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Firth family fonds
230 · Fonds · 1901-1902, 1921, 1978-1979

This fonds consists of 23 photographs, 7 cm of textual material and 1 cartoon-sketch of Wally Firth. The textual material includes one Hudson's Bay Company ledger listing financial transactions between 1901-1902 from the post at Fort McPherson, correspondence written by William Firth when he worked for the Hudson's Bay Company, a short biography of John Firth as well as newsletters and letters written by Wally Firth when he was a Member of Parliament. The photographic material consists of 26 photographic prints, predominantly copies made from cellulose nitrate negatives.

Firth (family)
198 · Fonds · [1900?-1979?]

This fonds consists of 444 black and white 4 x 5 negatives and approximately 2 cm of textual material. The images were collected and taken by various Oblate fathers at the Sacred Heart Parish in Fort Simpson. Although one of the primary photographers was Father Henri Posset, many of the images appear to have been collected from other archives. The images depict the Oblate Fathers, Grey Nuns and Dene residents who either worked at, or attended, the churches, schools and hospitals operated by the Roman Catholic Church. Locations covered include Fort Simpson, Nahanni Butte, Fort Liard, Rae, Fort Providence, Trout Lake, Jean Marie River and Wrigley. The textual material includes 21 newsletters dated between 1960-1963 entitled "The Catholic Voice." These newsletters were produced by the Sacred Heart Parish and include a message from the church, as well as document the social, recreational and academic activities in the community.

Sacred Heart Parish (Fort Simpson)
273 · Fonds · [1900]-1949

This fonds consists of approximately 11 photographs, 1 cm of textual records and 17 reels of microfilm of the Anglican Church of Canada, Diocese of the Arctic.

Two b&w photographic prints are portraits of Archdeacon Robert McDonald of Fort McPherson and Bishop Archibald Lang Fleming.

9 photographs are glass slides depicting people in Shingle Point and possibly Aklavik.

The textual records consist of one report by Canon Alfred J. Vale on his winter trip from Hay River to Fort Resolution in 1919; and a manuscript entitled "Memoranda of the Mission to the Mackenzie River Eskimo, 1895-1929". The manuscript is attributed to C.E. Whittaker and discusses the history of Anglican missions along the Mackenzie River including Fort Simpson, Fort McPherson, Aklavik, Herschel Island and missions in the Mackenzie Delta region. Also documented in the text are the arrivals and departures of various missionaries. A typed copy of the manuscript is retained on the accession file.

The microfilm represents approximately 4.5 meters of text dating from approximately 1927 to 1949. The records consist of files from Bishop A.L. Fleming's term as Bishop of the Arctic. They include: clergy files; women workers files; mission station files; and diocesan files. The clergy files include: correspondence, mission reports, requisitions, cables, architectural drawings, maps, statistical reports, photographs and other materials related to male mission workers. The women workers files include: mission reports, cables, candidate applications and statistical reports from women who worked as nurses, teachers, deaconesses and house matrons. The mission station files include: correspondence, annual reports, budgets, requisitions, architectural plans, statistical reports and photographs. The diocesan files include: correspondence, architectural plans, maps, minutes of the Arctic Mission Committee and subject files.

Anglican Church of Canada. Diocese of the Arctic
Gruben family fonds
370 · Fonds · [190-?]-2002

This fonds consists of 80 b/w and colour photographs and one folder of textual material relating to the Gruben family of the Mackenzie Delta region. Dating mainly from the 1920s to the 1970s, the photographs document the people, places and activities of the Mackenzie Delta including the communities of Tuktoyaktuk, Aklavik, Kittigaryuk, Shingle Point, and Baillie Island and the Gruben, Nasogaluak, Raddi, Pokiak, Jacob, Kikoak, Carpenter, Cockney, Wolki, and Elias families. Featured are traditional Inuvialuit clothing, including floral pattern parkas with sunburst hoods. Additional subjects include hunting, dogsledding, boats, fishing, and oil rigs. The schooner 'North Star' is also featured. The textual material includes the marriage certificate of Mary (Mercy) Talegomik and John Rubin, as well as a letter addressed to Mary Gruben from B. Sidgwick dated April 7, 1950.

Gruben (family)
242 · Fonds · [190-?]-1993

This fonds consists of 64 audiocassettes, 13.8 cm of textual material and 19 b/w negatives. The sound recording and textual records were generated by the Herschel Island and Yukon North Slope Inuvialuit Oral History Projects, which were coordinated by the Inuvialuit Social Development Program (ISDP). The photographs were accumulated as part of the Aulavik Oral History Project coordinated by Murielle Nagy in 1996.

In 1990, the Yukon Heritage Branch contracted the ISDP to initiate work on the Herschel Island and Yukon North Slope Oral History Project . It was planned as a three-year project that would focus on the documentation of Inuvialuit land use and perceptions. The first year would focus on Herschel Island, the second year on the Yukon North Slope and a synthesis of information would be produced in the third year. The results of the project were to be used to identify and develop human history themes from an Inuvialuit perspective in parks on Herschel Island and northern Yukon.

