The file consists of the policy and procedural document that provides subject summaries, recommended actions and discussion points for Executive Meeting 02/71 on December 1, 1971.
The file consists of the policy and procedural document that provides subject summaries, recommended actions and discussion points for Executive Meetings 03/71 and 04/71 in December 1971. The folder also contains the agenda and proposal summaries for Executive Meeting 05/71, December 1971.
The file consists of agenda and proposal summaries for Executive Meeting held on December 3, 1971.
The file consists of policy and procedural documents that provide subject summaries, recommended actions and discussion points for Executive Meetings, and minutes of Executive Meetings. File 1 of 2. Original file was large and split into two files.
The file consists of non-agenda items, confidential minutes of Executive Committee Meetings, February to December, 1972. File 2 of 2. Original file was large and split into two files.
The file consists of non-agenda items, confidential minutes of Executive Committee Meetings, January to December, 1973. File 1 of 3. Original file was large and split into three files.
The file consists of non-agenda items, confidential minutes of Executive Committee Meetings, January to December, 1973. File 2 of 3. Original file was large and split into three files.
The file consists of non-agenda items, confidential minutes of Executive Committee Meetings, January to December, 1973. File 3 of 3. Original file was large and split into three files.
The file consists of non-agenda items, confidential minutes of Executive Committee Meetings, April to August, 1974. File 1 of 2. Original file was large and split into two files.
The file consists of minutes of meetings, agendas, aide-memoires, memorandum and other materials for the Northern Policy Coordinating Committee.
The file consists of invitations, itineraries, personal notes and articles written by Stuart Hodgson as member of the NWT Council reflecting on his tour of the Territories (1964); and "Reference for Advice" requests from the Commissioner to members of the Council on labour legislation.
The file consists of non-agenda items, confidential minutes of Executive Committee Meetings, March, 1974.
The file consists of non-agenda items, confidential minutes of Executive Committee Meetings, March to May, 1974. File 2 of 2. Original file was large and split into two files.
The file consists of memoranda and correspondence regarding the delegation of signing Authority for the Deputy Commissioner, "Orders, Rules and Regulations under the Northwest Territories Ordinances", an undated organizational chart, and a paper on the "Government of Northwest Territories: Financial Structure for the Thirty-First Session of Council."
The file consists of Terms of Reference for the Territorial Division of the Northern Administration Branch, and lists sections, position and classification, duties, liaison - reference and authority, and recommendations for possible decentralization.
The file consists of correspondence with the Commissioner and media clippings and reports relating to public relations issues between the government and the Native Brotherhood.
The file consists of meeting agenda, and a copy of the Regulations Respecting the Administration and Conservation of Wildlife in the Northwest Territories.
The file consists of correspondence from the Commissioner and from Lorne Smith, Coordinator of the Language Arts Programmes, Department of Education with the Government of the Northwest Territories expressing opinions about Ray Price's manuscript on the history of certain Metis people within the Northwest Territories.
The file consists of a budget forecast for Nunavut, 1976-1977, a brief typescript summary of discussions held on March 12, 1976 with Pilot, Murray Smith, Mr. Gordon and Des Fogg. The summary and comment paper was prepared by Des Fogg for the Commissioner.
The file consists of correspondence with the Commissioner regarding soapstone quarrying in Baker Lake, and the availability of soapstone to carvers.