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Mary Saich fonds
112 · Fonds · 1940-[1942]

This fonds consists of 291 photographs and 6.2 cm of textual material. There are images of Aklavik and the surrounding area, as well as images that document Mary Saich's trip to Tuktoyaktuk. In addition, there is one scrapbook compiled by Mary Saich; one notebook that includes historical and geographical notes on the Northwest Territories, her curriculum ideas and a manuscript entitled "A Year in Canada's North" which includes copies/originals of articles on the north and copies/originals of Mary Saich's correspondence with her parents.

Saich, Mary
Bern Will Brown fonds
381 · Fonds · 1940-1999

This fonds consists of 0.6 cm of textual records, ca. 13,000 photographs (col. slides, col. negatives, and b&w negatives), and 31 reels of 16 mm film.

The textual records comprise two newsletters produced by Bern Will Brown and a series of letters written by Capt. C.T. Pederson. The newsletters give a brief overview of life in the community of Colville Lake during 1991 and 1992, including items of interest relating to various members of the community. The Pedersen correspondence is autobiographical, including reminiscences of C.T. Pederson of some of his activities in the north; the majority are addressed to Father Brown of Our Lady of the Snows Mission in Colville Lake, but one letter is addressed to Commander Ransom.

The photographs include images of a wide variety of subjects, particularly activities of the Catholic Church and traditional activities of the Dene, Inuvialuit and Inuit, including hunting, trapping and transportation. There are photos of many locations throughout the NWT as well as some locations in Nunavut, Saskatchewan, and Alberta.

The films and videocassettes include footage of dog teams, life at Colville Lake, Fort McMurray, Alberta, Aklavik, Husky Lakes, Whitefish Station, Tulita (Fort Norman), Nahanni Butte, Fort Simpson, Bern Will Brown, various Catholic priests and bishops, fishing, children at play, aircraft, construction of the mission, reindeer, whaling, trapping, hunting, church services, many local families including: Kochon, Codzi, Masuzumi, Cotchilly, Oudzi and political visitors such as Governors-General.

Brown, Bern Will
Albert Faille fonds
38 · Fonds · [1940]-1973

The textual material includes correspondence from Albert Faille's son, a Nahanni Safaris brochure, and certificates belonging to Albert Faille. The photographs include images of the Nahanni Region, Albert Faille, Jean and Hal Bennett and Faille's son.

Faille, Albert
McCall family fonds
360 · Fonds · [1940-197-?]

This fonds consists of 299 colour slides, 19 colour prints and 273 black and white prints. The majority of the photographs are of Frank and Grace McCall's time spent in the Mackenzie Delta (Aklavik - Reindeer Station) in the 1940s, Yellowknife (1940s - 1970s) and Ft. Smith in the (1950s and 1960s). The series of print photographs focussing on Yellowknife include images relating to transportation, recreation, mining, and scenery. Negus Mine, Con Mine, Jolliffe Island, the Wildcat Café, water taxis, floatplanes, and cat trains are featured, along with Yellowknife residents Tom Doornbos and John Anderson Thomson. The series of print photographs focussing on Aklavik include images relating to reindeer herding, transportation, and aerial photographs. A third series of print photographs, entitled Northern Miscellaneous, covers various subjects, including a trip Frank McCall took in his capacity as Regional Administrator to communities such as Banks Island, Holman Island, Coppermine (Kugluktuk), Spence Bay (Taloyoak) and Pelly Bay to talk to residents about a Resource Program. The two textual documents are programs for the official openings of the Yellowknife United Church in 1958 and Bristol Memorial Park in 1970.

McCall (family)
James Ayrhart fonds
168 · Fonds · [194-?-196-?]

This fonds consists of 43 black and white photographic prints taken in and around Yellowknife. The images show people including James Ayrhart, his wife Doris McGill, Geddes Webster and Cam Wallbridge, as well as places in Yellowknife such as the Liquor Store, Mining Recorders Office and Yellowknife Hotel. There are also images of prospecting camps and various views of Mr. Ayrhart's DC3, the Yellowknife Express. Also included in the accession are two autobiographical accounts of some of Mr. Ayrhart's experiences in the Northwest Territories. One contains identifications for some of the photographs; the other concerns the purchase and sale of the Yellowknife Express.

Ayrhart, James
Nap Norbert fonds
91 · Fonds · [1940-1959]

This fonds consists of 94 black and white interpositives copied from the original negatives. Most of the images depict scenes in and around Tsiigehtchic (Arctic Red River) and Aklavik. There are also photographs taken in Tuktoyaktuk, Hay River, Reindeer Station, Fort McPherson and Fort Simpson. The fonds contains images of Nap Norbert's children, his brothers and sisters. In addition, there are images of community buildings in Tsiigetchic, the hospital and school at Aklavik, and the community dance hall in Fort McPherson. There are also a number of images of barges and tugs, including the "Pelican Rapids" that operated on the Mackenzie River.

