Mine Rescue team [Six men in white coveralls, hard hats and breathers: Oren Butler, Ed Sader, Guenther Golchert, Al Rappolder, Nick Majaecic, William Powless]
[Giant Mine Rescue Champions, group of miners in front of headframe, Nick Majaesic, Jack Doyle, Paul Bugg, Ziggy Kowal, Guenther Golchert, Ed Castillo, Bill Powless]
Mine Rescue Competition [Giant Mine team, Nick Majaesic, Guenther Golchert, Joe Walsh, Al Shearing] 1978
[Macara Agencies, exterior of Professional Building, (later Jan Stirling), corner of 50 Avenue and 47 Street, Yellowknife]
[Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, portrait of woman. Grace Ravndal]
City of Yellowknife [City Council and staff, 1972. Clockwise around table: Bill Walton, Robert Findlay, Gerry Reimann, Collin Wynne, David Reesor, City Executive Assistant, Fritz Thiel (public works), mayor Fred Henne, unknown clerk, Bob Olszamowski, Douglas Finlayson, John Rocher, Alice Finall, Brian Purdy]
City of Yellowknife [City Council and staff, 1973. Clockwise around table: Bill Walton, Bob Findlay, Wes MacAleer, Collin Wynne, David Reesor, City Executive Assistant, Fritz Thiel (public works), mayor Fred Henne, Bob Olszamowski (administration), Kay Dacorte (clerk), Lois Kornichuck (clerk), Larry Babiuk, John Rocher, Don Wood, Brian Purdy]
City of Yellowknife [City Council and staff, 1971. Around the table clockwise: Bill Walton, Norman Byrne, Gerry Reimann, Collin Wynne, David Reesor, City Executive Assistant, Fritz Thiel (public works), mayor Fred Henne, Bob Olszamowski (administration), Kay Dacorte (clerk), Douglas Finlayson, Al Marceau, Brian Purdy, Alice Finall]
Caribou Carnival [Amy White, Queen with bouquet and robe, Yellowknife]
Alec Richardson [Geneva Richardson, Portrait of woman in sweater]
Jeske family Ed and Blanche Jeske and son Wayne at graduation?, Capitalettes on wall behind, Yellowknife]
Dr Uygur [Portrait man with bowtie. Dr. Ali Ugyur, Department of National Health and Welfare director of medical services for Mackenzie zone.]
Hardie portrait [Murray Hardie, NWT Liberal nomination campaign official photo]
Curling [Awards, Provincial School Curling Championship. Bob Ward][Alberta-NWT High School Playdown curling championship in Yellowknife. Winning team from Edmonton Archbishop MacDonald high school. unknown (Alberta Pepsi dealer?), Marshall Grandish (Edmonton coach), Don MacQuarrie (Yellowknife coach), Bob Ward (NWT Pepsi dealer) – source: Edmonton Journal Feb 29/1972]
Curling [Awards, Provincial School Curling Championship. Bob Ward on left][Alberta-NWT High School Playdown curling championship in Yellowknife. Winning team from Edmonton Archbishop MacDonald high school. Bob Ward (NWT Pepsi dealer), Ted Poplawski, Jim Ross, Rick Niven, Lawrence Niven, unknown (Alberta Pepsi dealer?) – source: Edmonton Journal Feb 29/1972]
Curling [Mens team, Provincial School Curling Championship. Bob Ward][Alberta-NWT High School Playdown curling championship in Yellowknife. Winning team from Edmonton Archbishop MacDonald high school. unknown (Alberta Pepsi dealer?), Marshall Grandish (Edmonton coach), Don MacQuarrie (Yellowknife coach), Bob Ward (NWT Pepsi dealer) – source: Edmonton Journal Feb 29/1972]
Newton Wong [Family portrait: Newton, Wei Ting, Ron, Gordon and Shirley Wong. 1966]
Newton Wong [portrait of man in tweed blazer]
Newton Wong ['s son, Ron Wong. Young man in suit and tie.]
John Parker [Family portrait with Helen Parker and children Sharon Parker and Gordon Parker, Dec 1967]