This item consists of part three of a three-part consultation meeting (Phase 2) held October 22, 2001 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the community of Snare Lake (Wekweeti) on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English and Tlicho. The original source item is side A of a 120 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0030A and 0030B. Government representatives include Dean Clough Cluff, Ron Graf (Manager Wildlife and Fisheries), Raymond Bourget (North Slave Office), and Gord Bohnet. The discussion continues from the previous tape. The presenters provide possible explanations for increase in number of injured caribou and decreased number of wolves and provide additional information about the activities of the Wildlife Aboriginal Advisory Committee. A lengthy discussion about meat wastage follows and how outfitters are required to track meat left by hunters. A brief presentation is given by biologist Dean Clough on collaring animals, particularly caribou. He also asks for suggestions of studies that should be undertaken and talks about a check point set up on the winter road last year to survey non-commercial traffic. The community states again their desire to have the visitors stay overnight in future to allow more time for discussion. Finally, there is a brief presentation by Gord Bohnet about the community taking over the community freezer.
This item consists of part six of a six-part consultation meeting (Phase 2) held December 8, 2001 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the resident hunters in Yellowknife on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side B of a 90 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0049A, 0049B, 0050A, 0050B, and 0051A. The meeting is facilitated by Andy Swidersky (Terriplanning Consultants) and participants include Chad M (Inuvik), Vince Jones (Fort Good Hope), Harold Keegan (Fort Simpson), Harold Prine (Fort Simpson), George Van Tighem (Yellowknife), Lawrence Holler (Yellowknife), Wayne Martin (Fort Smith), Keith Abel (Norman Wells), Martin Kinewski (Yellowknife), Doug Nelson (Yellowknife), Ron Graf (Wildlife and Fisheries), Doug Stewart (Director, Wildlife and Fisheries), Linda Young (Wildlife and Fisheries), Bonnie Scortag (Wildlife and Fisheries), Sonya Saunders (Legislature and ___), Gord Cameron (Yellowknife), Wade Haley (Hay River), and Ross Stanley. The meeting continues with participant comments and discussion regarding wastage, feeding game meat to dogs, enforcement (minimum and maximum penalties, classes of infractions, report a poacher line, presence of officers as deterrent), socio-economic issues (local and NWT economic impact, tourism impact, resident and non-resident outfitters), and allocating guide licences. After a brief break, the group starts discussing the proposed Species at Risk legislation, including time before reassessment and who makes the final decision on listing.
This item consists of part five of a six-part consultation meeting (Phase 2) held December 8, 2001 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the resident hunters in Yellowknife on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side A of a 90 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0049A, 0049B, 0050A, 0050B, and 0051B. The meeting is facilitated by Andy Swidersky (Terriplanning Consultants) and participants include Chad M (Inuvik), Vince Jones (Fort Good Hope), Harold Keegan (Fort Simpson), Harold Prine (Fort Simpson), George Van Tighem (Yellowknife), Lawrence Holler (Yellowknife), Wayne Martin (Fort Smith), Keith Abel (Norman Wells), Martin Kinewski (Yellowknife), Doug Nelson (Yellowknife), Ron Graf (Wildlife and Fisheries), Doug Stewart (Director, Wildlife and Fisheries), Linda Young (Wildlife and Fisheries), Bonnie Scortag (Wildlife and Fisheries), Sonya Saunders (Legislature and ___), Gord Cameron (Yellowknife), Wade Haley (Hay River), and Ross Stanley. The meeting continues with participant comments and discussion regarding right to hunt, protection for hunters, wildlife harassment, wildlife research fund, hunter training (relationship to federal firearms training, delivery, content, standards), age restrictions (pros and cons, various ages), and wastage (who is responsible, what parts of animal are edible). The meeting goes on a brief break midway through the recording; the tape is left playing and portions of conversations can be heard.