The Herschel Island component of the project (also known at the Qikiqtaruk Herschel Island Cultural Study) consists of 35 interviews that were conducted with 18 elders from Inuvik, Aklavik and Tuktoyaktuk in 1990. The records include: audio recordings and tape summaries of the 35 interviews; English and Inuvialuktun transcriptions and translations; a copy of the final report of the study; and an alphabetical subject/name index for the interviews conducted in 1990 and also those conducted in the 1991 Yukon North Slope Cultural Resources Survey. The interviews were conducted by Murielle Nagy, the project anthropologist, Bill Schneider (an anthropologist from Fairbanks, Alaska), Renie Arey who did the interviews with elders from Aklavik and Inuvik and Agnes Gruben White who interviewed the elders from Tuktoyaktuk. The elders interviewed were Ishmael Alunik, Renie Arey, Jane Esau, Alex Gordon, Hope Gordon, Persis Gruben, Kathleen Hansen, Fred Inglangasuk, Lucy Inglangasuk, Bella Jacobsen, Jimmy Jacobsen, Dora Malegana, Joe Nasogaluak, Sarah Meyook, Albert Oliver, Jean Tardiff, Peter Thrasher and Agnes Gruben White. Rosie Archie, Maria Selamio and Renie Arey produced the English translations of the interviews. Anna Illisiak and Barbra Allen produced the Inuvialuktun transcriptions. Subjects include fishing, hunting, whaling, spiritual beliefs, clothing, methods of transportation, dances, food preparation, traditional healing, houses and place names. There is also genealogical information on the Inuvialuit who lived on Herschel Island.

The Yukon North Slope component of the project (also known as the Yukon North Slope Cultural Resources Survey) was carried out by the Inuvialuit Social Development Program under contract with Parks Canada. In 1991, the project coordinators interviewed 23 elders from Aklavik, Inuvik, and Tuktoyaktuk. The focus of the survey was the documentation of post-contact aboriginal land use as recorded in historic sites, graves, resource extraction areas, caches, lookouts, trails, place names and gathering places in the Yukon Arctic Basin. The project coordinator was Murielle Nagy, and the interviewers were Agnes Gruben White and Renie Arey. The Inuvialuit elders interviewed were: Persis Gruben, Charlie Gruben, Christina Klengenberg, Diamond Klengenberg, Bessie Wolki, Emmanuel Felix, Peter Rufus, Jonah Carpenter, Jimmy Jacobson, Agnes Gruben White, Raymond Mangelana, Ishmael Alunik, Rhoda Allen, Martha Henry, Jean Arey, Fred Inglangasuk, Sarah Meyook, Alex Gordon, Dora Malegana, Emma Edwards, Lily Lipscombe, Kathleen Hansen and David Roland. The records include: a copy of the final report on the Yukon North Slope Cultural Resources Survey; 29 audio recordings of the interviews; and English and Inuvialuktun transcriptions and translations of the interviews. Subjects depicted include fishing, hunting, whaling, relations between the Inuvialuit and the whalers, fur traders and missionaries, Inuvialuit spiritual beliefs, and the construction of DEW Line sites in the Delta.

In 1996, Murielle Nagy coordinated the Aulavik Oral Histroy Project, doing field work in several Inuvialuit communities. Family photographs lent to her by the people she met were then loaned to the NWT Archives for copying, who kept a set of copies. The photographs date from the early 1900s to 1964 and feature

Inuvialuit Social Development Program
George Magrum fonds
388 · Fonds · [190-]-1986

This fonds consists of 22 cm of text, 113 black and white and colour photographs, and 19 audiocassettes related to the life and activities of George Magrum, a noted barrenland trapper active in the Northwest Territories from the 1900s to the 1970s. The text includes diaries, correspondence, poetry, creative writing, and records related to trapping and prospecting. There are also 18 audiocassettes which appear to relate to Mr. Magrum's diaries. The photographs, which relate to trapping as well as his family, are both negatives and prints and do not appear to be copies of each other.

Magrum, George Frank
Alma Guest fonds
44 · Fonds · [1900-1925]

This fonds consists of 152 photographs documenting Alma Guest's travels to and within the Northwest Territories. The images feature the construction, launch and voyages of the S.S. "Distributor," the fur trade, scenes and communities along the Slave and Mackenzie rivers and the Inuit, Gwich'in, Dogrib and Metis people. Communities depicted in the photographs include Fort Providence, Fort Smith, Fort Norman and Fort Resolution.

Guest, Alma
331 · Fonds · 1899-2014, predominant 1955-2014

This fonds consists of records documenting the activities of the Department of the Executive in the functional areas of leadership of the GNWT and support to Cabinet, oversight of the GNWT’s regional operations, indigenous and intergovernmental relations, human resource planning, and gender equity. There are also records from the Audit Bureau and the Bureau of Statistics, as well as publications and records of several special projects undertaken by the department.

