Affichage de 341 résultats

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1 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
Mackenzie Regional Health Service fonds
417 · Fonds · [1988-1995]

This fonds consists of records from the Finance and Administration section of the Mackenzie Regional Health Service. They include organizational charts.

This fonds also consists of one Betacam SP videocassette from the Contaminants division of the Mackenzie Regional Health Service. The title of the promotional film is Environmental Contaminants in the North.

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170 · Fonds · 1988

This fonds consists of eight 60-minute audiocassettes. In March of 1988, the Northwest Territories Archives Council held a workshop on oral history. One of the exercises of the workshop was for participants to interview each other on their personal histories.

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390 · Fonds · 1987-2005

This fonds consists of 67 cm of textual records, including material documenting the establishment of the NWTDC and its Act and Regulations and the Nunavut transition, chronos from the Minister, Chairperson, and President, briefing notes, governance directives, annual reports, corporate plans, board and committee terms of reference, board meeting materials and Investment Committee meeting materials.

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348 · Fonds · 1987-1996

This fonds consists of textual records, photographs, and maps generated by the workings of the Constitutional Development Steering Committee (CDSC). The fonds is divided into two series: Governance and Administration. The records include meeting packages and minutes, incorporation documents and bylaws, correspondence, staffing information, member group reports, workplans, community meeting and constitutional conference planning material and reports, Aboriginal Summit material, news releases, and publications.

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147 · Fonds · 1987

This fonds consists of two audio reels and one audio cassette copy of a recording of presentations by Harvey Feit and Fikret Birkes. Harvey Feit, of McMaster University, discusses Cree traditional knowledge, and Fikret Birkes, of Brock University discusses traditional knowledge systems around the world.

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410 · Fonds · 1985, 1987-2012

This fonds consists of 9.89 m of textual records, 2 drawings, 16 CDs, 1 zip disk, and 1 USB flash drive, including records from the Directorate, Corporate Management division, Policy, Legislation and Communications division, Environment division (and earlier from the Pollution Control division), Wildlife division, Protected Areas Strategy Secretariat, and Inuvik Region.

Records from the Directorate include ministerial and deputy minister chronos, briefing materials, meeting materials of the Senior Management Committee, Managing This Land Strategic Initiative Committee, Deputy Ministers' Land Use Steering Committee, Joint Climate Change Committee, Energy Coordinating Committee, Deputy Minister's Subcommittee on Science, Arctic Energy Alliance, as well as terms of reference of the Gwich'in Forest Management Steering Committee and correspondence and briefing notes regarding the forest management component of the Gwich'in Land Claim agreement. Records also include meeting materials of the Giant Mine Oversight Committee and the Informatics Steering Committee, land and water framework working groups, meeting materials regarding the restructuring of ENR's predecessor, the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development, into ENR, material relating to the Territorial response to the Dehcho Land Use Plan, and workshop materials for the Development of a Land Use Framework workshop and a Water Strategy workshop. The records also include a memorandum of agreement with the Canadian Wildlife Federation and records relating to an amendment of the Wildlife Act.

Records from the Corporate Management division's Policy, Legislation and Communications unit (known for a time as the Policy and Strategic Planning division) include policy committee meeting materials, Senior Management Committee materials, Deputy Ministers Land Use Steering Committee materials, Natural Resources Conservation Trust Fund material, plans for organizational change in the early days of ENR, protocols documenting shared resources with the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, and records relating to enforcement of legislation, land use and protected areas, caribou management, the Mackenzie Gas Project, forest management, and department-wide training. Other records relate to the revision of the Wildlife Act, creation of the Species at Risk Act, and amendment of the Forest Management regulations, including meeting materials, reports, drafts, discussion papers, and records relating to public consultations. Records also include preliminary screening of land use permits, land lease applications, and water licence applications that were reviewed by the department and its predecessor, the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development, as mandated by the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (MVRMA). Records also include IRMA (Interim Resource Management Assistance) files, as well as Interim Measures Agreement files (IMA) as managed by DIAND and copied to RWED, who later became the lead on such files after devolution in 2014. Records also include communications on department programs and initiatives, agreements and memoranda of understanding, policies and directives, and records relating to human resources and a possible job action.

Records from the Environment Division include proceedings of the utilities management committee, program results from partnership with Ecology North, and legal opinions on environmental issues and case files in conjunction with the Department of Justice. Records also include agreements related to spills in the NWT.