This item consists of part one of a six-part consultation meeting (Phase 2) held December 8, 2001 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the resident hunters in Yellowknife on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side A of a 90 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0049B, 0050A, 0050B, 0051A, and 0051B. The meeting is facilitated by Andy Swidersky (Terriplanning Consultants) and participants include Chad M (Inuvik), Vince Jones (Fort Good Hope), Harold Keegan (Fort Simpson), Harold Prine (Fort Simpson), George Van Tighem (Yellowknife), Lawrence Holler (Yellowknife), Wayne Martin (Fort Smith), Keith Abel (Norman Wells), Martin Kinewski (Yellowknife), Doug Nelson (Yellowknife), Ron Graf (Wildlife and Fisheries), Doug Stewart (Director, Wildlife and Fisheries), Linda Young (Wildlife and Fisheries), Bonnie Scortag (Wildlife and Fisheries), Sonya Saunders (Legislature and ___), Gord Cameron (Yellowknife), Wade Haley (Hay River), and Ross Stanley. This meeting is a follow-up to a meeting with RWED held the following week and has six objectives: 1) Provide an overview of the wildlife legislation review process to date and set the context for the discussion, 2) Provide an opportunity to discuss issues and state views, 3) Provide an opportunity to discuss other issues related to the Wildlife Act, 4) Address issues relating to Species at Risk, 5) Compile main observations from discussions make recommendations to RWED, and 6) Address communication with RWED and future consultation. Andy outlines the agenda and process. Doug (Stewart?) gives an overview of the wildlife legislation review process, including reasons for the review, consultation conducted and planned, next steps and legislation development, and timelines. Questions are asked by participants regarding standing committees, the role of the Wildlife Aboriginal Advisory Group (WAAG), the relation of wildlife legislation to land claims, consultation with groups not in WAAG, and crown land.
This item consists of part three of a six-part consultation meeting (Phase 2) held December 8, 2001 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the resident hunters in Yellowknife on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side B of a 120 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0049A, 0049B, 0050A, 0051A, and 0051B. The meeting is facilitated by Andy Swidersky (Terriplanning Consultants) and participants include Chad M (Inuvik), Vince Jones (Fort Good Hope), Harold Keegan (Fort Simpson), Harold Prine (Fort Simpson), George Van Tighem (Yellowknife), Lawrence Holler (Yellowknife), Wayne Martin (Fort Smith), Keith Abel (Norman Wells), Martin Kinewski (Yellowknife), Doug Nelson (Yellowknife), Ron Graf (Wildlife and Fisheries), Doug Stewart (Director, Wildlife and Fisheries), Linda Young (Wildlife and Fisheries), Bonnie Scortag (Wildlife and Fisheries), Sonya Saunders (Legislature and ___), Gord Cameron (Yellowknife), Wade Haley (Hay River), and Ross Stanley. The meeting continues with participant comments and discussion regarding differing harvesting rights (resident hunters versus Indigenous hunters), licencing (General Hunting Licences, non-resident Indigenous hunters), and tags and quotas. During the lunch break, the Deputy Minister of RWED joins the group and gives a short address, indicating that he is pleased the group was able to get together, discussing consultation, wildlife legislation development timelines and process, and where the GNWT gets the authority to manage wildlife. The Deputy Minister is questioned about the potential to fund a rejuvenated NWT Wildlife Federation, sharing of list of resident hunters, a letter sent to minister, and the division between resident and Indigenous hunters.
