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Archival description
Imperial Oil Limited
N-1979-049 · Accession · [1945-1955?]

Records include photographs primarily of Imperial Oil activities and sites in Alberta and the NWT. Frobisher Bay (Iqaluit), Inuvik, Norman Wells, and Yellowknife are featured.

Imperial Oil Limited
Imperial Oil Limited
N-1979-521 · Accession · [1943-1944]

This accession consists of documents relating to oil exploration and development in conjunction with the Canol Project. The records relate to the Canol Project and include blank weekly time reports for Imperial Oil Limited, operating instructions for flares, and material cost records.

Imperial Oil Limited
Imperial Oil Limited
N-1994-016 · Accession · [1950s], copied 1995

The original films appear to date from the 1950s and are believed to have been created by an employee of Imperial Oil Limited in Norman Wells, Egon Madsen, for the company. Seven of the original films are in colour and all were taken in Norman Wells and the surrounding area. Subjects include the loading and transport of fuel drums, transport of a barge over land, a visit by Governor General Vincent Massey, building a tank farm, moving buildings from CANOL camp to Norman Wells, curling games, dogsledding, Imperial Oil Limited site and employees, and panorama views of Norman Wells and area.

Imperial Oil Limited