Lutsel K'e 06-75- [Open casket] Funeral, - Graveyard, - Maurice Lockhart, Judith Lockhart, Emerence Lockhart, Felix Lockhart, Ruth Catholique, Joe Lockhart, Ray Griffith, Rose Abel, [Toby Lockhart]
Lutsel K'e 06-75- [Open casket] Funeral, - Graveyard, - Maurice Lockhart, Judith Lockhart, Emerence Lockhart, Felix Lockhart, Ruth Catholique, Joe Lockhart, Ray Griffith, Rose Abel, [Toby Lockhart]
Fort Good Hope 12-79 -Dene Development College [Books on shelf]
Dettah 07-75 "I Was Born Here"- Elders - Pierre Smallnose, David Sangris [Two Elder men sit on rocks in Dettah. David Sangris holds crutches. ]
Artillery Lake - 08-95 Barren Land - Grave of Jonas Catholique's father
Artillery Lake - 08-95 -Grave-
Artillery Lake - 08-95 -Grave-
Artillery Lake - 08-95 -Grave-
Grouard - 09-80- grave - Alberta
Drum Lake 07-79- - Men Paul Wright[with dark shirt], (grandmother's grave - [Her name was] Etsi Ko'sontia.), Fred Widow.
Drum Lake 07-79- Paul Wright's grandmother's grave. [Her name was] Etsi Ko'sontia.
Drum Lake 07-79- Paul Wright's grandmother's grave. [Her name was] Etsi Ko'sontia. [A rosary rests on the tree branch.]
Deline 07-68- grave
Deline 07-68- , grave
Deline 07-68- grave
Yellowknife 08-77- Grave - Burwash Point
Snowdrift River 08-90 - grave -
Snowdrift River 08-90 - grave - Leaf, shrub
Latham Island - 12-78 Christmas - Poster [Nativity]
Desnedheche 08-90 - Herman Abel, Darcey Catholique, Sheldon Catholique, Denecho Catholique, Justin Catholique, Mildred Sanderson, Kathleen Lockhart, Joseph Catholique.