Records date from 1979-2006 and include 3850 colour slides, 2529 35mm black and white negatives, 1911 35mm colour negatives, 397 medium format black and white negatives, 64 medium format colour negatives and 2 medium format colour positives. The majority of the images were created by John Poirier in his capacity as staff photographer and darkroom technician and later Coordinator of Technical Services of the NWT Archives, located at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre (PWNHC), between 1986-2006. Other photographers unknown. Subjects include: staff members; permanent, temporary and visiting exhibits; events; and special projects at the PWNHC. Building construction and renovations, exhibit construction, PWNHC Open Houses, the Dogrib birchbark canoe project and the Dogrib caribou skin lodge figure prominently. Many of these images were used for publishing, promotional or exhibit purposes for various sections within the PWNHC.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Culture and Heritage division (2006-present)The textual records are comprised of transcripts of the interviews and research conducted for the films. The moving images include two videocassette masters of the films "I, Emile Petitot/Moi, Emile Petitot" [2000, Getaway Films]. The remaining 45 videocassettes are of raw film footage.
The majority of the textual records dates from 1944-1999 and includes monthly operational reports and reports from the President, underground operations, diamond drilling and treatment plant for Giant Yellowknife Gold Mines Ltd. There are also meeting minutes, by-laws and constitution for the Giant Recreation Association and 10 Year Club, as well as menus and dinner invitations from 10 year club celebrations. There are also copies of the Giant Mine newsletter Baker Creek News. The remaining textual records consists of correspondence and monthly operational reports for the Salmita Mine, Taurcanis (Bulldog) Mine and Tundra Gold Mine. The photographs date from the 1950s to 1991 and include aerial views of Giant Mine, headframe buildings, tailings retreatment plant, tailings ponds, employees at work both above and underground, pouring of the 10,000th gold brick and safety awards. In addition, there are photographs of the Akaitcho Mine, Salmita Mine, Tundra Mine and Crestaurum Mine. There are also several black and white prints that were taken by George Hunter in the 1950s documenting activities at Giant Mine. The architectural plans show buildings and mine site layout for Taurcanis Mine. There are also blueprints, site plans and milling flow sheets from Giant Mine.
Records are comprised of an unpublished manuscript by Margaret Scott called "Treasures of the North". It describes the author's three years spent in the north, 1941-1944, first at Ptarmigan Mine, then Whitehorse and Prince Rupert. The section on Ptarmigan mine (approximately 26 pages) provides anecdotal account of her trip to Yellowknife, including her wedding ceremony, and the year she spent at Ptarmigan mine where her husband was an employee of Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company.
Scott, MargaretRecords date from 1986-1999 and include copies of agreements and support documentation between the Department and the federal government related to delivery of training programs, support and delivery of the Aboriginal and French language programs and exchange of information. There are also agreement files and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Department and various Boards of Education including the Beaufort Delta, Baffin, Sahtu, South Slave, Kitikmeot, Keewatin and Deh Cho. These files contain copies of the MOU between the Department and Boards. There is also MOU related to the transfer of Sir John Franklin High School to the Yellowknife Education District No.1 (YK 1). The remaining records relate to a regional operations review file, a Minister's conference on Education that focused on the departmental strategic planning document "Mapping Our Future" and a file containing participants notes and final reports from a Focus Group Workshop, “Foundations for the Future."
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Management Services division[This accession consists of one cairn document in fragile condition. Very little of the penciled text message survives. Cairn was located near Franklin Pierce Bay (now) Nunavut by C.P.O. Steve Williams of the Joint Services Expedition to Princess Marie Bay, Ellesmere Island, 1980. See Accession file for coordinates]
Records date from 1999 and consist of the chronos from the offices of the President and Minister.
Northwest Territories. NWT Housing Corporation. Executive divisionThe textual records date primarily from 1967-1990 and relates to June Helm's work regarding the Indian Brotherhood, Caveat '73 and the Berger Commission or Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry, with some annotations dating from 1999. The records related to the Indian Brotherhood consists of material from the land use mapping project including documentation of trails, routes and animal resources. This project was undertaken by June Helm for the Indian Brotherhood. The Caveat '73 material consists of documents related to the Caveat filed by the Northwest Territories Chiefs on March 24, 1973. In addition, there are copies of June Helm's testimony at the Caveat hearings. The Berger Commission (Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry) material consists of newspaper clippings, press releases and transcripts of the hearings. The blueprints, maps and charts date from the 1960s. The two blueprints consist of versions, some with annotations, of a Synoptic Chart of Contact Events. These diagrams illustrate first contact between Aboriginal peoples and the Europeans, development of missions, highways, railways, significant government buildings and the impact of disease within the Northwest Territories, as well as other locations. The four annotated maps show the Camsell River, Marian River, Hardisty Lake and the Yellowknife and Rae (Behchokǫ̀) area. The remaining item is a hand-drawn chart.
