Fort Chipewyan [Alberta]Chipewyan girl [walking outdoors in winter]. Fort Chipewyan Holy Angels Hostel. 1951.
Fort Chipewyan [Alberta]. Old Mission boarded up ready for demolition [top of image]. Holy Angels school children sliding. 1951
Fort Chipewyan Hostel [Alberta]. Children at recreation [sliding in snow]. 1951
Fort Chipewyan [Alberta]Hostel children at recreation [sliding in snow] in front of Holy Angels Church. 1951
Fort Chipewyan [Alberta]Brother [Brother] Henry Sarault O.M.I. School children watching harnessing of sled dogs. 1951
Fort Chipewyan [Alberta]O.M.I. Retreat. Brother Cren, Brother Labonte, Brother R. Ouellet, Brother L. Veillette, Fr [Father]R. Maree, Father Bern Will Brown, Fr [Father]L. Casterman, Father N. Lafferte, Father M. Beauregarde, Father E. Picard. 1960? [Men gathered outside building/church]
Fort Chipewyan [Alberta]Father Bern Will Brown and local natives. 1951
Fort Resolution. TB [tuberculosis] patients in hospital. 1948 [Children in pajamas sitting on stairs]
Fort Resolution. TB [tuberculosis] patients in hospital. 1948
Fort Chipewyan [Alberta]Brother Louis Crenn O.M.I. 1951
Fort Chipewyan [Alberta]Father Bern Will Brown and Mission sled dog [on chain]. 1951
Fort Chipewyan [Alberta]The wood lot, 15 miles west of Chipewyan . Here all the 4 ft. firewood cut to heat the Chipewyan Mission buildings. 1951
Fort Chipewyan [Alberta]Cutting firewood at the wood camp. 1951 [two men sawing a log]
Fort Chipewyan [Alberta]Wood camp. [two men sawing a log with chainsaw.]
Fort Chipewyan [Alberta]Wood camp. 1951
Fort Chipewyan [Alberta]Wood camp. Brother Louison Veillette O.M.I. 1951 [cutting log with chainsaw]
Fort Chipewyan [Alberta].Wood Camp. Father Bern Will Brown O.M.I. [sawing a log] 1951
Fort Chipewyan [Alberta].Wood Camp. Brother L. Veillette O.M.I. [sawing a log] 1951
Fort Chipewyan [Alberta].Wood Camp. Father Bern Will Brown O.M.I. [sawing a log] 1951
Fort Chipewyan [Alberta].Lead dog "Prince". 1951 [White husky in harness]