This item consists of part four of a six-part consultation meeting (Phase 2) held December 8, 2001 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the resident hunters in Yellowknife on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side A of a 120 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0049A, 0049B, 0050B, 0051A, and 0051B. The meeting is facilitated by Andy Swidersky (Terriplanning Consultants) and participants include Chad M (Inuvik), Vince Jones (Fort Good Hope), Harold Keegan (Fort Simpson), Harold Prine (Fort Simpson), George Van Tighem (Yellowknife), Lawrence Holler (Yellowknife), Wayne Martin (Fort Smith), Keith Abel (Norman Wells), Martin Kinewski (Yellowknife), Doug Nelson (Yellowknife), Ron Graf (Wildlife and Fisheries), Doug Stewart (Director, Wildlife and Fisheries), Linda Young (Wildlife and Fisheries), Bonnie Scortag (Wildlife and Fisheries), Sonya Saunders (Legislature and __), Gord Cameron (Yellowknife), Wade Haley (Hay River), and Ross Stanley. The recording includes the end of a discussion with the deputy minister, including coordinating with other legislation and the risks of not getting the legislation before the current Assembly. The meeting continues with participant comments and discussion regarding tags, management decisions based on conservation, mandatory harvest reporting, funding for RWED harvest surveys, approved weapons (minimum and maximum calibres), baiting, wildlife harassment, and hunter harassment.
This item consists of part two of a six-part consultation meeting (Phase 2) held December 8, 2001 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the resident hunters in Yellowknife on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side B of a 90 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0049A, 0050A, 0050B, 0051A, and 0051B. The meeting is facilitated by Andy Swidersky (Terriplanning Consultants) and participants include Chad M (Inuvik), Vince Jones (Fort Good Hope), Harold Keegan (Fort Simpson), Harold Prine (Fort Simpson), George Van Tighem (Yellowknife), Lawrence Holler (Yellowknife), Wayne Martin (Fort Smith), Keith Abel (Norman Wells), Martin Kinewski (Yellowknife), Doug Nelson (Yellowknife), Ron Graf (Wildlife and Fisheries), Doug Stewart (Director, Wildlife and Fisheries), Linda Young (Wildlife and Fisheries), Bonnie Scortag (Wildlife and Fisheries), Sonya Saunders (Legislature and __), Gord Cameron (Yellowknife), Wade Haley (Hay River), and Ross Stanley. The meeting continues with participant questions, comments, and discussion regarding residency requirements, mandatory reporting of harvest, waiting periods after fly-in, ethical harvesting, buddy hunting, and hunting seasons. Responses are occasionally made by the RWED representatives.
This item consists of part three of a three-part consultation meeting (Phase 2) held January 15, 2002 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the community of Rae (Behchoko) on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English and Tlicho. The original source item is side A of a 120 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0052A and 0052B. The recording begins with a response to comments regarding gathering comments. The presentation of the new Wildlife Act proceeds with topics including outfitting, guide certification, buddy hunting, tags and quotas, trapping, and wastage. Several unintelligible comments are given. The meeting concludes before the end of the presentation due to declining numbers of participants.
This item consists of part two of a three-part consultation meeting (Phase 2) held January 15, 2002 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the community of Rae (Behchoko) on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English and Tlicho. The original source item is side B of a 120 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0052A and 0053A. The recording begins with comments from a Tlicho speaker on a number of topics, including caribou migration, big game outfitters and wastage, and the traditional use of caribou. Responses are made and then the meeting proceeds with the presentation of the new Wildlife Act, including improving consultation, using traditional knowledge, scope of act (what animals it applies to), licencing (various kinds, out-of-territory Indigenous people (resident or not), residency requirements), and hunter training. Comments and responses are made regarding the Tlicho land claim (in-progress), the importance of wildlife, and the purpose of the meeting to gather opinions.
This item consists of part one of a three-part consultation meeting (Phase 2) held January 15, 2002 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the community of Rae (Behchoko) on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English and Tlicho. The original source item is side A of a 120 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0052B and 0053A. The meeting includes presentation and discussion of the new wildlife legislation, including process for developing wildlife legislation and timelines. Some comments are made by Tlicho speakers but the translations are difficult to hear. The meeting continues with presentation on the proposed Species at Risk legislation, including introduction, examples on endangered species in the NWT, reason for developing SAR Act, purpose of the Act, underlying principles, assessment, committee, recommendations, automatic prohibitions, reassessment, process for listing, categories of risk, recovery (team, timelines, plan, habitat protection, implementation), emergency listing, habitat protection, enforcement, stewardship, intentional and unintentional harm, and penalties.
