Affichage de 497 résultats

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36 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
Ross Laycock collection
N-2014-001 · Accession · 1963-1970

The photographs document the construction of a winter road between Fort Providence and Inuvik in 1963-1964. The 8 mm film appears to depict a flight from Calgary to Norman Wells. The 16 mm film depicts the loading and unloading of barges through various communities along the Mackenzie River, including Hay River, Fort Simpson, Fort Wrigley and Fort Good Hope. The cartographic booklet is comprised of maps of the Mackenzie River.

The materials formerly belonged to Ross Laycock, who worked on the first winter road up the Mackenzie Valley from Fort Providence to Inuvik in the 1960s.

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Catherine Hoare manuscript
N-2013-022 · Accession · 1964

Records are comprised of two bound, unpublished manuscripts typed by Catherine Hoare entitled Adventures Unlimited. The manuscipt, authored in 1964, details the time that Mrs. Hoare and her husband William Hoare spent in northern communities including Aklavik, Tuktoyaktuk, Coppermine (Kugluktuk), Fort Reliance, Baker Lake, and Herschel Island between 1914-1931. The manuscript appears to be a transcript of journals kept by William and Catherine Hoare woven together with Mrs. Hoare's explanatory narrative. It details the travels and experiences of the family but also contains recolllections of historical events, including a version of the murder of Harry Radford and George Street.

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R.A. Hemstock collection
N-2013-021 · Accession · 1942-1945

Records consist of a copy of "The Canol Pictorial" by P.A. Harris (1944), correspondence sent by Russell Alexander (Alex) Hemstock to his parents and siblings during his time on the Canol Project between 1943-1945; a letter from Guy Blanchet dated March 1945 describing the routes between Norman Wells to the Canol pipeline; and two letters from Emily Keeley (Hemstock's wife) addressed to her parents from August 1945. This accession also includes six published academic works of Alex Hemstock, on the subject of permafrost and arctic conditions, produced between 1949-1978.

While working for Imperial Oil in 1945, Alex Hemstock produced a report for Imperial Oil titled Operations on the No. 1 Canol Pipeline. His paper from this period is the only first-hand document on the operations of the Canol pipeline. A copy of this manuscript is in the PWNHC reference library.

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Ernest Jarman collection
N-2013-018 · Accession · 1954-1956, 2005, 2015

Records include two narrated video slide shows created in 2005, and one self-published memoir created in 2015, which all include photographs taken during Dr. Ernest Jarman's time as Medical Officer for Indian Health Services at Faraud Hospital in Fort Rae (Behchoko) from July 1954 to June 1956.
The first video consists of 96 individual images and includes the following: Jarman family activities in Fort Rae, treaty payment, delivery of goods by air and by water, views of residences and buildings in Fort Rae. The second video consists of 50 individual images and includes various family activities, graveyards in Fort Rae, activities within the Faraud hospital, hunting, winter in Fort Rae. People included in the photographs in both videos include RCMP constables Ken Plumm [Kenneth Plomp], Buck Thomas and Terry Garvin, Indian Agent Kirkby, Oblate priests, Chief Jimmy Bruneau and Chief Jimmy Kia, and Naomi Murphy. Communities featured include Fort Rae (Behchoko), Yellowknife, Whatı̀ (Lac la Martre), Hay River and Fort Providence.

The text consists of a 54 page self-published memoir, "Through Dr. Jarman's eyes - going North in 1956: featuring Dr. Ernie Jarman's photos and slides of Fort Rae and surrounding area, Northwest Territories, Canada" by Dr. Ernie Jarman and Marnie Jarman Bethell, written in 2015.

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N-2007-014 · Accession · 1977-1983

Records relate to Dene languages, including materials from the Fort Good Hope Research project undertaken by the Government of the Northwest Territories Department of Education from 1981-1983. It also includes several grammars, dictionaries and reports of Dene language studies.