Norbert, Nap
Mildred Young Hubbert fonds
371 · Fonds · [194-] - 1984

This fonds consists of 564 b&w and colour prints and 75 colour slides taken and collected by Mildred Young Hubbert while living in the Northwest Territories first as a schoolteacher, 1947-1950, and later as a school inspector in the late 1960s. The prints were originally part of photo albums created by then Mildred Young while a Yellowknife schoolteacher in the 1940s. The photographs include scenes from the schoolhouse on School Draw, students in classrooms, public health inoculations, blood donor clinics, Christmas pageants, and fashion shows. Photographs of Yellowknife include the construction of the Gerry Murphy Arena, the opening of the golf course, and scenes at the gold mines. A number of photographs were taken at Indian Village (Dettah), and feature Yellowknives Dene elders and youth. Photographs of the Kugluktuk (Coppermine) area identify Father Ebner and Inuit hunters. Many of the colour prints date from 1984 when Ms. Hubbert returned to Yellowknife for the city's fifty-year reunion celebration. The slides, taken in 1969, are of Fort Good Hope, and include photographs of school children and the community.

Hubbert, Mildred Young
Lindberg family fonds
117 · Fonds · [1940?-1963?]

This fonds consists of 135 photographs copied from two albums compiled by the Lindberg family. The photographs were taken during the 1940s and 1950s and show Lindberg family members, communities along the Liard River including Fort Nelson, B.C., Fort Liard and Fort Simpson, freighting and ferry operations.

Lindberg (family)
Carlton R. Appleby fonds
341 · Fonds · [194-?]

This fonds consists of approximately 3 cm of textual material and 10 black and white photographs. The textual material consists of a copy of a journal kept by Carleton Appleby during the summer of 1946, during a trip on the Athabasca and Slave Rivers aboard the boat 'Beaver Lake.' He also visited Yellowknife, Fort Fitzgerald and Fort Rae during his journey. The 10 photographs were probably taken that same summer and depict the communities of Fort Rae and Yellowknife, as well as individuals he met in Yellowknife and aboard the riverboat 'Dease Lake.'

Appleby, Carlton R.
McCallum family fonds
247 · Fonds · 1939-1943

This fonds consists of 22 black and white photographs that were originally part of the McCallum family album. The images include the Yellowknife Lumber Company sawmill, American soldiers from the Canol Road project, Norman Wells oil derricks, the "Porphyry" (ship) at the Fitzgerald-Smith portage and views of Fort Smith and Fort Resolution.

McCallum (family)
270 · Fonds · 1939-1982

This fonds consists of 50 cm of textual records of the Yellowknife Education District No. 1 dating from 1939 to 1982. The material includes: minutes of the School Board meetings, 1939-1966 (incomplete); minutes of the Home and School Association, 1950-1962, Academic reports, correspondence, employment, building and financial records.

Yellowknife Education District No. 1
133 · Fonds · 1939, 1982

This fonds consists of 12 purchase orders of the then named Eldorado Gold Mines Limited, dating from April 25 to November 23, 1939; and one manuscript, titled "The Eldorado Epidemiology Project Health Follow-Up of Eldorado Uranium Workers: Historical Description Appendices of Main Work Sites", Number 3, prepared for Eldorado Nuclear Limited, dated December 1982. The text is composed of four descriptions of events relating to Eldorado's history, by separate authors: E. H. (Ted) Nagle - "Gilbert Labine: Great Bear Lake 1929-30"; F. J. (Tiny) Peet - "Great Bear, Eldorado and Briefly Port Hope in the 1930s"; R. G. (Bob) Jenkins - "Port Radium and Beaverlodge"; and F. W. Melvanin - "The Port Hope Refinery." The 1939 purchase order book is annotated with the names of employees.

Eldorado Nuclear Limited
264 · Fonds · 1939-1940, 1943-1949

This fonds consists of 35.8 cm of textual records and one map from Thompson-Lundmark Gold Mines Limited. The textual records consist of financial records related to the operation of the mine, including invoices and receipts, a ledger, and a daily report of the mill operations. The map shows the Thompson-Lundmark claims.

