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Yellowknife Museum Society
N-1979-069 · Accession · [1875?, 1920-1970], copied 1978
Part of Yellowknife Museum Society fonds

The images include a copy of a photograph of Northumberland House on Beechey Island (original believed to have been taken in 1875), Fort Smith, the "Distributor" (ship) and mail transport in the 1920s. In addition, there are images of the Northwest Territories Northern Indian and Eskimo [Inuit] Handicraft Display and Tourist Information booth, the Northwest Territories Council, a panel of the Last Supper from St. John's Anglican Church in Fort Smith and a print of a panoramic photograph of Yellowknife, circa 1939.

G-2024-041 · Accession · 1978, 1981-1995
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Municipal and Community Affairs fonds

This accession consists of material from the Fort Smith office of the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs relating to local elections, municipal structures, briefing notes, and employee orientation. The records include election results, council lists, returning officers' reports, legislation and amendments, correspondence, How to Run an Election manual, information on reserve and municipal structures, briefing material, reports, a draft Employee Orientation Handbook (Manual), and 1994-95 Standing Committee on Finance O&M Review for MACA.

The images document traditional food preparation techniques of the Inuvialuit, including the use of the drying rack at fish camps; Inuvialuit elders; as well as archaeological sites, such as burial sites, sod houses, and the corrals once used to herd reindeer. The images also document the archaeological excavation team and their own camps. Examples of scientific phenomena such as ice push and shoreline erosion are shown. In addition there are photographs of the DEW-Line, Tuktoyaktuk harbour, heritage sites, oil exploration and oil rigs at McKinley Bay, and artificial islands. Aerial photographs document wildlife, Mackenzie Delta communities, and geographic features such as pingoes. Caribou, swans, eider ducks, siksik (ground squirrel), the jellyfish of McKinley Bay and other wildlife are shown. Locations include Tuktoyaktuk, Reindeer Station, Anderson River, Whitefish Station, Stanton, Warren Point, Nicholson Point, Kittigazuit, Husky Lake, Wood Bay, and North Star Harbour. Specifically in Tuktoyaktuk, there are photographs of significant buildings used formerly or still being used. These include the Roman Catholic Church, the Roman Catholic Mission Warehouse, 'Our Lady of Lourdes' (ship), the RCMP barracks, the Anglican Church, and the Hudson's Bay Company staff house.

The audio consists of interviews with elders from the Tuktoyaktuk region on various topics such as toponyms, hunting, and traditional life. The corresponding transcripts make up the 30 cm of textual records.

Video footage includes drum dancing, traditional food preperation and interviews with elders regarding tradtional place names.

Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Tuktoyaktuk Traditional Knowledge Project

This accession consists of records created by the Community Governance division of the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs relating to property assessment and taxation. The records include correspondence, discussion paper, reports, briefing notes, speaking notes, records relating to the creation of the Property Assessment and Taxation Act, procedures, summary of mill rates, and Analysis and Departmental Recommendations on NWT Property Tax Review.

G-2024-024 · Accession · 1980-1981

This accession consists of records from the Mining Inspector, Resource Management Division of the federal Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development relating to the fatality investigation for Daniel Swadden at Pine Point Mines (Cominco Ltd., 1980). The records include correspondence, a coroner jury’s report, a summary of the accident, and meeting minutes.

Canada. Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
N-2023-007 · Accession · 1917-1919

This accession consists of student work books and artwork produced by students of Alexander Halley Low at St. Peter's Mission (Residential) School in Hay River.

Low, Alexander Halley
N-2023-001 · Accession · 1978-1998

This accession consists of booklets relating to the Arctic Winter Games, including “for those who were there” NWT Team booklet from the 1978 Games held in Hay River-Pine Point, “we’re together again” NWT Team booklet from the 1980 Games held in Whitehorse, “Northwest Territories Team 1982 Arctic Winter Games Fairbanks, Alaska”, and “Cultural Performances, Arts and Entertainment Program 1998 Arctic Winter Games Yellowknife, Northwest Territories March 15-21”.

This accession consists of records from the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs' School of Community Government, relating to training programs, occupational standards and certification, and the Community Development Fund. The records include course delivery records and reports, course outlines, student manuals, instructor guide, occupational standards and DACUM charts, briefing notes, speaking notes, and community development reports.