Ed Jeske collection
N-2006-015 · Accession · 1960-1989

Records are comprised of 'Franklin's Echo' and 'Echo' yearbooks, created by Sir John Franklin High School students in Yellowknife, dating from 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1969, 1970, 1971-72, 1974, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988, and 1989. The accession also includes a government document entitled 'Prospectus: Sir John Franklin and Students' Residence, Akaitcho Hall', dating from 1960. There are also several letters addressed to Mr. Jeske, a former teacher at the school, from former students, largely relating to his role as the Driver Education Instructor.

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N-2006-013 · Accession · 1959-2001

The textual records include published and unpublished texts on Slavey and Tłı̨chǫ (Dogrib) literacy, linguistic and translation, dating from 1959 to the 1990s. The published material is partially religious, and partially linguistic in nature. A large portion of the unpublished material consists of stories told by both Tłı̨chǫ and Slavey speakers on traditional knowledge, legends, and personal stories. The sound recordings are in Tłı̨chǫ. The cassette tapes feature Vital Thomas from 1979 to 1983 providing Tłı̨chǫ field linguistic data, and the CDs were produced between 1999 and 2001 by the Dogrib Translation Committee and feature Marie Louise Bouvier-White reading passages from the Bible in Tłı̨chǫ.

SIL linguists whose work is within this accession include: Steve Barber, Betsy Barber, Gillian Story, Victor Monus, Anita Monus, Constance Naish, William Davidson, June Davidson, Jaap Feenstra, Morina Feenstra and Herbert A. Zimmerman. Dene language consultants include: Sarah Sibbeston, Old Loman, Louis Norwegian, Gabe Sanguez, Jim Sanguez, Jimmie Cholo, Sarah Hardisty, H. Kelly, Jim Lamalice, Laura Sibbeston, Modeste Mackay, Johnny Teetso, Ted Trindell, Fred Andrew, Jimmie Bread, Sarah Lamalice, Fred Tambour, Willie Martel, William Bugghins, Johnny Mackay, Chal Yohin[?], Vital Thomas, J. Konisenta and George Matou.

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N-2006-010 · Accession · 2003

Records are comprised of the original English and French bound copies of the Tlicho Agreement. This agreement constitutes a land claims and self government agreement between the Tlicho (Dogrib), the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Government of Canada. Both copies were signed and dated August 25, 2003 in Rae-Edzo, Northwest Territories.

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Robert S. Pilot collection
N-2006-008 · Accession · [1972-1979]

The textual records are comprised of one certificate, recording the establishment of the Council of the Order of St. John for the Northwest Territories on June 24, 1972, signed on the verso by some founding members; a 1979 Ball Programme for the NWT Council for the Order of St. John from November 24, 1979; and an oversized document describing the first animals at L.D. Livingstone's Polar Sea Dairy Farm in Aklavik. The photographs document the founding members of the NWT Council of St. John Ambulance, and the first induction of members to the Order of St. John. The sound recording is an LP record of 'Two Hands and For Ever: a new musical about Old Yellowknife', produced in 1978.

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N-2003-014 · Accession · 1984-1985

Records relate to the Yellowknife Public Library's Oral History Project dating from 1984-1985. The cassette tapes contain recorded interviews with prominent Yellowknife residents who were pioneers in their endeavours. Many of the interviewees and their families arrived in Yellowknife as the community began in the late 1930s and 1940s. Interviewees include Barb Bromley, Mary Hunter, Archie Loutitt, Arnold Smith, Helen Parker, Jean Piro, Joyce McLeod, Donald Sian, Michael Ballantyne, Harold Glick, Rene Fumoleau, Jan Stirling, Gerry Hordal, and Mary Forrest. The folder of text contains a master working list of prospective interviewees, 'local history files' or personal profiles of most participants, as well as general documents relating to the methodology for creating oral histories. The three colour prints are of former Yellowknife mayor and territorial MLA Mike Ballantyne.

N-2002-038 · Accession · [1990]

Records are comprised of an oral history research project entitled "Ulukhaqtuurmiut History: History and Development of the Holman Region, N.W.T." Richard G. Condon undertook the project with the assistance of Julia Ogina. The research project and resulting report documents the history of the Holman Region based on extensive archival research and oral history interviews with elders.