This item consists of part four of a four-part consultation meeting (Phase 2) held November 27-28, 2001 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the community of Dettah on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English and Wiilliideh. The original source item is side B of a 120 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0047A, 0047B, and 0048A. Presenters are Ron Graf, Raymond Bourget, and Ernie Campbell. The meeting continues with comments and questions on penalties and guiding and outfitting licences and payment. Some comments are made in Wiiliideh, but not all of them are clearly translated.
This item consists of part three of a four-part consultation meeting (Phase 2) held November 27-28, 2001 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the community of Dettah on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English and Wiilliideh. The original source item is side A of a 120 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0047A, 0047B, and 0048B. Presenters are Ron Graf, Raymond Bourget, and Ernie Campbell. The meeting continues with the presentation on the new Wildlife Act, including tags and quotas (by species), collecting harvest information, firearm calibre minimum and maximum standards, hunting equipment, baiting, wildlife harassment, use of aircraft (wait time after fly-in), age requirements, no-hunting corridors along roads, wastage (including commercial), feeding game meat to domestic animals, exporting (permits, limits), possession and export of live wildlife, and compliance (education, monitoring, penalties). There are comments and questions on purpose of meeting, tags, skinning practices and fur buyers' preferences, types of hunting licences, age of wildlife act, use of Treaty card as licence, buddy hunting, tag sales by vendors or possibly by YKDFN, hunting by non-resident Indigenous people, joint monitoring of species, buffalo intruding on caribou range, guide certification, sending meat from community freezer to people out of territory, and penalties, with responses made by the RWED representatives. Some comments are made in Wiiliideh, but not all of them are clearly translated.
This item consists of part two of a four-part consultation meeting (Phase 2) held November 27-28, 2001 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the community of Dettah on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English and Wiilliideh. The original source item is side B of a 120 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0047A, 0048A, and 0048B. Presenters are Ron Graf, Raymond Bourget, and Ernie Campbell. The recording starts with discussion following the presentation of the proposed Species at Risk Act. The presenter adds some additional remarks about woodland caribou and other animals of special concern. Comments are made about getting tags for buffalo, numbers of caribou tags issued, poaching, hiring people from Ndilo and Dettah to monitor the winter road, animals of special concern to the YKDFN (caribou, muskrat, some fish, some ducks), plans for a picture book on diseased animals for education purposes, and concerns about medicinal plants. Reponses are made by the RWED staff who suggest questionable animals be brought in for testing and that more frequent meetings are held to address areas of concern. There is a reminder about the meeting the following evening and another request for feedback. The recording continues with the meeting the following evening. There is an explanation of available literature and questionnaires. The meeting continues with presentation on the new Wildlife Act, including reasons for revision, improving consultation, use of traditional knowledge, what it applies to, licencing (General Hunting Licences, beneficiary cards, non-resident and resident Indigenous people, residency requirements), hunter training, outfitting, guide certification, buddy hunting, and tags and quotas. There are comments and statements made in Wiiliideh, which are not translated on the tape.
This item consists of part one of a four-part consultation meeting (Phase 2) held November 27-28, 2001 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the community of Dettah on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English and Wiilliideh. The original source item is side A of a 120 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0047B, 0048A, and 0048B. The first segment of the meeting is in an Indigenous language, likely Wiiliideh Yatii, including an opening prayer. The presenters introduce themselves: Raymond Bourget (Senior Wildlife Officer in Yellowknife, Ron Graf (Manager with Wildlife and Fisheries), and Ernie Campbell (Manager of Wildlife, North Slave Region). The meeting continues with the introductory presentation, including purpose of meeting, legislation development process and timelines, and how to make comments. Then there is a presentation of proposed Species at Risk legislation, including examples of endangered species in the NWT, reasons for developing legislation, general process (assessment, listing, automatic prohibitions, recovery plan and implementation, reassessment), committee (composition, role), categories of risk, listing, recovery (team composition, strategy content and timelines, plan implementation and participants, recovery cycle), reassessment and delisting, emergency listing, habitat protection, compliance, intentional and unintentional harm, and stewardship. After the presentation are comments and questions, with responses, including what species the Act will apply to, decline in muskrat populations, increase in number of injured caribou, impact of mine sites, phone number to call and make a report, hunting bison, and compensation for losses. There are several comments made in Wiiliideh, which are not translated on the tape, but are responded to in English.
