The colour slides depict community buildings (schools, churches, hospitals), people, scenery, activities and special events in the following communities: Hay River, Fort Simpson, Fort Norman, Rae, Port Radium, Lac La Martre, Fort Good Hope, Fort Franklin, Fort McPherson, Tuktoyaktuk, Yellowknife, Coppermine, Jean Marie River, Fort Liard, Nahanni region, Aklavik, Fort Resolution, Fort Smith, Fort Providence, Wrigley, Fort Fitzgerald, Arctic Red River, Reindeer Station, Whale Cove, Norman Wells, Iqaluit and Rocher River. In addition, 19 black and white photographs show children and housing conditions in Yellowknife and on Latham Island in 1969. There are also several images of Rae that portray people, the church, Treaty time and Chief Susie Bruneau. The majority of the films were produced by the Government of the Northwest Territories for different departments; the subject matter of the films deal with Prohibition in the North, education, the Mackenzie Bridge and life in the North.
This accession consists of strategic planning documents, vision papers, survey results, and program descriptions related to the department's development and use of Internet-related services and infrastructure. It includes "From Vision to Reality: Strategies for the Use of Information Networks to Address the Needs of ECE" as well as records from the Information Networks Development Project, Information Networks Steering Committee, and Communication Networks Development Project.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Information Networks divisionThe records are related to ECE-led interagency committees and working groups as well as ECE programs including NWT Teacher Qualification, Adult Basic Education Curriculum Development, Teacher Induction, GNWT Training Group, Secondary Diamond Industries Working Group, Nunavut Unification Human Resource Development Strategy, Canada-NWT Agreement for French and Aboriginal Languages, and the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition Steering Committee. Also included are Senior Management Committee meetings, Minister's Statements and Briefing Notes, and an agreement signed between ECE and the Dogrib Community Services Board.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. College and Career Development divisionRecords include an evaluation of the NWT Literacy Strategy, a funding agreement for the construction of a francophone school in Hay River, and agreements related to scholarship and bursary programs for post-secondary students.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Strategic and Business Services divisionRecords include chronos generated by the offices of Jackson Lafferty as Minister of Education, Culture and Employment; Dan Daniels as Deputy Minister (January to May); Gloria Iatridis as Acting Deputy Minister (May to August); and Gabriela Eggenhofer as Deputy Minister (September to December).
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. DirectorateOne file consisting of correspondence, public consultation documents, reports, and other material related to the development of regulations under the Education Act. Most of the documents discuss regulations relating to private schools; other topics include home schooling and how student records should be kept.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Policy and Planning divisionRecords include two briefing binders containing briefing notes for the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment for the 16th Assembly, 3rd Session.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Policy and Planning divisionRecords include chronos generated by the office of Jackson Lafferty as Minister of Education, Culture and Employment, as well as records of the Residential Schools Interagency Committee, including minutes, presentation materials, correspondence, and documentation of travel and hospitality expenses.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. DirectorateRecords include Minister's and Deputy Minister's chronos, files related to interdepartmental initiatives, materials from the department's Executive Committee, and a report on a review of the Official Languages Act.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. DirectorateRecords include photographs depicting the communities of Tungsten, Wrigley, Jean Marie River and Trout Lake. The slides were taken between 1981-1985 and show school classrooms, community buildings, people and scenery around the communities.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment (1992-present)This accession consists of records from the Language Bureau library. Most of the records were created by ECE and its predecessors, the Department of Education and the Department of Culture and Communications, but the accession also includes records created by the Department of Information, the Department of Justice, and various workshops and literacy programs hosted or coordinated by ECE and its predecessors. Records include reports on bilingual education, the curriculum from the Inuit perspective, interpreting in the NWT Courts, and literacy and language projects, including the Dene Standardization Project, the Arviat Language Research Project, and the Rae-Edzo Literacy Project; an operational review of the Language Bureau; curriculum guides, teacher’s manuals, kits and posters for K-12 language teaching, including the Dene Kede curriculum and other materials in Inuktitut, Gwich’in, North Slavey, South Slavey, Dogrib (Tłı̨chǫ), Chipewyan, and Cree; a classroom assistant training manual; the Language Bureau’s newsletter, Dene Yati; teacher’s and student’s manuals for the Language Bureau’s Cree Language Program; a syllabus for teaching Dene languages literacy; audio cassettes and a course outline from a North Slavey course produced by Arctic College; training manuals, terminology lists, and program review materials from the Interpreter/Translator Program; Chipewyan and Dogrib (Tłı̨chǫ) language lessons from the Teacher Education Program; and training materials for legal interpreters.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Language BureauRecords include photographs of school-oriented subjects such as classroom settings, school openings and events, awards presentations, and graduating classes dating from the 1980s and 1990s. Photographs also relate to departmental programs such as Arctic College, literacy programs, and special needs programs. The photographs are mainly of Yellowknife but also include photographs of school environments in Sachs Harbour, Fort Liard, and Fort McPherson.
Records date from 1992-2006, and consist of government publications, including department reports and curriculum materials. These include a curriculum guide for a French-second-language program, "stay in school" handbook and comic, a cultural places report, early childhood development initiative, framework, and action plan, reports on inclusive schooling, a NWT job resource guide, and strategic planning reports for the department.
Records include educational programs. Some programs in this accession were produced in partnership with local media coporations, including YK Films and PIDO Productions.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Information Networks divisionRecords include funding agreements and other material related to student assistance programs, including the Northern Student Education Initiative, University/College Entrance Preparation Program, and Canada Millennium Bursaries.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Income Security divisionRecords include ministerial and Deputy Minister's chronos and meeting materials from the Education Leadership Council.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. DirectorateRecords include correspondence and drafts related to amendments to the Social Assistance Regulations, regulations under the Archives Act, and the Public Colleges Act, as well as an agreement between the Department of Education and the Northern Arts and Cultural Centre regarding the NACC facilities within Sir John Franklin High School.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Policy and Planning divisionRecords include ministerial chronos and a file from the Residential Schools Interagency Committee.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. DirectorateSome of the records were created by the Department of Education. Records include program evaluation reports, strategic plans, annual reports, reports on research and workshops held by the department, and other departmental publications.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Planning, Research and Evaluation divisionRecords include a funding agreement for the University/College Entrance Preparation program and amendments to the Social Assistance Regulations.
Northwest Territories. Department of Education, Culture and Employment. Income Security division