from Sunblood limestone hoodoos about 6 km up Flat from Caribou R.