Thompson-Lundmark Gold Mines Limited
301 · Fonds · 1939-1998

This fonds consists of approximately 74.33 meters of textual material, 218 colour photographs and slides, 11 posters, 1 Betacam videocassette, 2 VHS videocassettes, 84 microfiches of textual material, and one 16 mm film created by the Department of Economic Development and Tourism. The majority of the textual material is comprised of files from the Central Registry system. It also includes some records from regional offices.

The Directorate series (60 Block), dating from 1960-1993, includes policy files, organization and evaluation files training files, long range planning files, Economic Development Agreement (EDA) files, files related to the NWT Business Development Corporation and the NWT Business Credit Corporation, reports for headquarters and regional offices, base line studies, business development and impact studies; project files of significance to the Deputy Minister, speeches, records related to the reorganization of the Department, conference and committee files from the Business Development Committee and Intersettlement Trade Advisory Committee, community files that relate to economic development project proposals, settlement files, materials related to the Council of the Northwest Territories, Commissioners tours, and other organizations involved in economic development in the North, as well as files related to the Mackenzie Highway committee and the Mackenzie Pipeline initiative.

The Tourism and Parks Series (61 Block) dating from 1962 to 1998 includes records concerning the development of parks and the tourism industry in the North, such as administration, community consultation, promotion and marketing, research and development, feasibility studies and reports. The files include copies of the Explorer's Guide, records related to promotion efforts, visitor studies, camps, fishing and hunting lodges, as well as information and minutes from meetings for the NWT Hotels Association, Keewatin Tourism Committee, Northern Frontier Country Tourism Committee, Travel Industry Association, Big River Country Travel Association, Western Arctic Visitors Association, and the Arctic Coast Tourism Zone Association.The records concerning parks development date from 1970 to 1996 and relate to the development of signage, historic sites and tours, interpretive displays, visitor's centres, exhibits and general park and campground development, including infrastructure. The files contain reports of consultants, contracts, and negotiations with stakeholders such as communities and tour operators. The files are organized by individual park or project. There is also a file describing the department's involvement with Hanging Ice Bison Ranch. There are also two 1992 videos promoting the Thelon and Kazan Rivers as canoeing destinations.

The Economic and Industrial Series/Industry and Commerce Series (62 Block) dating from 1960-1987, includes files relating to Cooperatives, Arts and Crafts, Business Development, the Economic Development Agreement (EDA), the Canada - NWT Oil and Gas, Minerals Accord from the early 1990s. Foods, Settlements, Project Operations, Companies, Forestry, Marketing, Agricultural and Industrial Development-Financial Planning.

The Employment Series (67 Block), dating from 1969-1983, includes committee records, community employment files, liaison with local industry files, liaison with other government agencies, local initiatives program files, Inuit relocation files, apprenticeship program files, Manpower Needs Committee files, Employment of Native Northerners files, training programme files, and monthly reports by region.

The Administration Series (68 Block), dating from 1978 includes material related to a Regional Superintendent's Conference.

There are also records from the Loans and Grants Series (69 Block), dating from 1967-1986 and include files relating to the Small Business Loan Fund, Eskimo Loan Fund, Indian Loan fund, Assistance to Fisherman Policy and Correspondence, Tourism Development Grants and Promotion Grants.

The records for the Fort Smith/South Slave Regional Office include Tourism Marketing Program Summary Package, Consumer & Travel Trade Show Staff Attendance manual, Division of the Northwest Territories Implementation Plan, records of the Regional Coordinating Committee for Fort Smith and the Senior Management Committee of Economic Development and Tourism, Tourism Marketing Services program records, reports, and correspondence. Other records document participation in the Tourism Training Group, NWT Arctic Tourism, and Deh Cho/Mackenzie Connection. There are also records relating to departmental logo and slogan, and reorganization and business planning.

Also included in the textual material is a ledger recording fur sales between 1939-1969, a list of trading posts and outpost licenses that were issued in the Northwest Territories between 1962-1977, correspondence and applications for funding for economic development projects within the Northwest Territories, such as the Eskimo Dog Research Foundation and material relating to federal employment initiative programs, such as the Subsidized Term Employment Program (STEP). There is a series of reports and papers from the Planning and Resources Development Division concerning the development of renewable resources, such as northern minerals and oil, marketing plans and economic prospects for the NWT, the Cooperative (Co-op) movement and the Small Business Loan fund. In addition to reports and studies, there is policy material from this division, as well as committee files from the Resource Development Committee, Committee on Incentives for the Development of Remote Regions, Technical Committee of the Water Board, Transportation Standing Committee, Environmental Review Committee and the Norman Wells Impact Task Force. There is also promotional material, and tourism industry booklets produced by the Department, TravelArctic and other arms-length agencies. Additional records include Heritage River studies and reports and a feasibility study on a wild game processing plant. There is also a series of reports relating to fisheries from the 1990s.