Government leadership

Records from the Directorate include meeting minutes, correspondence, and other materials from interdepartmental Deputy Ministers’ committees, including the Social Agenda and the Committee for Aboriginal Rights, as well as meeting materials for the Department of the Executive Senior Management Committee, the Special Joint Committee on Non-Tax-Based Community Affairs, and the Special Committee on the Implementation of Self-Government and the Sunset Clause, and the Public Committees, Boards and Councils Handbook. There are also transcripts of meetings of the Electoral Boundaries Commission held in several NWT communities in 1989 and community reports, meeting minutes and files pertaining to community transfers generated by various regional GNWT departments throughout the NWT, including Sachs Harbour, Paulatuk, Tuktoyaktuk, and Arctic Red River (now Tsiigehtchic).

Records from the Cabinet Secretariat include minutes, agendas, and other materials from interdepartmental Deputy Ministers’ committees, including the Division Review Committee. There are also reports commissioned by the Corporate Review and Transition Project in 2002-2004, along with departmental responses to the review and recommendations. Files from the Protocol section document the 1994 Royal Visit and 2004 Deputy Commissioner's swearing-in ceremony.

The fonds includes chronos of the Government Leader/Premier and the Deputy Minister/Secretary to Cabinet, originating from both of the above divisions. There are also chronos of ministers holding various portfolios, particularly from the Minister of Renewable Resources, and files containing correspondence between officials of the Executive and the federal government.

Records from the Corporate Communications division include Senior Management Committee records, Deputy Ministers' Steering Committee on Trademark and Copyright Policy records, GNWT-wide communications plans and strategies, workshop material, related job descriptions, records relating to the Visual Identity Program, and briefing binders.

Records from the Legislation and House Planning division include Cabinet House Strategy and session preparation files, briefing materials for MLAs, legislative agendas and files related to the development of legislation, materials from the Legislation and House Planning Committee, and results of the Legislative Review Survey conducted by the Division Review Committee in preparation for the creation of Nunavut. The records date from the 11th through to the 15th Legislative Assembly.

Records from the Priorities and Planning Secretariat relate to GNWT policy and program development, land claims issues, parks development, Constitutional development, decentralization and natural resource projects. Some of these records are meeting minutes, correspondence and records of decision produced by the Priorities and Planning Committee, a committee within the secretariat which reviewed initiatives, policies and programs before they were put before the Executive Members and the Executive Council as a whole. There is also a report from the Program, Policy and Planning Division entitled "Government as Communicator."

Records from the Executive Secretariat date from 1967-68 and consist of copies of the transfer guideline documents concerning the formal transfer of responsibilities to the Government of the Northwest Territories and a copy of a Task Force Report on the organization of the Northwest Territories Public Service.

Regional operations

Records from the Regional Operations division consist primarily of minutes from settlement and hamlet meetings in the Mackenzie Delta, Western Arctic, Baffin and Great Bear Lake regions, monthly reports from regions and specific communities, minutes of regional council meetings, and records from regional associations such as the Keewatin Organizational Committee, Regional Management Committee in Inuvik, and the Inuvik Regional Health Board. There are also files relating to resource development projects, including the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline, Nanisivik Mines, Polar Gas Project and Beaufort Delta Oil Project.

Records from the Corporate Services Division are primarily from the Keewatin Region and consist of minutes of meetings from the Executive Committee, Regional Director's Meetings, Annual Management Meetings, Senior Management Committee Meetings, various hamlet meetings and board meetings. Furthermore, there are minutes from the following Regional Councils: Baffin Regional Council, South Slavey Regional Council, North Slavey Regional Council, Deh Cho Regional Council, Shihita Regional Council, Kitikmeot Regional Council and the Keewatin Regional Council. There are also files relating to Commissioner's Tours and Ministerial Tours of the Baffin and Keewatin Regions. Records from the Finance and Administration section consist of policy and planning files and records relating to Regional Decentralization.

In addition, the fonds includes files containing correspondence from Regional Administrators concerning the administration and implementation of the Liquor Ordinance and alcohol abuse problems at Frobisher Bay (Iqaluit). There are also reports dating from 1971-1973 about the community of Port Burwell and the Kennuayuak Association .

Aboriginal affairs, intergovernmental relations, and strategic planning

Records from the Aboriginal Rights and Constitutional Development Secretariat and its successor, the Ministry of Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs, date predominantly from 1974-1996. These records relate to land claims, including the Inuvialuit (COPE), Dene/Metis, Sahtu, Gwich'in, Tlicho, Deh Cho, Denesuline, Makivik, Hay River Dene, and Treaty 8 organizations, and the creation of Nunavut. The records also document self-government by Indigenous groups (including the creation of the Western Arctic Region Municipality (WARM) or Western Arctic Regional Government (WARG)), constitutional development (including involvement with the Constitutional Alliance and Western Constitutional Forum), intergovernmental relations, and devolution of airports, land, water, and resource management from the Federal government (see also Office of Devolution).

The fonds also includes newsletters and reports created by the Aboriginal Rights and Constitutional Development Secretariat and Equal Employment Directorate. The newsletters consist of 10 issues of Building Blocks, and discuss varied issues of devolution and compensation. There are three reports on equal employment, dating from the mid-1980s.

