Affichage de 106 résultats

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1 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
297 · Fonds · [193-], 1933-1937, 1985, 1993

This fonds contains records documenting prospecting and mining activities around Yellowknife, primarily in the 1930s. There are images of camps, floatplanes, boats, scenery, C. John Baker and Herb Dixon. The videocassette (VHS) contains 8 mm film footage that was taken by John Baker between 1935-1936. There are scenes of traveling, camping and prospecting in the Yellowknife area and mining activities at the Rich claim (Giant Mine).

The textual material consists of an 82-page transcript of an interview with John Baker that was conducted by Walter Humphries in 1994. There are also copies of Baker's correspondence and work-related papers concerning prospecting activities in the Yellowknife area and the Rich claim (Giant Mine), as well as extracts from newspapers dated 1934-1947, a report by A.W. Jolliffe on the Yellowknife River area, an article about John Baker from the CIM Reporter, resident hunting and trapping licenses and a summary report on the Rich Group of Claims. In addition, there are 4 bound journals dated from 1935-1936 containing correspondence and observations about development and drilling, ordering mining supplies and equipment, payroll and expense information at the Giant Mine. Two of the journals contain notes and correspondence written by C. John Baker and the other two journals consist of correspondence and notes written by Lockie Burwash.

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Bob Jenkins collection
N-2000-001 · Accession · [1914-1959]

The images depict daily life, mine employees, the camp and mining operations at Port Radium. In addition, there are several images of Northern Transportation Company Limited tugboats, barges and paddle steamers, as well as locations such as Hay River, Norman Wells and Inuvik.

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Charles LaBine Fonds
399 · Fonds · [1926]-1968

This fonds consists of 5 mm. of text, 53 black and white photographs (prints) and one DVD version of a film entitled "The Secret Years of Eldorado". The text includes a letter from the Semaine Internationale Contre Le Cancer announcing Charles Labine as as recipient of the "Pierre et Marie Curie" medal in consideration of the discovery of radium; prospectus and share distribution re: "Eldorado Gold Mines Limited" and a "Portfolio of Reproductions of the Documents of Surrender" from the Second World War which was presented to Chalres Labine. The photographs include images of the mining operations at Eldorado Mine at Great Bear Lake.

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367 · Fonds · 1966-1996

This fonds consists of approximately 16.7 meters of textual material from the Department of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources. These records include materials from four major program areas: the Directorate; Energy, Policy and Economic Analysis; Regional Planning; and Mineral Development. The records include Deputy Minister level chronos; strategic planning documents; planning document related to petroleum resource management; energy conservation promotion; the transfer of the Northern Canada Power Corporation (NCPC) to the GNWT; work with communities and regions to achieve sustainable resource development such as the Development Impact Zone Committees (DIZ's); legislation and policy development; the negotiation, management and evaluation of the Economic Development Agreement (EDA), in particular the mining or mineral portion of the agreement.

There are also committee files pertaining to the EDA from the Policy Committee, Management Committee, Minerals Management Committee, Audit and Evaluation Committee, Communications Management Committee, Coordinating Committee, Programme Evaluation Management Committee and Information Committee. In addition, there is a Guide to Legislation that was developed by the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC). This fonds also includes Ministerial Briefing Books and Northern Oil and Gas Action Program (NOGAP) project proposals, progress reports from GNWT departments and evaluations of NOGAP. The remaining files concern indigenous peoples' land claims including the Gwich'in claim, the Sahtu claim, and the Nunavut land claim as proposed and developed by Tungavik Federation of Nunavut (TFN). Other files relate to territorial park proposals.

Included also are approximately 70 cm of project files and reports from EMPR and its predecessor Energy, Mines and Resources Secretariat. The project files relate to the Norman Wells pipeline project, Beaufort Sea Environmental Assessment , Borealis Exploration (Roche Bay Magnetitie Project) and the Baffinland iron project at Mary River. The reports and guides cover the mineral, oil and gas, mining and exploration and energy sectors, as well as legislation affecting exploration and mining. There is also a guide/dictionary of growth management strategies.

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Norman W. Byrne photograph collection
431 · Collection · 1945-1950

Records include photographs of the Viking Yellowknife Gold Mines Limited property at Morris Lake, and a variety of aircraft such as the Gypsy Moth, Bellanca Air Cruiser, and a Biplane among others in Yellowknife and at Giauque Lake. There are also photographs of Norman W. Byrne, his wife Rose, and his son Donald.