The photographs depict a Dene and Inuit arts and crafts display, as well as images of traditional Dene and Inuit games, which were exhibited during the 1976 Montreal Olympics. In addition, there are photographs of festivities that took place in Resolute to celebrate the establishment of Ellesmere Island National Park. In addition, there are slides generated by the Arts and Crafts program that depict beadwork, clothing quillwork and arts and crafts production within several communities in the Northwest Territories. The Betacam videocassette is a production entitled "Dene Arts and Crafts", which was produced by Swan Productions in conjunction with the Department of Economic Development and Tourism.

The G-2007-025 accession consists of approximately 30 cm of reports, brochures and other textual material. The material mainly consists of policy guides, published reports and brochures. Topics range from tourism development, region economic studies, how to start your own business, venture capital grants, information on co-operatives, and information on trades. Notably this accession includes a guide on how to properly format the blue on white polar bear NWT logo for printing on promotional material.

Northwest Territories. Department of Economic Development and Tourism (1977-1996)
299 · Fonds · [1938]-1975

This fonds consists of 5 photographs, 74 cm of textual material and 48 reels of microfilm from the Department of Industry and Development. The bulk of the textual material is from the Central Registry filing system and contains records from the following program areas: Economic and Industry and Industry and Commerce Series (62 block) which includes records relating to Arts and Crafts and Industry Projects; Game (63 block); Fisheries (65 block); Administration (68 block). The 48 microfilm reels contain records dated 1970-1973 from the Central Registry file system and contain records from the following program areas: Directorate (60 block); Tourism (61 block); Economic and Industrial (62 block); Game (63 block); Forestry (64 block); Fisheries (65 block); Administration (68 block); and Loans and Grants (69 block). The textual material wildlife management records such as game officer reports, trapping area listings, general hunting license listings, and a binder related to a Game Officers Conference held in 1969. The photographs depict the Northwest Territories float that was entered into the 1967 Grey Cup Parade in Ottawa, Ontario. Emmeline Curley, Georgina Blondin and Jean Anne Hartley are featured in the photographs. The remaining textual material contains information releases by the Northwest Territories Tourist Office relating to the Grey Cup Parade and newspaper clippings, correspondence and notes relating to Grey Cup Activities. There are also four reports dated from 1966-1973 dealing with tourism development in the Northwest Territories and publications from 1970-1971 on community data and settlement reviews.

Northwest Territories. Department of Industry and Development (1967-1973)
167 · Fonds · 1938

This fonds consists of photocopies of five statements of account for the Canalaska Trading Company (Limited) issued to Stephen Angulalik. The original items are dated July 30, 1938 and August 3, 1938. The statements list quantity, types and prices of materials purchased.

Canalaska Trading Co.
James Bird fonds
220 · Fonds · 1938-1940

This fonds consists of 83 photographs taken at Yellowknife and at the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada Ltd. (Con Mine) between 1938 and 1940. The images document some of the first buildings to be erected in Yellowknife and at the mine. A number of images depict miners working at Con Mine, including images taken underground at the mine site. In addition, there are photographs of miners' wives, images of the boats that carried freight into Yellowknife, including the "Hearne Lake" and the "Radium King," and images of Dene women and children waiting outside the first hospital in Yellowknife, which was located at Con Mine.

Bird, James
Ranney Family fonds
292 · Fonds · 1938-1939

This fonds consists of 3 cm of textual material comprised of typewritten correspondence between Leo Ranney of McConnelsville, Ohio and his brother W.C. Ranney who lived in Yellowknife. The content of the letters concern W.C. Ranney's mining claims, his negotiations with Negus Mine and business ventures in Yellowknife. One letter is addressed to the President of Negus Mine and is written by Leo Ranney.

Ranney (family)
Fraser Marshall fonds
61 · Fonds · 1938-1939

This fonds consists of one photo album containing 86 b&w prints and one loose print that were taken by Fraser Marshall in 1938 and 1939. The album documents travels of Fraser Marshall as an engineer on on a bush plane (CF-BDW). The images include scenic views in and around Yellowknife, images of Fort Smith, floatplanes, dog teams, tractor trains, hunting and fishing activities and scenery from the Great Slave Lake region.

Marshall, Fraser
John Carroll fonds
51 · Fonds · 1938

This fonds consists of a three page excerpt from Carroll's log on Fort Enterprise. It includes a sketch of the site. Fort Enterprise was built by Sir John Franklin during his 1870 expedition.

Carroll, John