Affichage de 497 résultats

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36 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
G-2024-024 · Accession · 1980-1981

This accession consists of records from the Mining Inspector, Resource Management Division of the federal Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development relating to the fatality investigation for Daniel Swadden at Pine Point Mines (Cominco Ltd., 1980). The records include correspondence, a coroner jury’s report, a summary of the accident, and meeting minutes.

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Alexander Halley Low collection
N-2023-007 · Accession · 1917-1919

This accession consists of student work books and artwork produced by students of Alexander Halley Low at St. Peter's Mission (Residential) School in Hay River.

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Arctic Winter Games collection
N-2023-001 · Accession · 1978-1998

This accession consists of booklets relating to the Arctic Winter Games, including “for those who were there” NWT Team booklet from the 1978 Games held in Hay River-Pine Point, “we’re together again” NWT Team booklet from the 1980 Games held in Whitehorse, “Northwest Territories Team 1982 Arctic Winter Games Fairbanks, Alaska”, and “Cultural Performances, Arts and Entertainment Program 1998 Arctic Winter Games Yellowknife, Northwest Territories March 15-21”.

Alan Skibstad Historical collection
N-2003-016 · Accession · 1970-1972

Records are comprised of two invitations addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Jean Chretien, the first March 9, 1970 for reception in honour of then Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau at the highrise (Fraser Tower) in Yellowknife. The second, dated March 8, 1970 to attend an Arctic Winter Games function in honour of Member of Parliament John Munro, Minister of National Health and Welfare at the Hoist Room in Yellowknife. The accession also includes an Armed Forces Day North program of events dating from May 13, 1972.

N-2015-008 · Accession · 1927-1930

The photos were created between 1927 and 1930. Most of the images depict the day-to-day life of Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officers in and around the communities of Fort Norman (now Tulita), Fort Good Hope, Fort Franklin (now Deline), and Fort Simpson. There are also a number of images of scenery along the South Nahanni River.

Morisset, Jean
N-1985-503 · Accession · [1980]

This accession consists of a typed manuscript collected by Jean Morisset between the years 1974 and 1978. The manuscript represents the life story of Ted Trindell of Fort Simpson. The manuscript, entitled "Ni blanc - Ni Indien" (Neither White - Nor Indian) and compiled from letters, tapes and conversations was edited by Jean Morisset and Rose-Marie Pelletier and contains the words of Ted Trindell. This manuscript was later published in 1984 under the title "Ted Trindell: Metis Witness to the North".

Please note that the manuscript uses a derogatory term to refer to a person with mixed heritage. We have reproduced this term in the digitized document because it is a part of the original historical record.

Mary Ellen Davies scrapbook collection
N-2017-014 · Accession · [1967-1969]

The text and approximately half of the images were kept as a scrapbook recounting travels with Commissioner Stuart Hodgson, and life in Yellowknife as written by Mary Ellen Davies. The remaining images document the same time period and events, but were not included in the scrapbook.

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W. D. Addison Nahanni collection
N-2022-003 · Accession · 1821, 1834, [ca. 1895]-2017

This accession consists of W.D. Addison's collection of material related to the Nahanni area, including his own photographs, trip journals, and maps, the annotated bibliography and literature review he compiled, oral-history interviews he conducted, transcripts and catalogues he compiled and edited, photographs, documents, and maps he gathered from various sources, and correspondence he conducted with Nahanni old-timers and others.

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N-2018-008 · Accession · 1968-1974

Records consist of a report and booklet about the T.E.S.T. Ski Program, a booklet and program for the Top of the World Ski Championships, a booklet for the Northern Games, and a program for Caribou Carnival. They were collected by Lorna Clement during her time in various communities of the Northwest Territories.

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Peter Porter Outpost Island collection
N-2018-006 · Accession · 1938-1940

Records were created by Peter M. Porter during his time employed as resident watchman/caretaker on Outpost Island in Great Slave Lake, 1938-1940. The records include Porter's journal from November 15, 1938-July 26, 1939, which gives a day-by-day account of life alone on the island. Other records include corresondence from Slave Lake Gold Mines, merchants, and friends, September 1938 to February 1940.