Records from the Office of Devolution date from 1993-2014, documenting negotiations between the GNWT and federal government over the devolution of lands and resources and implementation of the devolution agreement. Records include correspondence, committee records, briefing materials, reports, and communication plans.

Records from the Strategic Planning division and its predecessor, Intergovernmental Relations and Strategic Planning (IGRASP), include briefing packages, minutes, and other materials related to a variety of meetings and projects. These include meetings between the Premier and federal ministers, other Premier meetings, Intergovernmental and Arctic Circle meetings, and the Deputy Ministers’ Senior Management Committee, as well as planning materials for the National Aboriginal Women’s Summit (NAWS II). There are records from the Boards and Agencies review in 2004-2006, including meeting minutes, agendas, reports, drafts, and interviews with departments and agencies. Also included are files on the Living History Project, a project to reflect and celebrate NWT progress since the Berger Inquiry, and one file which outlines the activities and strategies of the Social Envelope section in 1997-1998. There are also files related to departmental policies and a proposed reorganization of intergovernmental affairs functions.

Human resource planning

Records from the Personnel Secretariat Division include reviews of personnel policies, reports on conferences, workshops and seminars, files on employment equity, the decentralization of the Highway Transport Board and Liquor Licensing Board and several files on the restructuring of various GNWT departments.

Records from the Corporate Human Resources division comprise annual reports on the Affirmative Action Policy for the GNWT, an evaluation report and guidelines for the Northern Graduate Employment Program, reviews of staffing services and employee benefit administration at departments and agencies, and a file relating to the creation and organization of the division.

Women’s Advisory

Records from the Women’s Advisory include reports, decision papers, briefing notes, correspondence, and policy statements documenting the roles and responsibilities of the Women’s Advisory, its relationship to the Minister Responsible for the Status of Women, the restructuring of the Women’s Advisory in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the 5-year Action Plan on Equality for Women, and the implementation of Gender Based Analysis. There are also reports from the Status of Women Committee and from organizations funded by the Women’s Advisory, including the Status of Women Council, the Native Women's Association, the Pauktuutit Inuit Women's Association and the Women's Community Action Team.

The fonds also contains two audio reels dating from 1974-1975, including a panel discussion on the Status of Women as a lead up to the International Year of Women (1975) and an NWTCC board meeting discussing housing, waste management, air transportation, and business/government relations.

Audit Bureau, Bureau of Statistics, special projects and publications

Records from the Audit Bureau consist of audit files for various Hamlets, Hunters and Trappers Associations and craft shops, as well as files relating to Audit Committee Meetings, Manager's Reports and organization charts.

Records from the Bureau of Statistics include population statistic and projection reports, Yellowknife apartment surveys, spatial price surveys, food price surveys, personal income statistics, labour force surveys, census results, a report on interprovincial/territorial trade and a business directory. It also includes an incomplete collection of volumes of the Statistics Quarterly, from volumes 1 through 26.

Also in this fonds are records generated by the History of Education Project that was undertaken by Norman McPherson and resulted in a book on the history of education in the Northwest Territories (Dreams and Visions: Education in the Northwest Territories from the Early Days to 1984). The records consist of original files and copies of reports from schools in many communities throughout the Northwest Territories, as well as copies of transcripts from oral history interviews.

There are also eight audiocassettes and a fifteen page summary report of a Traditional Knowledge Elders gathering held in October of 1993 at Fort Providence.

The fonds also includes a small group of miscellaneous documents and reports relating to auditing, management, cross-cultural training, the Beaufort Sea Drilling Program, and research subject headings.

Northwest Territories. Department of the Executive (1967-2017)
306 · Fonds · [1898]-2012

This fonds consists of approximately 13.3 meters of textual material, 12 plans, 30 oversized textual documents (land titles), and 44 audio cassettes.

The bulk of the textual material consists of records from the Directorate and the Policy and Planning divisions. These records include correspondence, working and discussion papers, legislative proposals and other records related to the amendment or enactment of Territorial legislation, including the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Human Rights Act. There are also Deputy Minister and Ministerial chronos, as well as Ministerial briefing books.

There are records regarding conferences organized by the department, as well as correspondence and reports related to the reorganization of the Department, including documentation of Corrections and Lands Titles functions to the department, planning for division, aboriginal self-government, as well as Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and services agreements between Justice and the Department of Social Services. There are records that document a gender equality review, amendments to the definition of spouse under the Family Law Act and Adoption Act, an investigative report on hiring practices in two correctional facilities, and a public awareness campaign about crystal meth, as well as records that document the Task Force on Legal Aid, and court reforms. The records also include judicial decisions of the Labour Standards Board for 2004-2005. As well, there are program review files, training proposals, discussion papers, action plans and reports from the following programs and divisions: Justice of the Peace program, Legal Services Board, Labour Standards Board, Territorial Firearms Officer, Maintenance Enforcement Program, Coroner’s Office, Corrections Division, Rental Office, Court Library and Court Reporters.

Records from the Liquor Licensing Board include sound recordings of board meetings with associated hearings and public meetings.