Robert Howren
N-2006-003 · Accession · [196-]-1982
Part of Robert Howren fonds

Most of the records were created by linguist Dr. Robert Howren in Whati (then Lac La Martre) and Behchoko (then Fort Rae) in the late-1960s to 1982. Additional material, a small minority, was collected in the Yukon and at other locations. The textual material is comprised of 28 notebooks containing his field notes. The sound recordings, recorded mainly in Tlicho (Dogrib) but also in Chipewyan, Gwich'in, and North Slavey, include 114 audiocassettes and 207 audio reels (comprised of 199 - 5" reels, 4 - 3" reels and 4 - 7" reels). The audiocassettes date mostly from 1982. The reel-to-reels range in date from the late 1960s to the late 1970s. The notebooks are field notes which more than half correspond directly to the sound recordings. They are in several series: 1967, 1969, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1977, and 1982. The languages on the tapes and in the notebooks is mostly Tlicho (Dogrib), however, Dane-zaa (Beaver), Slave, North Slavey (Hare) and Sarcee are also included. The speakers on the tapes are mostly Vital Thomas, but also include: Madeline Ayah, Harry Bearlake, Alphonse Eronchi, Susie Abel, Rosa Mantla, Ernie Camsell, Elizabeth Mackenzie and John Mackenzie, among others. The photographic material consist of 35 mm negatives and appears to be a copy of Father Edouard Guoy's French -Slavey Dictionary (Dictionairre francais - esclase) from 1930.

Baker, Cyril John
N-1992-149 · Accession · 1935-1936, copied 1982
Part of Cyril John Baker (Yellowknife Johnny) fonds

This accession contains: two photocopies of statements signed by miners that appointed C. J. Baker as "Emergency Recorder" of mining claims, originals dated August 5, 1935 and September 19, 1936; one photocopy of the certificate naming Cyril John Baker as a Commissioner for taking affidavits in and for the Northwest Territories, original dated December 22, 1936; and one copy negative of a photograph taken in 1935 of Baker [Creek] at the location of the "Giant" group of claims.

Baker, Cyril John

This accession consists of material records from the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs and its predecessor, the Department of Local Government relating to community planning and zoning. The records include correspondence, bylaws and bylaw check sheets, Council minutes, news articles, development appeals, public hearing minutes and other comments, presentation notes, municipal and community plans, land use plans, development maps, Rae-Edzo Community Planning Report 1987, Fort Simpson Island Airport Runway Inspection and Evaluation, and material relating to the legal surveys, including background information.

G-2024-037 · Accession · 1969-1986, 1988
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Local Government fonds

This accession consists of records from the Department of Local Government relating to community planning, zoning, and the construction of community facilities. The records include correspondence, policies and procedures, goals and objectives, zoning bylaws and maps, decision papers, news releases and articles, briefing notes, working group and committee records, Council minutes, terms of reference, Commissioner's Proclamations/Orders for establishment of hamlets, Summary Paper Land Use Planning Policy Proposal Proposal for a New Lands Policy, Plan Approval Process, Task Force Issues Transfer of Administration & Management of Renewable Resources, Statement of Issues Planning, Construction and Operation of Community Facilities, Core Community Recreation Facilities Inventory, and Options for Planning and Constructing Recreation Facilities.

Records relating to fisheries and wildlife management include those on the subjects of disease, endangered species, land use, predator control, trapping, hunting, fur production and harvesting data, hunting and trapping associations, environmental protection, land claims, trapper taxation, trapping standards, animal sightings, game management reports, registered trapping areas, pipelines, sport fishing and lake stocking, conservation education, national parks, territorial parks, preserves, sanctuaries and refuges. Records also include manuals, permits, licenses, newsletters, annual reports, strategic plans, and mandate documents relating to the operation of the Division. The wildlife management records include studies or records relating to falcons, gyrfalcons, geese, duck, swans, bears, bison, beaver, sheep, caribou, fox, reindeer, wolf, muskoxen, muskrat, marten, mink, wolverine, moose, hare, and arachnids (spiders). Policies and programs covered by this accession include the Guiding and Outfitting Policy, Community Freezer Program, Fur Program, Biodiversity Working Group, Fire Management Policy, Firearm Safety Instructor Course Program, Bathurst Management Planning Committee, and the Trapper Treeline Program. There are records relating to Trapper Training, Harvesters Assistance, Trapper Compensation, and interaction with COSEWIC, and the Fish and Wildlife Service Policy. Each region of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut is represented.

Please note that the Inuit are referred to as "Eskimos" in this file.

