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411 · Fonds · 1978, 1993-2015

Records generated by the Directorate include Ministerial and Deputy Minister chronos for most of 2005-2012 and Briefing Notes for 2007-2010.

Records generated by the Investment and Economic Analysis division include files of the Senior Management Committee, both meetings and workshop retreats, an Economic Measures review of programming in the Sahtu and Gwich'in communities, as well as files of the restructuring of the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development into ITI and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Records also include files generated by intergovernmental committees and commissions and briefing notes drafted by the division. Records also document the division's review and disbursement of funding and including funding reviews and reports. Records also include the NWT Arts Strategic Plan, NWT Arts Logo Branding Program, Art and Fine Crafts Marketing Strategy Options, a program review of the NWT Community Future Development Corporation, operational guidelines and procedures for the Community Futures Program, reports relating to a trade show and business mission, records of the Agricultural Products Marketing Council (egg marketing), an MOU on contracting with the Gwich'in Tribal Council, an MOU on International business development, records relating to the Barren-ground caribou strategy, briefing material for the 2005 North American Fur & Fashion Exposition, GMVF Trappers Newsletters, as well as background information relating to an arts strategy and policy. Other records relate to the establishment of the Business Development and Investment Corporation (BDIC) and the history of the Business Incentive Program (BIP).

Records generated by the Policy, Legislation and Communications division consist of promotional material related to the promotion of sustainable opportunities in the energy, mines and petroleum resource industry and supporting industry, drafts of various newsletters, reports, booklets, brochures, sector profiles, website content, and fact sheets, communications plans, briefing notes, Visual Identity Guidelines for NWT Arts branding, and publicity records relating to the NWT's participation in Canada's Northern House at the 2010 Olympics. Records document regional promotional material and an overarching vision statement from the Minister. There are also records of the ITI Communications Committee, Senior Management Committee of the Department as kept by the division, 2005-2012, Executive Committee records from 2010-2012, Regional Superintendents Programs and Operations meeting records from 2006-2010, Deputy Ministers' Managing This Land Committee (2014-2015), Mackenzie Gas Project Joint Cabinet-AOC Pipeline Planning Committee (2002-2006) and Mackenzie Gas Project National Energy Board Proceedings weekly meetings from 2005. There are also records from the division that document the development of and amendments to the Tourism Act, amendment of the Territorial Parks Act and regulations, amendment of the Co-operative Associations Act, repeal of the Credit Unions Act, amendment of the Freshwater Fish Marketing Act, the administration of the Agricultural Products Marketing Act, amendment of the Animals Running at Large regulations, and negotiation of various socio-economic agreements. Policy, Legislation and Communications records also include job action contingency plans, records relating to the use of the NWT Opportunities Fund, records relating to the establishment of the Saoyú-Ɂehdacho National Historic Site, and RWED restructuring records, such as meeting minutes, presentations, draft plans and agreements, and communication tools, and decisions papers presented to the FMB and Executive Council.

Records generated by the North Slave office consist of development of an arts and crafts strategy (co-lead with the Department of Education, Culture and Employment) and a file on territorial parks usage statistics.

Records generated by the Tourism and Parks division consist of NWT Tourism correspondence, membership lists, meeting minutes and conference materials, Conversion Study for NWT Tourism's 2005/2006 Campaign Year, and Northwest Territories Tourism Branding Logo Standards and Guidelines; conference calls minutes and correspondence between Tourism headquarters and regional tourism offices; Tourism Marketing Advisory Committee meeting minutes and agendas; survey results and consumer request cards; and a tourism promotion project called the Deh Cho Travel Connection, a participatory tourism strategy to promote travel throughout the Northwest Territories as well as northern Alberta and British Columbia via highways. Records also include background research prepared for a revision of the Travel and Tourism Act, the Tourism Development Handbook, "NWT Tourism Inventory and Gap Analysis" report, "A Performance and Operations Assessment of The Northwest Territories Outfitted Sport Fishing Industry", and territorial parks usage reports. The records also relate to the Protected Area Strategy and its relationship to parks.

Records generated by the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Division (formerly the Minerals, Oil and Gas Division) include agreements, meeting materials from the Pipeline Steering Committee, Mackenzie Gas Advisory Group, Economic and Employment Development Committee, Diamond Review Committee, and NWT Geoscience Office Joint Advisory Committee, and publications focusing on oil and gas, minerals, and mining.

Records generated by the Industrial Initiatives Division include material relating to the negotiation of a socio-economic agreement for the Mackenzie Gas Project.

Records generated by the Geoscience Office relate to outreach activities like prospector training and community mapping programs.

Northwest Territories. Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment (2005-)

This accession consists of records from the Tourism and Parks division of the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment. The records relate to the park usage and include correspondence, statistics, a news article, the 2000 Campground Report, the Northwest Territories 2004-2006 Territorial Park Permits Report, a Road & Campground Guide, and the 1993 NWT Campground User Survey.

G-2023-066 · Accession · 1978, 2001-2012
Part of Northwest Territories. Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment fonds

This accession consists of records from the Policy, Legislation and Communications and Analysis division of the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment relating to legislative and regulatory amendments, use of the NWT Opportunities Fund, and establishment of the Saoyú-Ɂehdacho National Historic Site. The records include: briefing notes, correspondence, copies of legislation and regulations, legislative proposals, drafting instructions, an assessment report, comments, consultation records, discussion papers, legal opinions, meeting notes, presentation slides, FMB submission, an agreement, a table of responsibilities under the Co-operative Associations Act, a Credit Union dissolution order, Options for Preparing a NWT Mineral Development Strategy, A New Economic Development Strategy for the Northwest Territories, and the Sahoyue-§ehdacho Working Group Final Report.