Frank Russell Journal
N-2002-037 · Accession · 1893-1894 [copied 1997]

Records include one photocopy of Frank Russell's journal dated from April 26, 1893 to August 18, 1894. The journal documents Russell's trip from Edmonton to Lake Athabasca, and along the Mackenzie River to Fort Good Hope. In addition, it covers a trip between Great Slave Lake and Great Bear Lake, and along the Coppermine River. The journal also contains a limited vocabulary list for the Dogrib (Tlicho), Loucheux (Gwich'in) and Yellowknives Dene. Requests for copies should be directed to the Smithsonian Institute.

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Alexander Stevenson
N-2002-028 · Accession · 1965-1968

The textual records consist of a typewritten handbook entitled 'Material for Minister's Handbook' dated December 1965. The handbook appears to have belonged to Alexander Stevenson and contains information about the organization of the Northern Administration Branch. The handbook provides an overview about the activities of the Finance and Management Advisory Division, Education Division, Engineering Division, Industrial Division, Territorial Division and Welfare Division and includes budgetary information for each division. In addition, there is a copy of the NWT Council Tour, Vol. II (February 29 to March 8, 1968) marked "Alex Stevenson." The material lists all members of the Territorial Council, as well as biographical information about each member. In addition, there are two maps that were originally located in the NWT Council Tour book. One map shows the Territorial Evolution of Canada. It was produced by the Geographical Branch, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources. The other map was produced by the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Resource Management Division, and shows Mineral Exploration and Mining sites in the Northwest Territories and Yukon Territory. All other Stevenson Accessions transferred to Nunavut.

Great Northern Arts Festival collection
N-2002-025 · Accession · 1992-2001

Records are comprised of program guides and promotional brochures for the Great Northern Arts Festival, an annual summer event held in Inuvik. The event features fine arts, arts and crafts and music by northern and southern artists.

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Caribou Carnival collection
N-2002-024 · Accession · 1978-1995

Records are comprised of program guides for the Caribou Carnival annual spring festival in Yellowknife. The guides, which vary from newsprint to full-colour, date from 1978 to 1995. The Carnival, which began in the mid-1960s, was famous for hosting the Canadian Championship Dog Derby dogsledding race. The last Caribou Carnival took place on Frame Lake, Yellowknife in 2009.

Pine Point Hotel Liquor List
N-2002-018 · Accession · [196-?]

Records are comprised of one copy of a liquor list from the Pine Point Hotel circa 1967 with a menu for cocktails, wines, beers and liqueurs. On the back cover of the menu the Liquor License Regulations for the Northwest Territories are listed, including the legal drinking age of 21.

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John Wyss collection
N-2000-003 · Accession · [1950-1969]

Textual records consist of a copy of an adoption order, a baptism certificate, and newspaper clipping of the Duke of Edinburgh's visit to Yellowknife in 1956. The photographs are of the Wyss family and their home in Yellowknife; in addition there are images of Jock McNiven, a women's curling team, Con Hydro and Negus Mine.

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Antoine Mountain collection
N-1999-066 · Accession · [197-?]

Records include photocopies of political cartoons drawn by Antoine Mountain.

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Ephemera Collection
N-1999-065 · Accession · [192-?, 1970]

Records are comprised of three separate and unrelated items. 1) A sample of a permit to shoot muskrats for food purposes during open season with a .410 gauge shotgun (issued by the North West Territories and Yukon Branch (date: 1920s or1930s ); 2) Dinner menu for a dinner given by Jean Chretien for the Queen at the YK Inn on July 8, 1970; 3) A Programme for the official opening of the Bristol Memorial Park and the Unveiling of the Bristol Plaque in Yellowknife - August 28, 1970.

Salmita Mine Logbook
N-1999-058 · Accession · [1957-1958]

Records are comprised of a logbook of radio transmissions made between Salmita Mine and elsewhere. The majority of the calls are between Salmita and Yellowknife. Transmissions include day to day operations at the mine, requests for supplies, and contact with family members. Notable participants include John H. Parker and N.W. Byrne. The first half of the book is handwritten in pencil and ink, the second half is typed.