Northwest Territories. Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development. Wildlife and Fisheries division

Records date from 1960-1987 and were originally part of the Central Registry filing system, and were administered by the Department of Economic Development and Tourism. The records are from the following central registry blocks: 60 - Directorate (2.2 meters); 61 Block - Tourism (0.2 meters); 62 Block - Industry and Commerce (4.3 meters); 64 Block - Research and Evaluation (5.5 meters); 67 Block -Employment (0.7 meters); 68 Block - Administration (0.1 meters); 69 Block - Loans and Grants (1 meter). This accession also includes miscellaneous reports (0.3 meters). The Directorate files (60 block) contains primarily planning and policy files pertaining to the following subjects: Nanasivik, Mackenzie Valley Pipeline, and Hire North. There are just a few tourism files (61 Block). The Industry and Commerce files (62 Block) cover topics such as Co-operative development including regional reports; Credit Union development; arts and crafts support; EDA (Economic Development Agreement with the federal government); and marketing files. There are sampled case files. The Research and Evaluation files (64 Block) consist primarily of research files on various companies and industries. The focus is primarily on the mining and oil and gas industries. The Employment files (67 Block) consists of files related to employment figures in general as well as some specific files on the mining industry. It includes files on the Local Employment Assistance Program. The Administration file (68 Block) consists of a file related to a Regional Superintendent's Conference. The Loans and Grants files (69 Block) contain records related to loan and grant funds administered by the department such as: Small Business Loans fund; Fisherman Loan Fund; Eskimo Loan Fund. A small number of case files have been sampled. There is also a small collection of miscellaneous reports dealing with marketing plans and economic prospects for the NWT. In addition, there are reports about the Co-operative movement and the Small Business Loan fund.

Oblates of Mary Immaculate
N-1992-196 · Accession · [1952], copied 1981, 1986
Part of Oblates of Mary Immaculate fonds

Entitled "Arctic Missions of the Mackenzie," the film is presented by the Oblate Missionaries of Mary Immaculate, and sponsored by the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Produced by Rev. William Aloysius Leising in 1945,an hour long film documentary entitled "Arctic Missions of the Mackenzie", with the support of Cardinal Francis Spellman of New York. It tells the story Father Leising and the priests and nuns working in the Central Arctic. The film is narrated by Father Leising, then a missionary in the Vicarate of the Mackenzie.
Activities depicted in the film are a variety of missionary activities across the north including: the christening of the Sant' Anna boat and its portage, the use of dogsleds for a buffalo hunt, gathering of salt on the salt plains, farming including harvesting of crops by students in Fort Resolution, fishing in Great Slave Lake, seal hunting, woodcutting, the building of the church in Tuktoyaktuk, schooling at unknown locations including young women sewing and tufting, mooseskin preparation by Mrs. Todzi, a picnic in an unknown southern location, silver berry bead gathering and rosary making by nuns, mass at Stony Rapids and Fond du Lac, funeral of a child in an unknown location, a double wedding officiated by Father Gamache, a caribou hunt in Stanton including Billy Thrasher piloting boat, and fox trappers gathering in spring near King's Bay including the use of large caribou skin tents. Most footage seems to be from the early 1950s but some black and white footage may be earlier.

N-2003-016 · Accession · 1970-1972

Records are comprised of two invitations addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Jean Chretien, the first March 9, 1970 for reception in honour of then Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau at the highrise (Fraser Tower) in Yellowknife. The second, dated March 8, 1970 to attend an Arctic Winter Games function in honour of Member of Parliament John Munro, Minister of National Health and Welfare at the Hoist Room in Yellowknife. The accession also includes an Armed Forces Day North program of events dating from May 13, 1972.

Beryl Gillespie
N-2003-017 · Accession · 1981
Part of Beryl Gillespie fonds

Records document Beryl Gillespie's work with the Mooseskin Boat project. The textual records are comprised of an account of the Mooseskin Boat project as it was observed by Beryl Gillespie. The photographs document the Mooseskin Boat project, including the preparation of the moosehide, boat construction and campsite activities. There are also images of the boat as it travelled down the Keele River, and of George Pelissey and Madeline Karkagie who worked on the project. In addition, there are several images of the mountains near Tulita (Fort Norman).

G-1999-047 · Accession · 1901-1977, predominant 1966-1977
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Education fonds

The files were part of the Central Registry and include correspondence, publications, policies and procedures relating to school programs, as well as files about curriculum development, teacher evaluations, conferences and school services.

Please note that references about the Inuit are referred with the term, "Eskimo."

Northwest Territories. Department of Education. School Programs division
G-1999-015 · Accession · 1963-1971
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of the Territorial Secretary fonds

The files were part of the Central Registry System (80 Block, 81 Block, 82 Block and 85 Block) and cover a variety of topics, including directives and policies, arrangements for Council sessions, travel for Council members, Territorial Legislation Policy, elections, monthly reports from the regions, staff meetings and ordinances.

Please note that an Inuit camp is referred to as an Eskimo camp in these records.