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Archival description
G-1999-034 · Accession · 1989-1991
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Renewable Resources fonds

Records include an invitation to sponsor the Globe '90 International Environment Trade Fair and Conference, a summary of the Tungavik Federation of Nunavut (TFN) Agreement, and a report on the interests and needs of the NWT in transboundary water negotiations in the Mackenzie River Basin.

Northwest Territories. Department of Renewable Resources. Directorate
G-1994-003 · Accession · 1975-1986
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Renewable Resources fonds

Records consist of correspondence, minutes, policies, briefing notes, decision papers, copies of submissions to environmental review boards and chronos. The records show evidence of the Directorate's activities, programs delivered, the transfer of responsibilities such as Forest Management and Fire Suppression programs, and the role of the GNWT in land use planning. There are also files documenting submissions prepared for environmental hearings and the monitoring of development projects.

Northwest Territories. Department of Renewable Resources. Directorate