Records include a report entitled "Seals - Traditional Knowledge Project - Sanikiluaq Interviews." The report, dated October 1998, was part of a research project conducted by the Kitikmeot Heritage Society. The interviewer was David Pelly, a member of the research team.
Records date from 1972-1998, and mainly relate to legislative initiatives and amendments of Department of Health and Department of Health and Social Services legislation or acts. The files include options papers, draft proposals, and correspondence between legislative policy analysts and the department regarding the requested legislative amendments or initiatives. There are also files from the National Health Research and Development Program (NHRDP) related to the evaluation of NHRDP submissions, correspondence and minutes from the NHRDP Review Panel, as well as files identifying research needs in the NWT, development of health related workshops that would be delivered by the Department of Health, as well as program development in the NWT. In addition, the accession includes departmental strategic planning and reorganization files related to the amalgamation of the Department of Health and the Department of Social Services, as well as files related to the transfer of health services to the GNWT from the Federal Government. There are also records from the Community Transfer Initiative and how it impacted the transfer of health services to communities. There are also working drafts and development files for departmental reports such as the NWT Health Report, NWT Health Status Report, Ambulance Services Report, as well as program evaluation files about the AIDS project and Advanced Nursing Skills Program. The remaining files include management studies (Management for Results) for the various health boards, copies of MOU between the Department of Health and Social Services and Justice and Education, Culture and Employment, as well as files from the Vital Statistics Committee, Territorial Laboratory Standards Committee and Traditional Knowledge Working Group, in particular traditional knowledge activities at Stanton Hospital.
Northwest Territories. Department of Health and Social Services. Policy, Legislation and Communications divisionRecords primarily include reports, guidelines, policy manuals, and handbooks. These records primarily relate to the management of water and sanitation services, financing for communities, land administration training, municipal works training, and treatment and handling of hazardous waste material. Also included are organizational charts for the department, an organizational review folder, strategic planning documents, and transcripts of interviews with residents of Fort Rae (Behchoko).
Northwest Territories. Department of Municipal and Community Affairs. DirectorateMany of the records were created while the division was part of the Department of Economic Development and Tourism. Records include contribution files related to visitor centres and interpretive programs; design of interpretive displays, signage, and tourist guides and maps; reports on visitor surveys; plans for development of parks and other tourist facilities; policies and information about the division; and publications related to Expo '86.
Northwest Territories. Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development. Parks and Tourism divisionRecords primarily include correspondence, meeting minutes, and draft reports and guidelines relating to the Senior Management Committee, Tripartite Management Committee, and Planning and Monitoring Committee. Also includes drafts of the NWTHC Management Information Systems Study Operational Review, NWTHC Framework for Strategic Plan, and a review of the NWTHC.
Northwest Territories. NWT Housing Corporation. Policy and Informatics divisionRecords are dated from 1992-1997, and the majority of the files relate to the EDA (Economic Development Agreement) and include work plans, rules and consultation plans for the arts and crafts, harvesting, community development, fishery and cultural industries streams of the EDA Agreement. The remaining records include files from a Deputy Ministers' meeting and a Dogrib Workshop that was hosted by the department.
Records primarily include correspondence, meeting minutes and decision papers relating to the Land Claims Working Group, as well as draft community self-government agreements and community development workshop planning files. Records also include correspondence, terms of reference and research papers relating to MACA's services to Status Indians, particularly as concerns the transfer of such responsibilities from the federal government to the GNWT.
Northwest Territories. Department of Municipal and Community Affairs. Community Governance divisionRecords include minutes and correspondence related to Directors and Superintendents Meetings and Educational Development Branch Meetings, a district review of the Sahtu Divisional Board of Education, a Lester B. Pearson College scholarship, and the Governor Generals Award Program.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Board Operations divisionRecords include annual workplans for Community Planning, minutes of Community Planners meetings, and manuals, handbooks, and guides to various Community Planning and Lands policies and procedures. Also included are annual reports regarding the monitoring of the Planning Act as well as a set of completed surveys related to Solid Waste Disposal.
Northwest Territories. Department of Municipal and Community Affairs. Community Planning and Lands divisionRecords include correspondence and reports related to reviews of Divisional Boards of Education, correspondence regarding scholarships, and minutes from Directors and Superintendents meetings and divisional meetings.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Board Operations divisionRecords include minutes from the Senior Management Committee, Directors and Superintendents meetings, the Executive Committee and the Building and Learning Strategy Committee.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. DirectorateThe sound recordings contain interviews with elders from Cambridge Bay, which were conducted by David Pelly while working on the Mount Pelly Territorial Park Project.