There are records from the Finance division regarding third-party funding agreements.

There are records from the Corrections Program including a review of Young Offender facilities in the NWT, and material from a conference that was hosted by the Department of Justice on forecasting correctional prison and supervision populations and community corrections. There are also records concerning strategic planning for the Department of Justice, development of the Youth Corrections Manual, as well as copies of Insight Newsletter which was a newsletter produced by the Yellowknife Correctional Centre. In addition, there are files concerning the transfer and implementation of Corrections services to Nunavut, a report from the Yellowknife Correctional Centre Inmate Advisory Committee requesting an Aboriginal Healing program, and copies of an operational review that was done by a consultant called "View of the Future of Social Services for the NWT," an annual report from the Mackenzie Courtworkers Service, minutes from Warden’s meetings and the Youth Justice Committee, and a manual produced for community-based Youth Justice Committees.

There are records from the Community Justice Division, including contribution and protocol agreements. These agreements include proposals or submissions made under the Victims Services Contribution Agreement Program, Victim Assistance Fund or Community Justice Committee Program and include copies of proposals, activity reports and final reports from communities and organizations that received funding under these programs. In addition, there program implementation and evaluation files for the Community Constable Program, Victims Impact Statement program, as well as discussion papers about the Community Justice program, strategic framework for the Victims Services Program, and an evaluation report on the Community Constable Program.

This fonds also includes committee records from the following: Legislation and House Planning Committee, Legislation Proposal Review Committee, Corrections Consolidation Advisory Committee, Aboriginal Justice Committee, Criminal Justice and Corrections Communications Committee, Community Supervision Working Group, Labour Standards Board and records related to meetings and negotiations held between senior management and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), as well as a file related to the RCMP Special Constable program.

Also included in this fonds are 30 land grants, titles and transfers dating from 1913-1951. These documents are primarily oversized text documents, affixed with wax seals and ribbon. High-resolution digital .tif images of all 30 land title documents are available for reference purposes.

In addition, there are 12 bound settlement plans that originated from the Registries and Court Services Division. The plans are of settlement lots for the communities of Fort Smith, Fort Resolution, Hay River, Fort Providence, Fort Simpson, Fort Norman, Fort Good Hope, Fort Liard, Fort Rae, Fort Wrigley, and Fort McPherson. The plans are dated between 1898-1915. Also included from the division are the meeting minutes of the Court Management Committee and correspondence with the Status of Women Council regarding the usage of plain language in court orders.

The fonds also contains miscellaneous papers and reports including the “Conrad Report”, a working paper on amending the Jury Act and paper entitled "Study of Time Factors Involved in the Disposition of Cases in the Territorial Court, Northwest Territories" by Judge R.M. Bourassa.

There is also one file that originated from Vital Statistics entitled 'The Mad Trapper.' The file includes correspondence between the Registrar General of Vital Statistics and those seeking inquiries regarding the death and possible disinterment of the Mad Trapper, Albert Johnson. Also included are copies of the Warrant to Bury Albert Johnson at Aklavik issued in February 1932. A copy of Dick North's report on the question of Johnson's true identity, entitled 'Exhumation of Albert Johnson' is also included.

Northwest Territories. Department of Justice (1985-present)
Otto Lahser fonds
125 · Fonds · 1898-1899

This fonds consists of a copy of a typed version of the diary of Otto Lahser. The diary describes the journey taken in 1898 and 1899 down the Athabasca and Slave Rivers to Great Slave Lake and then down the Mackenzie River to the Peel River aboard the boat "Enterprise." The diary includes details on weather, people they encountered and their attempts to locate gold.

Lahser, Otto
Buffum family fonds
222 · Fonds · 1897-1907, [1930-1947], 1985

This fonds consists of 271 photographs, 6 audio reels, 3 sound cassettes and 2 cm of textual material. The photographs were taken and collected by the Buffum Family and depict the covers or interior images of personalized Christmas cards from bush pilots and other people who stayed with the Buffum family. The textual material is made up of the diary of Louise Buffum dated from 1939 to 1945. The sound recordings contain an interview conducted by the Territorial Archivist, David Rudkin with Lyn Orchuk in 1985.

Buffum (family)
Thomas Marsh fonds
98 · Fonds · [1893-1907]

This fonds consists of 69 black and white photographs that were either taken, or collected, by Reverend T.J. Marsh between 1893 and 1907. There is also a photocopy of a monograph entitled "Historical Sketch of the Origin and Work of the Hay River Mission, Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories." Most of the images are stored in two photograph albums. The first album contains images taken by Reverend Marsh between 1893 and 1907. The second album contains photographs taken by C.W. Mathers, a professional photographer from Edmonton, who toured the Mackenzie River communities in 1901. There are also some loose images taken by Reverend Marsh. The images depict traditional Dene and Inuit lifestyles in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Subjects include mooseskin boats, scows, dog teams, skin tents and kayaks. Many of the images document the development of St. Peter's Anglican Mission at Hay River. There are photographs of the church, boarding school, mission staff and the students who attended the school. A number of images depict Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) posts and the steamers and scows that were used by the Hudson's Bay Company to transport goods in the north. Locations include Fort Good Hope, Fort McPherson, Fort Norman, Fort Providence, Fort Simpson, Hay River and Peel River. The records have been arranged into three series: Series I - Reverend T.J. Marsh photograph album; Series II - C.W. Mathers album; Series III - Reverend T.J. Marsh.

