Proposed WSSSP reform strategy, water and sewerage services subsidy policy review.
File of status reports and meeting notes regarding th Implementation of the reformed water and sewage services subsidy program.
Proposed elegibility crteria and evaluation guideline.
Water efficiency strategy decision paper - final copy.
Materials related to a review of the Survey and Mapping Program conducted by Uma Engineering Ltd. Including the "Conclusions and Recommendations on the Surveys and Mapping Program and Organizational Review".
One file from the Sports and Recreation Division pertaining to facility funding in Inuvik. Also includes some information on utilities assistance grants.
One file from the Sports and Recreation Division pertaining to Fort Good Hope Recreation facility. Includes plans, letters and notes.
One file from the Sports and Recreation Division pertaining to recreation funding and programs in Iqaluit.
One file from the Sports and Recreation Division pertaining to recreation facilities in Iqaluit. Most of the information involves the swimming pool.
One file from the Sports and Recreation Division related to sport and recreation affairs in Aklavik.
One file from the Sports and Recreation Division pertaining to Aklavik's arena.
One file from the Sports and Recreation Division pertaining to sport and recreation issues in Arctic Red River. (vol. 1)
One file from the Sports and Recreation Division pertaining to sport and recreation issues in Arctic Red River. (vol. 2)
One file from the Sports and Recreation Division pertaining to recreation facilities in Arctic Red River. Includes plans for a community gymnasium.
One file from the Sports and Recreation Division pertaining to the building of a recreation facility in Fort Franklin.
One file from the Sports and Recreation Division pertaining to various facilites in Fort Good Hope.
One file from the Sports and Recreation Division pertaining to Fort McPherson's Recreation Complex.
One file from the Sports and Recreation Division pertaining the community pool in Fort Norman.
One file from the Sports and Recreation Division pertaining to Igloolik's arena and curling rink. Includes proposals for the building of the facility.
One file from the Sports and Recreation Division pertaining recreation facilites in Lake Harbour. Mostly relating to the community gymnasium and the town pool.