The file consists of transcripts of oral history interviews with Philip X. Mandeville at Fort Smith. The first page is undated and gives some biographical details. The first interview was conducted by Angus Lennie. The second interview was conducted by Ray Price and Joanne Overvold on January 13, 1977 and also includes Philip's wife.
Interview notes from 1992 Index: Philip was born in Fort Resolution in 1902. His mother was a Lafferty from Fort Rae, and her mother was a Bouvier. His maternal grandfather was Henry Lafferty. Philip's father, Francois Mandeville, was born in Fort Resolution. His grandfather [Jean Baptiste Mandeville?] came in from Winnipeg. His son was Michel Mandeville. His wife was a Wiber.
Philip was born in Fort Resolution in 1902. His mother, Margaret Lafferty was from Fort Rae. His father, Francois Mandeville, was also from Fort Resolution. He died at the age of about 74 in 1951 or 1952. Philip's paternal grandfather, Michele Mandeville died in 1910. His first wife was a Fabien and his second was a Bouvier. Philip's maternal grandparents were Harry Lafferty and Catherine Bouvier from Fort Rae. Philip Lafferty in Yellowknife is his uncle. Philip said that the Mandeville's came from Normandy, France over to New France, Quebec where· they married Indian girls and moved out west with the Northwest Trading Company as voyageurs. Helen Mandeville's maiden name was Villebrun. Philip and Helen were married in 1931.
An illustrated pamphlet on history of Our Lady of Victory Church, [The Igloo Church of] Inuvik. 1978?
A three page excerpt from John Carroll's log on Franklin's camp at Fort Enterprise. It includes a sketch of the site. 1938
Menu of a dinner held in honour of A.F. [Fred] Totzke signed by him and several guests [Stanton, Rivett, ?]. Wednesday February 1, 1950
Map showing mineral deposits in the Northwest Territories. Roads, railways, shipping routes, land claims areas, parks, mines, and rock types are also shown. Map was produced by the Minerals, Oil and Gas Division of the Department of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources.
Map showing the Gwich'in Settlement Area, including the Dempster Highway, special harvesting areas, Gwich'in Territorial Park, surface and subsurface ownership, and primary and secondary use areas. The map was produced by the Information Management Group of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development.
Map showing mineral deposits and petroleum resources in the Northwest Territories. Roads, railways, pipelines, shipping routes, land claims areas, parks, mines, and rock types are also shown. Map was produced by the Minerals, Oil and Gas Division of the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development.
The file consists of a description and biography of the Bouvier and Laferte [aka Lafferty] families, including genealogical charts, by Jean M. LeMouel.
The file consists of a list of relevant articles from several magazines and journals ca. 1961-1971. The list is arranged in alphabetical order and is incomplete, covering only A to L.
This file contains documents from Justice Mark de Weerdt related to the Roger Warren case. [Giant mine explosion/murder, Yellowknife]
This file contains documents related to the case of R. v. Tookalik [Deaf, mute, Inuk hunter charged with killing a female polar bear with young] including background documents related to the case and handwritten case notes.
This file contains copies of speeches and addresses given by Justice Mark de Weerdt as Justice of the Supreme Court of the NWT.
One file from Justice de Weerdt's records as Justice of the Supreme Court containing correspondence related to the issue of euthanasia and assisted suicide.
One file from Justice de Weerdt's records as Justice of the Supreme Court containing correspondence regarding the Archives Act.
One file from Justice de Weerdt's records as Justice of the Supreme Court containing correspondence and background materials related to traditional aboriginal justice. Includes report entitled: Traditional Dene Justice Project" Lac La Matre, NWT, 1993".