Roman Catholic Mission children at Fort Providence, welcoming the Governor General, Lord Tweedsmuir, 1925
Roman Catholic Mission school at Fort Providence, June 23, 1921
Roman Catholic mission school children and staff at Fort Providence, 1922
Imperial Oil company [Junkers] airplane G-CADQ at Well No. 1, Norman Wells June 26, 1921
Imperial Oil company airplane G-CADQ at the Roman Catholic church and hospital in Fort Providence. J.A. MacDougal and Flynn Harris beside the aircraft June 24, 1921 [at Fort Simpson Note. RC Hospital background as in photo G-1979-001:0796 waiting for repairs (?) Junker 'Rene']
Roman Catholic church at Fort Providence, June 23, 1921
Hudson's Bay Company at Fort Providence, June 23, 1921
W.L. Woofter holding a young black fox, Fort Providence, 1924
New Roman Catholic church at Fort Providence, 1925
Fort Simpson approached from the south, 1921
Hudson's Bay Company landing at Fort Simpson with the company's buildings in the background. 1921 June.
J.F. Moran holding a black fox. Fort Providence, 1924.
Indian Agent's residence at Fort Simpson, June 24 1921
RCMP quarters. Sgt. Johnson and Mrs. Johnson also Reverend J.M. Crisall, Fort Simpson 1921
Anglican mission at Fort Simpson, 1921
Roman Catholic hospital and chapel. Fort Simpson. June 24, 1921
School children at the Roman Catholic mission school. Fort Simpson, 1922
Chief Antoine and a group of Dene who were interviewed by O.S. Finnie at Fort Simpson, 1925.
Fort Wrigley, 1921
Hudson's Bay Company at Fort Wrigley. Bishop Lucas is beside the building. June 21, 1921.