Affichage de 2 résultats

Description archivistique
G-1988-010 · Accession · 1984-1986
Fait partie de Northwest Territories. Department of Renewable Resources fonds

"Koukdjuak Crossing: Caribou Tagging on Baffin Island" was produced in 1984 and is 18 minutes long. It explains the caribou-tagging program, as it existed on Baffin Island up to that date. The film shows Paul Kraft and crew ear-tagging caribou on the Koukdjuak River, and then explains how this has contributed to knowledge of caribou movements on south Baffin. This film is available in English (:0001) and Inuktitut (:0002). "To Have Forever: Hunting the Bathurst Caribou Herd" was produced in 1986 and is 26 minutes long. This film shows the importance of the Bathurst herd to three different cultures: Inuit, Dene and non-natives. Hunters are shown in summer, fall and winter, and different meat handling techniques are compared and contrasted. This film is available in English (:0003) and Innuiaqtun (:0004). The Innuiaqtun version is available on VHS videocassette only.

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