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Davis, Arthur P., 1914-
N-1991-052 · Accession · 1935-1937

Photographs mainly depict the Bear Exploration and Radium, Ltd. (BEAR) mine site at Contact Lake.

Sans titre
Maranda, Theodore H., b. ca. 1902
N-1991-032 · Accession · [1936-1938]

This accession consists primarily of photographs of the Con Mine site. Images include interiors and exteriors of buildings, personnel, and company planes.

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NWT Mining Heritage Society fonds
365 · Fonds · 2000

This fonds consists of two audiocassette tapes, one sound CD, approximately 943 colour negatives, two 8 mm videocassettes, approximately 50 cm of textual material and one site plan generated or collected by the NWT Mining Heritage Society between 2000-2002. The audiocassettes and sound CD contain interviews with former employees of Giant Mine including Bill Case, Al Hall, Joe Malmsten, Jim McKay, George Dundas, Frank Horvat, Lorne Wrigglesworth, Tom Natyshen, Bill Hall, Sam Bitner, Dan Edjericon, J.C. Brien, Lew Whalen, Walter Dwyer, Mark Eveson, Francois H. Maille and Dave Nickerson. The interviews were coordinated and conducted by Bill Case, Walt Humphries and Brian Weir. The 943 images document the interior and exterior of buildings at Giant Mine, as well as show mining equipment and machinery. The videocassettes also document the interior and exterior of buildings, the Giant Mine site and machinery and equipment. The textual material includes agendas and minutes of meetings of the Giant Mine Heritage Working Group (now known as the NWT Mining Heritage Society), the final report on the assessment of Giant Mine, as well as correspondence and information related to the development of a mining museum at the Giant Mine site. In addition, there is a site plan showing Giant Mine buildings and locations.

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Canada. Department of the Interior fonds
275 · Fonds · 1882-1937

This fonds consists of 630 photographs, 68 maps and 5.5 cm of textual records produced or accumulated by the federal Department of the Interior, between 1882 and 1937. The photographs include 170 reproductions of federal government issues, originally from a collection of over 2,000 lantern slides reproduced from various federal departmental sources. The majority of the images were not related to the Northwest Territories and were forwarded to the National Archives of Canada in 1990. These colour images document the scenery, town sites and local people, including Dene and Inuit of the Northwest Territories and includes many images of the Harry Snyder Canadian Expedition (1937). An album entitled "Office of District Agent, N.W.T. & Y. Branch, Fort Smith" contains 368 black and white photographs, dating predominantly from the 1920's, depicting a variety of subjects such as missions, transportation along the Mackenzie River and treaty payment. Another 91 photographs are from an incomplete copy of L.T. Burwash's report entitled, "The Eskimo, Their Country and Its Resources: Economic Survey of the East Coasts of Hudson Bay and James Bay from Richmond Gulf to Rupert House, Including the Belcher and Other Adjacent Islands", Ottawa, Department of the Interior, 1927. (Typewritten.) The report contains a diary of the trip taken by Burwash, descriptions of Inuit life, food supplies, clothing, health, the influence of trading posts, housing conditions, and mineral and animal resources in the region. Much of the report focuses on the Inuit in the regions around Little Whale River and the Belcher Islands. The photographs depict communities along eastern coasts of Hudson Bay and James Bay. The mounting of the photographs in this report suggests that this copy was a draft produced before its final publication. The photographs have been removed from the report and stored separately for preservation reasons. In addition, this report also contains 8 maps. The remaining 50 maps in this fonds date from 1882 to 1933; they were produced by the Department of the Interior. Map areas include: Great Bear Lake, Great Slave lake, Dismal Lakes, Coppermine River, Mackenzie River, Thelon River, Backs River (Back River), Camsell River, Slave River, Cameron Bay, Keewatin, and Ungava, navigational maps of Slave River, Great Slave Lake, the Mackenzie River, Artillery Lake, Lac Du Bois, Casba Lake, Campbell Lake, Sifton Lake, Thelon River, Hanbury River, Beverly Lake, Aberdeen Lake, Schultz Lake, and Baker Lake. Two items depict leased areas for petroleum and natural gas exploration in the south Great Slave Lake region. The remaining textual material dated 1921, includes one file of correspondence of O.S. Finnie, Acting Secretary for the Department of the Interior, and three files regard applications for surveying and exploration permits in the Great Slave Lake and Pine Point areas.