Marsh, Thomas
60 · Fonds · [1890]-1970

This fonds consists of 171 copy negatives of prints that were contained in photo albums. The images include: views of the Fort Providence mission buildings; class photographs; portraits of Oblate missionaries and Grey Nuns; general views of Fort Providence; and construction activities. The images were copied and the original albums were returned to the Grey Nuns.

Catholic Mission (Fort Providence, NT)
284 · Fonds · 1886-1916, 197-

This collection consists of copies of books, articles, maps, photographs and other materials, created by or about Father Emile Petitot. The material was accumulated by Donat Savoie in the 1970s during his employment with the federal Department of Indian and Northern Affairs. The materials include approximately 2 meters of textual records, over 150 photographs, 13 maps and other ephemera. The textual materials consist of photocopies of writings of Petitot and articles, notes and bibliographies on Petitot's works by other authors. There are copies of letters by Father Jean Sequin, who was at Fort Good Hope with Father Petitot, and Donat Savoie's notes on the Metis taken from Petitot's works. The photographs consist primarily of images of engravings and drawings by Petitot, and a few by other artists, depicting the Dene, Metis, Inuit, and their cultures. Many of the illustrations appear in Petitot's and Savoie's books. Also included are photographs of Petitot and the Fort Good Hope church. There are additional images of a 1975 plaque ceremony honouring Emile Petitot at Mareuil-les-Meaux, France and Anglican Church photographs collected by Savoie. The maps consist of copies of maps by Emile Petitot, 5 maps produced for Annexe 2 'Inventaire toponymique: Cartes geographiques d'Emile Petitot' of "L'Occupation territoriale chez les amerindiens du nord-ouest canadien au XIXe siecle selon Emile Petitot: Land Occupancy by the Amerindians of the Canadian Northwest in the 19th Century, according to Emile Petitot" by Rachelle Castonguay and another 4 maps related to volume two of that publication. The latter represent Petitot's interpretation of native land use and occupancy in the Athabasca-Mackenzie region up to the 1880s and illustrate: Indigenous toponymy; land occupancy; native activities and native groups in various areas. Additional materials in this collection include copies of birth certificates for Emile Petitot and members of his family and copies of newspaper clippings on Petitot.

Father Emile Petitot Research Collection
275 · Fonds · 1882-1937

This fonds consists of 630 photographs, 68 maps and 5.5 cm of textual records produced or accumulated by the federal Department of the Interior, between 1882 and 1937. The photographs include 170 reproductions of federal government issues, originally from a collection of over 2,000 lantern slides reproduced from various federal departmental sources. The majority of the images were not related to the Northwest Territories and were forwarded to the National Archives of Canada in 1990. These colour images document the scenery, town sites and local people, including Dene and Inuit of the Northwest Territories and includes many images of the Harry Snyder Canadian Expedition (1937). An album entitled "Office of District Agent, N.W.T. & Y. Branch, Fort Smith" contains 368 black and white photographs, dating predominantly from the 1920's, depicting a variety of subjects such as missions, transportation along the Mackenzie River and treaty payment. Another 91 photographs are from an incomplete copy of L.T. Burwash's report entitled, "The Eskimo, Their Country and Its Resources: Economic Survey of the East Coasts of Hudson Bay and James Bay from Richmond Gulf to Rupert House, Including the Belcher and Other Adjacent Islands", Ottawa, Department of the Interior, 1927. (Typewritten.) The report contains a diary of the trip taken by Burwash, descriptions of Inuit life, food supplies, clothing, health, the influence of trading posts, housing conditions, and mineral and animal resources in the region. Much of the report focuses on the Inuit in the regions around Little Whale River and the Belcher Islands. The photographs depict communities along eastern coasts of Hudson Bay and James Bay. The mounting of the photographs in this report suggests that this copy was a draft produced before its final publication. The photographs have been removed from the report and stored separately for preservation reasons. In addition, this report also contains 8 maps. The remaining 50 maps in this fonds date from 1882 to 1933; they were produced by the Department of the Interior. Map areas include: Great Bear Lake, Great Slave lake, Dismal Lakes, Coppermine River, Mackenzie River, Thelon River, Backs River (Back River), Camsell River, Slave River, Cameron Bay, Keewatin, and Ungava, navigational maps of Slave River, Great Slave Lake, the Mackenzie River, Artillery Lake, Lac Du Bois, Casba Lake, Campbell Lake, Sifton Lake, Thelon River, Hanbury River, Beverly Lake, Aberdeen Lake, Schultz Lake, and Baker Lake. Two items depict leased areas for petroleum and natural gas exploration in the south Great Slave Lake region. The remaining textual material dated 1921, includes one file of correspondence of O.S. Finnie, Acting Secretary for the Department of the Interior, and three files regard applications for surveying and exploration permits in the Great Slave Lake and Pine Point areas.