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Walter Slipchenko Circumpolar collection
N-2017-013 · Accession · 1977-1994

These records were created by Walter Slipchenko during his time as Chief of DIAND's Circumpolar Affairs Division, Director of Circumpolar Affairs with the GNWT, and as a consultant on circumpolar affairs, from 1977 to 1994. The records consist primarily of reports on GNWT engagement with circumpolar affairs, particularly with exchanges to the USSR and joint projects. Copies of the various cooperation agreements and photographs of some exchanges are also included.

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Map of the Northwest Territories
N-2017-001 · Accession · 1924

This accession consists of one bound folding map with annotations, entitled "Map of the Northwest Territories", published by the government of Canada, Department of the Interior, National Resources Intelligence Service. The annotations consist of the locations for a variety of northern posts, including Hudson's Bay Company posts and outposts, R.C.M.P. posts, Northern Traders Limited posts, Reveillon Freres posts, Sabellum Trading Company posts and free trader posts.

Nicole Beaudry music collection
N-2014-003 · Accession · 1988-1992

Records consist of songs, stories and interview transcripts collected by ethnomusicologist Nicole Beaudry in the Sahtu communities of Deline, Tulita and Fort Good Hope in 1988-1992.

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John Andrew Paterson collection
N-2015-002 · Accession · 1913-1946

The textual records include a diary and a notebook written by John Paterson, a letter from Jack Stark to John Paterson and a pamphlet of the Northern Transit Service. The diary recounts Mr. Paterson's time as a trapper and fur trader in the Snowdrift (Lutselk'e) area from the fall of 1924 to the summer of 1925. The notebook describes Mr. Paterson's arrival in Canada and how he came to be in the North.

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Ben Hall collection
N-2013-015 · Accession · 1932-1993, predominant 1963-1978

The textual records consists of one letter describing the audiocassette. Most of the photographs date from between 1963 and 1978, although there is one from 1932 and several from 1993. The photographs document the Reverend Ben S. Hall's life in Hay River from 1963-1970, as well as a 1978 Boy Scouting trip to Coppermine and Pine Point. They also depict images of public events, the local "Indian village," aircraft, clergy, and Yellowknife. The audio cassette narrates the series of colour slides of the Boy Scout trip to Coppermine and Pine Point.

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John Newton collection
N-2014-002 · Accession · 1992

Records document John Newton's research in Fort Liard and Aklavik and consist of interview transcripts, correspondence and reports which document interviews with community members, government officials, and elders regarding historical community flooding and its social impacts as part of the Mackenzie Basin Impact Study and Newton's Ph.D thesis, "Community adjustment to extreme geophysical phenomena in the northern regions of Canada." The interviewees' identities are anonymized in the material.

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Salt River First Nation Band
N-2013-011 · Accession · 1996

The records document an oral traditions project carried out by Jonas Adam on behalf of the Salt River First Nation in 1996, funded via the Oral Traditions funding program. The textual records consist of two copies of a report entitled Memories To Last. It includes photocopies of pictures, and what appear to be transcripts of the interviews with six Salt River First Nation elders: Mary Rose Benwell, Napoleon (Abraham) Nasgadhe, Philip Cheezie, Mary Jane Bruno (Taylor), Wilfred Beaulieu, and Oliver Beaulieu. ©SRFN, request permission/copies directly.

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Paul Vaudrack collection
N-2013-004 · Accession · 1963-1966

Records consist of a handwritten series of manuscripts titled "Indian Stories" by Paul Vaudrack written between 1963 and 1966. These stories and legends are mostly about Gwich'in and Slavey heroes and their wars against other peoples, including the Chipewyan and Inuvialuit. Other topics include legends about the Deluge, traditional hunting and travel.

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Ingraham family photograph collection
N-2013-002 · Accession · [192-?-1971]

Records include photographs and postcards from two photo albums of the Ingraham family. These photo albums were likely compiled by Victor Ingraham's son Leonard in the early 1980s and comprise of family photographs spanning the 1920s through to 1971. Subjects include Victor and Florence Ingraham, their children Leonard and Louisa, and other friends, family and associates of Vic Ingraham, including Gerry Murphy. Mining activities in the Great Bear Lake region, Vic Ingraham's hotels in Yellowknife and other northern scenic photographs are also featured. Communities depicted in the photographs include Fort Chipewyan, Fort Smith, Cameron Bay and Eldorado mine on Great Bear Lake, and Yellowknife. Also included are a 'Souvenir Folder' and two colour hotel postcards.

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