Records from the Wildlife Division include files from the revision of the Wildlife Act, Species at Risk Programs, various publications, study information, briefing notes (2005-2006), and committee material for the Deputy Ministers’ Sub-Committee on the Science Act, Seismic Guidelines Steering Committee, and West Kitikmeot/Slave Study Society Board.

Records from the Forest Management Division relate to timber supply and NWT Forest Industry Conferences and Workshops (2005-2006).

Records from the Protected Areas Strategy Secretariat include material from the Implementation Advisory Committee, Steering Committee, working groups, Secretariat, funders, forums, and workshop, material related to activities in the Akaitcho, Gwich'in, Sahtu, and Deh Cho regions, agreements, and communications materials.

Records from the Inuvik region include RWED Operations Manual, ENR Field Operations Manual Standard Operating Procedures, Summary of Hunting Regulations July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007, and material for a 2007 Research Day.

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364 · Fonds · 1987-1996

This fonds consists of approximately 30 cm of textual material from the Arctic Public Legal Education and Information Society. The material dates from 1987-1996 and includes minutes of board meeting, minutes from the Annual General Meeting, annual budgets, auditor reports and staff reports about the activities of the organization. In addition, there is information about workshops and programs delivered by the organization.

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335 · Fonds · 1985

This fonds consists of 35 audiocassettes and 5 cm of textual material generated by the Task Force on Aboriginal Languages. The sound recordings are of community language workshops and public hearings held in a variety of communities including Yellowknife, Rae Lakes, Fort Rae, Fort Resolution, Lutselk'e (Snowdrift), Inuvik, Fort Smith, Deline (Fort Franklin) and Cambridge Bay. The textual material consists of approximately 5 cm of text in the form of transcripts from the workshop and community hearings.

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Heritage North '85 Conference fonds
116 · Fonds · 1985

This fonds consists of 12 DAT audio cassettes and 26 sound cassette original masters of the proceedings of the Heritage North Conference held in Yellowknife from September 12-14, 1985.

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Fort Norman. Hamlet Council fonds
31 · Fonds · 1985

This fonds consists of By-law No. 11/85, dated 7 March 1985, to regulate the use and development of land within the municipality.

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363 · Fonds · 1984-1996, 2012

This fonds consists of textual material from the Office of the Language Commissioner. The material includes five copies of the brochure "The Languages of Our Land" which contains basic information about the purpose and content of the NWT Official Languages Act. The brochures are in the languages of English, French, Cree, Tlicho (Dogrib), Chipewyan, Gwich'in, North Slavey, South Slavey, Inuinnaqtun and Inuvialuktun. In addition there is a copy of the report "The Richness that Language and Culture Brings" which is an Impact Study of Canada-NWT Languages Agreements (1984-1996) and the Aboriginal Languages Directory (2012) and its accompanying References and Citations Companion.

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351 · Fonds · 1984-2002

Records include minutes from Council meetings, correspondence, documentation relating to strategic planning, publications, and files related to the "From Dark to Light: Regaining a Caring Community" project. The publications include annual reports, reports about the Council, the "From Dark to Light" handbooks, reports on pension reform, spousal assault and pornography, an equality for women action plan, an informational pamphlet on the women's secretariat, promotional leaflets with photographs of women in communities, a booklet of stories written by women who were helped by shelters called Untold Stories 2, and several issues of the Northern Women Talk newsletter.

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400 · Fonds · 1983-2006

This fonds consists of 2.27 m of text from the NWT Business Development and Investment Corporation and its predecessors. The records contain minutes, agendas and supplementary materials of board of directors and internal committee meetings and teleconferences that discuss clientele, as well as management and approval of credit loans. Records also include operational guidelines of the NWT Business Credit Corporation and procedures and operational guidelines of BDIC.

The records also include files from the President's office on the creation of the NWT Business Development and Investment Corporation out of the amalgamation of other government functions.

Records also include an extensive business program review done in conjunction with the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment and a consultancy firm. There are also records dealing with the creation of the Business Credit Corporation Act, and amendments to the Act and regulations. There are also Annual Reports of the Business Credit Corporation, dating from 1992-2005, and briefing notes from 2004.

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Jamadam Records fonds
70 · Fonds · 1983-1984

This fonds consists of one VHS video tape (sound only) safety master of the "Yellowknife Album"from 1984 and one 45 rpm record from 1983 with the songs "Bombs Over Heaven" by Pat Buckna and the "Infinite Edge" by Moon Joyce and a lyric sheet autographed by Moon Joyce to Rene Fumoleau. The record was recorded to protest the Canadian government's decision to permit the testing of cruise missiles in the arctic.