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Miners' Licences Collection
N-1979-095 · Accession · 1937-1945

Records include miners' licenses issued to Leopold L'Abbe in 1937 and Dan P. Cameron in 1938; a mineral claim form issued to Wilfred Duhamel in 1945; and a renewal of miners' licence issued to Capt. Warner in 1943.

Cominco Ltd. fonds
282 · Fonds · 1936-[198-]

This fonds consists of approximately 5 meters of textual material; 143 black and white photographs; 4 architectural drawings; and 1 video produced or accumulated by Cominco Ltd. (formerly Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada, Ltd.) between 1936 and 1985. The records relate to Con mine operations in Yellowknife and the Pine Point Mine operations of the former community of Pine Point, Northwest Territories. The bulk of textual materials are business records which have been divided in 14 series and include general administration records, personnel records, legal records, financial records, records of development at Pine Point, records from the office of the mine superintendent, records from the office of the mine engineer, records from the office of the geologist, health and safety records, and the records of the Con Athletic Association. There are also documents such as mill logbooks, radiograms, amalgamation reports, and assay test data statistics. Also included are personal files of A.J. Richardson, Mine Superintendent in the early 1970s; notes, correspondence, and reports concerning the planning and construction of the Robertson shaft at Con Mine; and a copy of the agreement between the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada and the Bennett and White Construction company to build a hydroelectric power plant. This contract contains photographs, topographical plans, and a map of the proposed site. In addition, there are architectural style drawings of the proposed plant. This fonds also contains a full run of the employee newsletter North of Sitxy/North of 60, which was published by the company between 1977-1985.

Other photographic material in this fonds is composed of one photo album entitled "Pine Point Progress" containing 65 images of construction at the Pine Point Mine site and one album of 70 photographs from a 1950 report produced by the Northern Transportation Company on operating conditions and areas serviced. An additional 8 photographs feature the Con mine campsite in 1936-1937.

Also included in this fonds is a diagram that had been presented to the Commissioner of the Northwest Territories, S.M. Hodgson, of the first diamond drill exploration hole, sunk by Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada Ltd., in March of 1937.

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Terry Foster fonds
393 · Fonds · 1972-2001

This fonds consists of 374 images comprised of 167 colour slides, 115 colour photograph prints, 5 colour negatives (duplicates corresponding to 5 of the 115 prints in N-2009-006) and 87 b&w negatives. The photographs, taken by Foster, document several NWT communities in the 1970s and 80s, including Snare Lake (Wekweti), Holman, Fort Smith and Lac La Marte (Whati). There are also photographs from what is now Nunavut, including Iqaluit, Rankin Inlet, Lake Harbour (Kimmirut), and an outpost camp just outside Lake Harbour (Kimmirut). There are are 106 print photographs that document changes in Yellowknife's downtown core from 1978 - 2001. There are also several photographs from the Beaufort Sea which were taken while Foster was evaluating the impact of off-shore drilling on the nearby communities. Also included are nine colour photographs of the Lupin and Polaris mines at Resolute Bay, taken in 1980. Overall themes include mining, firefighting and fires, oil and gas exploration, community life, housing, fishing, aerial shots of communities, recovery of a float plane from Back Bay, the 1988 Yellowknife air show, tundra and foliage, and the 1972 solar eclipse in Rankin Inlet.

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Robert Duncan fonds
228 · Fonds · [1901-1942, 197-]

This fonds consists of 130 photographs and 2 cm of textual material. The photographic material is made up of 130 black and white negatives and prints. They include images of the Eldorado Mine at Echo Bay on Great Bear Lake, Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company (Con Mine), Hudson's Bay Company posts along the Mackenzie River and several types of marine transportation. Types of boats depicted include scows, sternwheelers, barges and tugboats. There are photographs of the "M.V. Hearne Lake", "Dease Lake", "Prospector", "Laird River", "S.S. Distributor", "S.S. Midnight Sun", "Great Bear", "M.V. Nechemus", "S.S. Northland Trader" and the "Silver Queen." Some photographs depict the traditional lifestyles of the Dene and Inuvialuit. There are also images of the following locations: Athabasca Landing, Yellowknife, Fort Franklin, Fort Norman, Fort McPherson, Fort Resolution, Fort Simpson and Fort Smith. In addition, there are 23 aerial photographs of communities in the Northwest Territories, which were taken by the Royal Canadian Air Force. The photographic material also consists of copies of images taken by C.W. Mathers, a professional photographer from Edmonton who toured communities along the Mackenzie River in 1901. The textual material includes one copy of the words of the song "Home in the North," two copies of a certificate stating that the recipient is a "...blood brother of Raymond the Raven," one laminated reprint of a Mackenzie River Transport schedule from 1939 and two copies of a Mackenzie River Transport Ltd. Sailing schedule for 1935.