This item consists of part eight of an eight-part consultation meeting (Phase 2) held November 6-7, 2001 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the Sahtu Renewable Resources Board in Norman Wells on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side A of a 90 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0042A, 0042B, 0043A, 0044A, 0044B, 0045A, and 0045B. The static is terrible, rendering most of the speakers unintelligible. Based on other consultation meetings, likely topics of discussion include possession and export of live wildlife, possession of live wildlife, feeding meat to dogs, and compliance and penalties.
This item consists of part seven of an eight-part consultation meeting (Phase 2) held November 6-7, 2001 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the Sahtu Renewable Resources Board in Norman Wells on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side B of a 90 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0042A, 0042B, 0043A, 0044A, 0044B, 0045A, and 0046A. The static is terrible, rendering most of the speakers unintelligible. Based on other consultation meetings, likely topics of discussion include no-hunting corridors beside highways, age restrictions, wastage, and export of game meat.
This item consists of part six of an eight-part consultation meeting (Phase 2) held November 6-7, 2001 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the Sahtu Renewable Resources Board in Norman Wells on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side A of a 90 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0042A, 0042B, 0043A, 0044A, 0044B, 0045B, and 0046A. The meeting includes presentation and discussion of the new Wildlife Act, including wildlife harassment and minimum waiting period after fly-in. The group breaks for lunch at 24:52 minutes but the tape is left running.
This item consists of part five of an eight-part consultation meeting (Phase 2) held November 6-7, 2001 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the Sahtu Renewable Resources Board in Norman Wells on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side B of a 120 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0042A, 0042B, 0043A, 0044A, 0045A, 0045B, and 0046A. The meeting includes presentation and discussion of the new Wildlife Act, including tags and quotas (by species, herd-specific, bulls only, seasons), trapping, collecting harvest information (harvest study, mandatory reporting), harvesting methods (kinds of firearms, minimum and maximum calibres, other weapons), and baiting.
This item consists of part four of an eight-part consultation meeting (Phase 2) held November 6-7, 2001 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the Sahtu Renewable Resources Board in Norman Wells on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side A of a 120 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0042A, 0042B, 0043A, 0044B, 0045A, 0045B, and 0046A. The meeting includes presentation and discussion of the new Wildlife Act, including Licences (non-resident Status Indians, residency requirements), hunter training program (should it be mandatory, for whom, delivery, content), outfitters and guides (local participation, guide training and certification, apprenticeship), and buddy hunting. The group goes for a break around 51:30 minutes, the sound drops off at 53:22 and it appears that a different meeting is taking place, covering topics like research use of animals. The second meeting goes for a break around 58:00.
This item consists of part three of an eight-part consultation meeting (Phase 2) held November 6-7, 2001 between staff from the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development (RWED) and the Sahtu Renewable Resources Board in Norman Wells on proposed new wildlife legislation. The meeting is in English. The original source item is side A of a 90 minute audio cassette. The meeting also includes items 0042A, 0042B, 0044A, 0044B, 0045A, 0045B, and 0046A. The meeting includes presentation and discussion of the new Wildlife Act, including licences (non-resident Status Indians, border licences). The meeting ends around 25 minutes, but the recording continues with a what appears to be another meeting. This portion is very quiet and has lots of static. The meeting may relate to Species at Risk and makes reference to status, reporting, a deadline for information submission, and sending representatives to the CITES conference.