This accession consists of one newsletter entitled "Echo 1967" which was produced by the students at the Federal Day School in Norman Wells. The newsletter (dated January 13, 1967) contains school-related items and items pertaining to the community. There are lists of community events for the upcoming month, birth announcements, a cartoon, an extract from the Liquor Ordinance, and community residents' opinions on Confederation and the future of Canada. The newsletter was originally created as part of the school's contribution to the NWT Centennial celebrations.
Federal Day School (Norman Wells, NT)
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N-1993-023: 1-1
Part of Norman Wells Federal Day School newsletter
One newsletter entitled "Echo 1967" which was produced by the students at the Federal Day School in Norman Wells. The newsletter (dated January 13, 1967) contains school-related items and items pertaining to the community. There are lists of community events for the upcoming month, birth announcements, a cartoon, an extract from the Liquor Ordinance, and community residents' opinions on Confederation and the future of Canada. The newsletter was originally created as part of the school's contribution to the NWT Centennial celebrations.