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Sandy Stewart fonds
66 · Fonds · [1932-1943]

This fonds consists of 219 photographs of Yellowknife, the Yellowknife region, prospector outposts, some mining operations and road construction. There are also three photos taken in northern Ontario.

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Robert van't Hoff fonds
16 · Fonds · 1946-1948, 1994

This fonds consists of 75 black and white negatives. 74 of the negatives were taken from August 1946 to May 1948 and are cellulose nitrate. One negative was taken in June, 1994 as a comparison to an earlier image of the same location. The photographs feature the locations of Port Radium, Yellowknife, and Norman Wells. Subjects include an Eldorado Mining and Refining, Ltd. camp, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals stations, airplanes, Governor General Alexander's 1947 visit to the Northwest Territories, the Imperial Oil Limited camp and a Royal Canadian Mounted Police dog patrol. Most of the images were photographed by Robert van't Hoff, however two images are credited to Henry Busse.

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Ken Taylor photograph collection
430 · Collection · 1971-1985

The images depict many communities in the NWT, including Yellowknife, Rae (Behchoko), Fort Providence, Hay River, Fort Smith, Fort Resolution, Fort Simpson, Norman Wells, Fort Norman (Tulita), Inuvik, Fort Good Hope, Colville Lake, and Wrigley. There are also images of other human impacts on the landscape, such as seismic lines, mine sites, and dams, as well as construction camps and industrial sites.

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Yellowknife Local History Project fonds
104 · Fonds · 1937-1938

This fonds contains .5 cm of textual material and 41 black and white prints taken by Wilfred H. Kennedy who lived in the north in the late 1930s. He worked on the boats travelling the Mackenzie River before moving to Yellowknife, where he was employed at Con Mine. The photographs depict Eldorado Mines, Great Bear Lake and Con Mine, Yellowknife. There are images of miners and other residents of Yellowknife, including the members of the first hockey team in the community. There are also photographs of some of the first buildings in the community. There is also a letter from Alex C. Mosher, and a number of newspaper clippings dating from 1938 which were annotated by Alex Mosher.

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Kinette Club of Yellowknife
N-1979-570 · Accession · 1963

This accession consists of one report entitled "Northerners of Renown". This report contains short biographical notes on Peter Baker, Archie McMullen, John H. Parker, Oliver Lawson Stanton, R. J. "Jack" Stevens, W. Leigh Brintnell, A. J. "Bert" Boxer, Gordon Ingraham, Henry Busse, George Pinsky, Arthur Umbach, Ernest Boffa, Norman W. Byrne, J. H. Sissons, J. Murray "Jock" McMeekan, and G. Gordon Latham.

Bill Kruining collection
N-2013-012 · Accession · 1961

The original film [Trucking - Beyond the Fringe, was taken by John Denison and] William Kruining in 1961 [1964] during a trip with the Byers transport convoy on the winter road from Yellowknife going through Discovery Mine to Tundra Mine. Footage includes the making of the winter road, the Byers Tankard Curling Bonspiel, mine truck and airplane transportation, and [Cooper- Dessemer power generator] equipment delivery. Also includes views of Salmita Mine. The documentary is in colour with sound. <15 minutes.

Moore photographs
N-2012-007 · Accession · 1945

Records include photographs of Yellowknife taken in 1945. The images were taken by a member of the Operation Musk-ox Expedition undertaken by the Canadian Army in the winter of 1945. The images, consisting of negative and print formats, show various views of Yellowknife including Con Mine, the school on School Draw, the Wildcat Café, the Yellowknife Hotel, a De Havilland Hornet Moth airplane and a Fairchild 71 airplane on skis.