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[Media figures biographies]
N-2001-016: 98-8 · File · [ca. 1982]
Part of Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories fonds

The file consists of records relating likely created by the Native Communications Society (Native Press) giving biographical information on a number of media figures, including Pat Crozier, Abe Okpik, Jo-Jo Pascal, Arthur Mercredi, Seeme Nookiguak, Louie Blondin, Roger Deranger, James Jerome, Cheeko Desjarlais, Joe Tobie, Maurice Cleary, Tapwe Chretien, George Tuccaro, Mike Stevens, and Jim Sittichinli.

Native Communications Society
Tulu Project
N-2001-016: 98-7 · File · 1999
Part of Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories fonds

The file consists of records relating to the 1999 Tulu Project on the Cameron River System and Highways 3 and 4. The records include the final report with photographs, maps of canoe routes, and Ingraham Trail Addresses, 8 photographic prints showing clean up sites and activities, and a 3½" floppy disk.

Tulu 1999
N-2001-016: 98-6 · File · 1999
Part of Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories fonds

The file consists of records relating to the 1999 Tulu Project on the Cameron River System and Highways 3 and 4. The records include Summary of Canoe Trip, maps with sites marked, site addresses, correspondence, financial records, co-ordinator job description, budget, excerpt from agreement, participant report, contracts and resumes, canoe workshop agenda, to do list, and a 3½" floppy disk.

N-2001-016: 98-5 · File · 1999
Part of Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories fonds

The file consists of records relating to the 1999 Tulu Project on the Cameron River System and Highways 3 and 4. The records include the blank Value at Risk Inventory forms, Ingraham trail addresses, site coordinates, and a property assessment roll.

Tulu 99
N-2001-016: 98-4 · File · 1998-1999
Part of Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories fonds

The file consists of records relating to the 1998 and 1999 Tulu Projects, including 1998 Report Taltson River and Little Buffalo River Tulu Project and 1999 participant forms and applications, job offer, budget, interview questions and responses, resumes, project proposals, and a contribution agreement.

Youth Corps
N-2001-016: 98-3 · File · 1998-1999
Part of Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories fonds

The file consists of records relating to the Youth Environmental Corps, including correspondence, funding proposals, program description, job description, job posting, list of participants and facilitators, participant feedback, booking information, agreement and contract, item check-list, student registration for another program, Schools North Apprenticeship Program information, blank forms, draft certificates, final report, and completed nomination, Participant, and Work Placement forms and timesheets.

N-2001-016: 96-6 · File · 1992
Part of Metis Nation of the Northwest Territories fonds

The file consists of records relating to Dene Nation, including correspondence and financial records on the Dene/Metis Trust Fund, a press release, an announcement, National Assembly tentative agenda, correspondence on the Metis Accord, other correspondence, and an informational brochure on Dene of the Northwest Territories produced by the GNWT.