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Inuvik Dene Band Council fonds
178 · Fonds · [1982-1983]

This fonds consists of 0.7 cm of textual records. This material includes a brief history of the Inuvik Dene Band, potential business ventures and an evaluation of proposals. It appears as though this package of material was to be used as an agenda for a meeting with representatives of the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs and Canada Oil and Gas Lands Administration (COGLA).

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385 · Fonds · 1982-1989

This fonds consists of approximately 14 cm of textual records, dating from 1982 to 1989.

Records consist of pamphlets and manuals produced by the Department, on such topics as flood safety, motorcycle operation and drivers' licensing. There are manuals on various topics such as records management, how to write a government manual, Canada Post in the north, and the Index to organizationial change in the government of the Northwest Territories: 1967-1987.

Records from the Motor Vehicles division include policies of the division, and files relating to newly created seatbelt legislation for the Northwest Territories, and research surrounding it.

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5 · Fonds · 1982-1993, predominant 1991-1993

This fonds consists of records created by the Commission for Constitutional Development, including administrative records (incorporation and dissolution, meeting minutes, correspondence, financial records, press releases and news articles), hearing records (transcripts and written submissions), research and reference material, workshop records, and reports.

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Bill Stewart fonds
179 · Fonds · 1981

This fonds consists of 96 copy photographs and slides taken by Bill Stewart of the Mooseskin Boat Project in 1981. The photographs were selected out of 180 of Bill Stewart's photographs. The images include the different phases of the boat under construction, the people involved in the project and views of the boat's trip from the point of construction at the head of the Keele River to Fort Norman.

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310 · Fonds · [1957]-2014

This fonds consists of approximately 29,000 photographs, 4.38 meters of textual material and one architectural drawing.

The photographs were taken, collected or purchased by the photographer for the Government of the Northwest Territories, who was employed by the Systems and Communications Division of the Department of Public Works and Services. The photographs are in slide, negative and print format and depict the following subjects: images of people, communities in the Northwest Territories, scenery, wildlife, traditional land use, hospitals, Royal Canadian Mounted Police buildings, schools, infrastructure of communities, water, air and land transportation, sports and recreation, hunting, fishing, traditional clothing, political leaders, government buildings, camps, mines, DEW line sites, events such as Arctic Winter Games, Expo '86, Canada Day, churches, airports, housing, dogsledding, fauna, arts and crafts and performing arts.

The architectural drawing is of Grollier Hall in Inuvik. It shows exterior views of the boys residence and dining hall and the girls residence and chapel. The drawing was produced for the Federal Department of Public Works and Services.

The textual records includes materials from the Minister's Office, the Directorate, the Corporate Services Division, Petroleum Products Division, the Asset Management Division, and the System and Communications Division.

Records from the Minister's Office include ministerial chronos.

Records from the Directorate include ministerial and deputy minister chronos, briefing notes, and briefing meeting material, as well as committee files on infrastructure development, drinking water management, and facility requirements post-division for the Government of Nunavut, reporting on activities related to land claims, records of workshops and conferences held by the department, and performance measurement reports.

Records from the Corporate Services Division include briefing notes, files from the Inter-departmental Committee on Capital Planning, records related to the Manuals Steering Committee, procedures for appeal hearings and filing grievances, Procedure and Guideline Manual revisions, newsletters, and an employee guide. There are also records from the Records Management section of Corporate Services, including policies and procedures of records services, Records Management Tips and Bulletins, administrative and operational manuals related to records management, meeting minutes of the Public Records Committee (PRC), Recorded Information Management Committee (RIMC) and one legal opinion file related to the retention of health records.

Records from the Petroleum Products Division include correspondence regarding the transfer of responsibilities of the petroleum products division to the NWT Power Corporation.

Records from the Asset Management Division include policy and reorganization files, records of the Project Management Conferences, and a Community Maintenance Management Survey.

Also included in this fonds are pamphlets on fire prevention in public buildings, technical evaluations of facilities, a guide on engineering practices in water and sewer systems, Office Space Standards and Guidelines, and files related to the Community Transfer Initiative.

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John Blondin fonds
165 · Fonds · 1980-[1984]

This fonds consists of approximately 1600 photographs. The majority of the images are 35 mm black and white negatives, however there are some colour slides. The images feature people and scenes in Fort Simpson, Snowdrift, Fort Norman and Fort Franklin. Many of the images are portraits of Dene people. There is also a series of colour slides showing a caribou being butchered. The fonds also includes a number of images of the Dene National General Assembly, held in Fort Good Hope, from July 22 to July 30, 1980.

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