Canada. Department of the Interior
321 · Fonds · 1882-2006

This fonds consists of approximately 10.52 meters of textual material, 153 black and white and colour photographs, 52 audiocassettes, 2 CDs (SDII format), one 16 mm film, a Umatic videocassette, 12 maps, 5 oversized textual documents and two scrolls. This material was either collected or generated by the Office of the Commissioner.

The bulk of the textual material is dated between 1960-1980 and consists of Commissioner Hodgson's chronos; Commissioner Parker's chronos; Senior Executive Secretary and later Deputy Commissioner Robert S. Pilot's chronos; reports from Commissioner Hodgson's and Commissioner Parker's Tours throughout the Northwest Territories, and correspondence between Federal Cabinet Ministers and the Commissioners' of the Northwest Territories. There are also files containing memorabilia such as cards, travel brochures, commemorative programs, invitations and certificates. In addition, there are administrative records, subject files, correspondence, minutes of meetings, organizational charts and reports relating to economic development, financial services, personnel, housing and constitutional development, labour standards and relations, administration of justice, as well as the proposed Mackenzie Valley pipeline and a proposed Great Slave National Park. As well, this fonds contains portions of Commissioners Norris' and Maksagak's chronos for 1991-1995, Commissioners Hansen's and Whitford's chronos for 2005-2006, and files from the NWT Coordinating Committee from 1988-1990. The fonds also contains files related to the Royal Visit of Queen Elizabeth II in 1994. Furthermore, there are files relating to the Polaris Mine Project and the operation and administration of the community of Port Burwell. The fonds also includes files relating to the administration of the Commissioner's Awards program (1968-2006).

The photographs are dated between 1961-1979 and document official functions, Commissioner's Tours of the north, dignitary visits and Centennial Celebrations. An additional six photographs show the Commissioner's Awards medal, medallion, and rosette.

The audiocassettes contain sound recordings of Hamlet Council meetings, Town Council meetings, public meetings and speeches made by Commissioner Hodgson. The two CDs contain recordings of meetings held in 1978 between Commissioner Stuart M. Hodgson, Chief Alex Arrowmaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly, Thomas A. Butters and R. Whitford, concerning the development for Snare Lakes.

The 16 mm film documents the 1977 visit of His Royal Highness Prince Andrew to the Northwest Territories. The film was entitled "Journey to the Top of Canada." There is a copy of this film in Umatic format.

The scrolls are dated between 1972-1973; the first scroll proclaims the transfer of land from the Yukon to the Northwest Territories and the second scroll establishes the aforementioned parcel of land to be the Norah Willis Michener Game Preserve. There are also two newsletters from the NWT Pavilion at Expo '86 in Vancouver, British Columbia. The oversized textual documents are a 12x22" certificate commemorating the laying of a cairn by Prince Andrew at Cape Columbia, NWT on July 12, 1977, a 10x15" certificate commemorating the laying of a cairn by Princess Margaret of the Netherlands on Beechey Island in June 1978, and two posters advertising the Commissioner's Awards programs.

12 maps and one oversized zoning schedule were donated via the Legislative Assembly Library from the Office of the Commissioner. The maps mainly detail town plans of Hay River, Inuvik, and Yellowknife during 1965-1973.

Northwest Territories. Office of the Commissioner (1870-present)
25 · Fonds · [1880-1947]

This fonds consists of slides, photographs and maps. The slides, taken by Joseph Tyrrell, include images of northern Alberta and Saskatchewan; the Dubawnt River and Lake region, and the west coast of Hudson Bay near Chesterfield Inlet. There are also 19 black and white photographs of Yellowknife, mining camps around Yellowknife, Fort Resolution, Fort Smith and survey crews around Yellowknife Bay. The photographs appear to have been taken by members of survey teams including: A.W. Jolliffe, C.S. Lord [Clifford Symington Lord] and J.F. Henderson. There are 24 maps in total in the fonds. Map subjects include the Mackenzie, Pelly, Taltson, Slave and Peace Rivers and Ungava Bay. One map indicates the route taken by the southern party of the Canadian Arctic Expedition of 1913-1918, another illustrates the "Cruise of DGS Neptune to Hudson Bay and The Arctic Islands in 1905". There is also a series of nine separate map sheets for the Mackenzie and Yukon Basins, issued in 1880.

Geological Survey of Canada
322 · Fonds · 1877-2023

The bulk of the textual records are made up of official records from the Legislative Assembly dated between 1951-2023 from the 1st through the 19th Legislative Assemblies/Councils of the Northwest Territories. Included in this material are Hansard (including indices and appendices), Tabled Documents, Motions, Written Questions, Return to Written Questions, Petitions, Committee Reports, Bills, Budget Addresses, Speeches, Debates (including some indices), Sessional Papers, Appropriations, Recommendations to Council, References for Advice, Information Items, Monthly Letters, Supplementary Notes, Legislation, a selection of Commissioner's Opening Addresses, and Votes and Proceedings summaries. There is also a copy of the Hay River-Enterprise Corridor Development Regulations from 1986.

