The file consists of minutes from the Metis Association Board of Directors for May 20-21, 1972, September 2-3, 1972, December 9-10, 1972, January 28, 1973, March 24-28, 1973, May 4, 1973, May 11, 1973, and June 15-16, 1973, Annual General Assembly minutes for January 26-28, 1973 and August 9-12, 1974, and a Financial Statement for August 1972. Associated material like agendas, reports, list of advisory councils and board of directors, delegate lists, and election rules are also occasionally included. Meeting minutes are usually summaries, but sometimes verbatim.
The file consists of minutes from the Metis Association Board of Directors for April 6-9, 1976, June 24-25, 1976, July 8-9, 1976, August 17-20, 1976, and September 3, 1976, Annual General Assembly minutes for August 29-31, 1975, and Special Assembly motions for July 9-11, 1976.
Associated material like agendas, delegate lists, and memoranda of understanding are also occasionally included. Meeting minutes are usually summaries, but sometimes verbatim.
The file consists of minutes from the Metis Association Board of Directors for October 14, 1976 and November 12-14, 1976 and verbatim Annual General Assembly minutes for October 14-16, 1976. Associated material like delegate lists are also occasionally included.
The file consists of minutes from the Metis Association Board of Directors for January 11-13, March 29-30, April 23-24, May 19-20, June 28, July 7, August 8-9, September 19, October 28, November 29-30, 1977, January 24-26, March 7-9, April 15, May 24-25, June 19, August 15, September 19, 1978, and January 23-25, 1979, minutes of a meeting with Indian Brotherhood Chiefs on January 26-28, 1977, Annual General Assembly minutes for July 5-7, 1977 and July 4-7, 1978, a telephone resolution, and delegate lists.
The file consists of minutes from the Metis Association Board of Directors for May 14-18, August 4-5, September 14-15, September 18, October 17-18, 1979, February 2-3, March 30, June 7-8, June 22, November 1-2, 1980 and February 19-20, 1981, Annual General Assembly minutes for July 17-19, 1979 and March 29-30, 1980, and associated material like delegate lists, correspondence, an agenda, presentation notes, and Metis Development Corporation Share Structure.
The file consists of minutes from the Metis Association Board of Directors for May 23-24, August 20, and November 21, 1981, verbatim Annual General Assembly minutes for August 21-23, 1981, and associated material like agendas, discussion papers, and a delegate list.
The file consists of minutes from the Metis Association Board of Directors for February 20-21, April 24-25, and June 29, 1982, and associated material like correspondence and presentation notes are also occasionally included. Meeting minutes are a mixture of summaries and verbatim.
The file consists of the Constitution and Bylaws, The Metis Declaration, a federal government Communique, Summary of the Dene/Metis Claim Chronology, Backgrounder, Summary of the Provisions of the Dene/Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement, updates on status of resolutions 1-10 made at the 1990 Annual General Assembly, including correspondence.
The file consists of updates on status of resolutions 11-39 made at the 1990 Annual General Assembly, including correspondence.
The file consists of the package for the 1991 Annual General Assembly. The records include numbers of voting delegates, draft rules of order and election rules, a blank resolution form, a map of Fort Smith, committee and delegate lists, information about the design of the NWT Metis sash, Constitution and Bylaws and proposed amendments, a tentative agenda, a resolution on the land claim from the 1990 Dene/Metis Joint National Assembly, summary of status of resolutions from 1990 Annual General Assembly, reports from the president and vice president, 1991 Financial Statements, Metis Heritage Association Co-ordinator's Summary, reports from the Dene/Metis Training Co-ordinating Group, information on the Program Delivery Initiative Aboriginal Business Development Program CAEDS, records relating to the Commission for Constitutional Development, records relating to Metis health benefits and proposed Metis Enumeration Project, and a draft Metis Housing Needs Survey.
The file consists of the package for the 1992 Annual General Assembly. The records include Government Accountability: A Legislative Action Paper on Access to Government, tentative agenda, proxy, and application for renewal of affiliation from August 1992 board meeting, information about the Assembly hotel, draft rules of order, list of delgates, tentative agenda, resolutions made at the 1990 Annual General Assembly, president's message, 1992 Financial Statements, Constitution and Bylaws and proposed amendments, copy of Metis Nation Accord, Status Report on the Multilateral Meetings on the Constitution, a draft resolution, and information on various environmental initiatives.
The file consists of part of the package for the 1993 Annual General Assembly. The records include a delegate list, opening prayer, Constitution and Bylaws and proposed amendments, pamphlets on the Community Resource Management Program and the Environmental Action Program, draft rules of order and election rules, tentative agenda, excerpts on Extended Public Government from a NWT Constitutional Commission publication, reports on motions and resolutions from the 1992 Annual General Assembly, Guidelines for Locals Respecting Misuse of Alcohol at Metis Gatherings, president's report, 1993 Financial Statements, and a copy of the Metis Accord.
The file consists of part of the package for the 1993 Annual General Assembly. The records include The Future of Canada's Aboriginal Trapping Economy, records relating to the aboriginal Regional Management Boards, Environmental Report and funding request, records relating to constitutional development, and Metis Heritage Association annual report, 1993 Financial Statements, and Constitution and Bylaws.
The file consists of part of the package for the 1994 Annual General Assembly. The records include resolutions, delegate list, Constitution and Bylaws, draft rules of order, tentative agenda, summary minutes for 1993 Annual General Assembly and resolutions update, Executive Report from the president and vice president, 1994 Financial Statements, and a legal opinion on membership.
The file consists of part of the package for the 1994 Annual General Assembly. The records include presentation notes on Constitutional Development in the Western Arctic, The NWT Constitutional Process, A Discussion Paper on Constitutional Development in a New Western Territory, 1992 motions, Metis Enumeration Report, Whitehorse Mining Initiative Draft Leadership Council Accord, information on actions for Metis education, Environmental Report, Fur Initiative update, Responding to the EEC Regulation on Wild Fur, a press release and associated records, and Metis Heritage Association 1994 Financial Statements and Constitution and Bylaws.
The file consists of the package for the 1995 Annual General Assembly. The records include resolutions, draft rules of order and election rules, tentative agenda, list of delegates, Metis Heritage Association report, Executive Report from the president and vice president, Report on Resolutions from 1994 Annual General Assembly, 1995 Financial Statements, proposed bylaw amendments, NWT Environmental Contaminants Workshop materials, records relating to constitutional development, the Northern Accord, and the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act. The records also include Metis Heritage Association minutes, correspondence, 1995 Financial Statements, Constitution and Bylaws and proposed amendments, and Executive Director's Report.
The file consists of appendices outlining benefits under the Metis health benefits program.
The file consists of the package for the 1997 Annual General Assembly. The records include a tentative agenda, committee list, draft rules of order and election rules, motions and resolution updates from the 1996 Annual General Assembly, Executive Report from the president and vice president, 1996 Strategic Plan, 1997 Financial Statements, report on environmental activities, and draft dispute resolution mechanism.
The file consists of records from the 1998 Annual General Assembly. The records include an Executive Summary: Environmental Division, Annual Report on the Environmental Activities of the Metis Nation - NWT, and the President's Executive Report.
The file consists of the 1998 Annual General Assembly, including talent show registration and scoring forms, Notes for an address by The Honourable Ethel Blondin-Andrew, P.C., M.P. Secretary of State (Children and Youth), draft and supporting resolutions, Summary and Recommendations on education, and final resolutions.