The textual records are also comprised of signed minutes from the Northwest Territories Council (1921-1951), minutes from the Yellowknife Board of Trustees, bound minutes, ordinances and session papers from the Northwest Territories Council (1922-1950) and Orders in Council (1883-1932). Textual records also include correspondence, letters, biographical sketches of members of the Legislative Assembly, as well as promotional material collected by the Public Affairs Office concerning the 1979 election.

In addition, there are textual records related to the Advisory Committee on the Development of the GNWT, work of the Special Committee on Constitutional Development, the Special Committee on the Division of the NWT, Special Committee on the Northern Economy (SCONE), Standing Committee on Public Accounts, Special Committee on Housing and Standing Committee on Agencies, Boards and Commissions. There is also a small amount of textual records, including planning committee material, that deal with the opening of the Legislative Assembly building in 1993. Other records deal with special events and conferences hosted by the Legislative Assembly, including swearing-in ceremonies, the Circle of Northern Leaders, and 23rd Canadian Presiding Officers' Conference.

There are also pamphlets and brochures from the late 1970s and early 1980s on a variety of topics, including the Legislative Assembly's operations, symbology, projects, interest in the pipeline and talks of forming a new territory (Nunavut). There are published reports on priorities for the North, administrative structure for Nunavut, a spousal assault task force report, and a Denedeh government proposal for restructuring of the Government of the Northwest Territories. There are also rules of the preceding body, the Council of the Northwest Territories, as well as the rules of the Assembly from 1984 to 1991. Also included in this accession are ordinances dated 1888 and 1895 and bound ordinances dating 1950 through 1981. There is also a book of statutes from 1985.

The textual records from the Elections NWT office includes material concerning electoral boundaries, as well as guidelines, correspondence, poster and press releases related to the Nunavut Capital public vote and the public vote on the Guaranteed Equal Representation of Men and Women in the Nunavut Legislative Assembly. There are also Reports of the Chief Electoral Officer and the Official Voting Results reports for the 2003 and 2007 General Elections, Returns to the Writ from the 2003, 2007 and 2011 General Elections, Proclamations and Grants of Poll from the 2007 General Election, polling boundary descriptions from the 2003 and 2007 General Elections, and the original tallies of votes from the polling districts and boxes from the 2007 General Election.

The textual records from the office of the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly includes materials related to conflict of interest and the Conflict of Interest Commissioner, the Senior Management Team, the standing committee on legislation, task forces and working groups related to the Division of the Northwest Territories, a strategic planning workshop for MLAs regarding the government organization after division, a Circle of Northern Leaders meeting, communications protocol, and amendments to legislative Acts. Some meeting material for the GNWT Deputy Ministers' Senior Management Committee is also included.

The textual records from the NWT Human Rights Commission includes meeting agendas and minutes of the Commission Members, as well as notes from a strategic planning session, and an informational package given to stakeholders that outlines the mission, structure, processes and function of the Commission.

The bulk of the photographs and slides are dated between 1968-1993 and cover topics such as Legislative Assembly Opening Ceremonies, Sessions, Elections, Committees, Plebiscite on Division, Tours of Communities, Special Events, Conferences, Health Services and Scenery. The remaining photographs depict members of the Northwest Territories Council, the Legislative Assembly and Commissioners of the Northwest Territories from 1905-1975, as well as the activities of the Office of the Languages Commissioner, which date from 2002-2004.

The VHS videocassette entitled "One Land, Many Voices" - making the new NWT Mace" was produced by Lone Woolf Productions in 2000.

The audio reels contain recordings of the 7th and 8th NWT Council and the 9th and 10th Legislative Assembly.

The microfiche consists of a complete record of Tabled Documents, Committee Reports and Petitions from the 10th Legislative Assembly which covered the years 1984-1987 and a Tabled Document from the 8th Council, 56th Session. The 7 microfilm reels contain copies of the Northwest Territories Council Minutes from 1921-1951 and an index to the Minutes.

The scroll was presented by David Welch, Ontario's Minister of Citizenship, on behalf of Premier John Robart to the Commissioner and Council of the Northwest Territories to commemorate the Northwest Territories Centennial in 1970.

Northwest Territories. Legislative Assembly (1905-present)
Edward Lloyd fonds
69 · Fonds · 1871-1921

This fonds consists of one microfilm reel of Edward Lloyd's correspondence, travel diaries and various other family letters. He travelled extensively across the country including a trip (ca. 1897-1899) from Edmonton, to Hay River via the Peace and Hay Rivers, down the Mackenzie River through communities such as Wrigley and Fort Good Hope to Fort McPherson, across the Yukon to Old Crow and on to Alaska.

Lloyd, Edward
June Helm fonds
21 · Fonds · [180-?]-2003

The fonds consists of six series: Correspondence; Printed Material - Works by Helm; Printed Material - Works by others; Research and field notes; Photographs; and, Sound Recordings.

Helm, June